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Chapter 2 – The World Today Section 4 – “ Growing Interdependence”

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1 Chapter 2 – The World Today Section 4 – “ Growing Interdependence”

2 Crucial Point Interdependence – Mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources, & knowledge from other parts of the world Gov’ts around the world have begun to realize that they must work together to find solutions to global problems

3 International & Regional Organizations 1945  51nations signed the United Nations charter Members promised to preserve world peace & to cooperate in solving social & economic problems Currently there are 192 members of the UN  shows they recognize the interdependence of today’s world Click to watch video

4 International & Regional Organizations Many UN programs help the Third World Nations  World Health Organization   Food & Agriculture Organization   International Monetary Fund   emergency food and other aid   world peace 

5 International & Regional Organizations The UN & regional organizations support development projects to help people in poorer nations  the groups that promote regional cooperation include:  Organization of American States & Organization of African Unity share common interests  Private groups help the people in poorer nations on the local level  Grameen Bank

6 Issues of Global Concern Some third world nations escape poverty while others are caught in it Refugees  Immigrants in the U.S. usually come from poverty, war stricken, or harsh gov’ts (third world nations) Floods of refugees into developed nations is a concern for the rich & the poor nations  When they arrive, most live in temporary camps set up by the UN or private aid groups

7 Issues of Global Concern Drug Trade  Poverty & underdevelopment contribute to the illegal drug trade  Poor farmers  coca  Cooperation b/t the buying & producing drug countries

8 Issues of Global Concern Terrorism  acts of violence to achieve their political goals  Often driven by extreme political or religious causes  US War on Terrorism 

9 Issues of Global Concern The Environment  Pollution: responsibility of all countries Western nations  vehicles, factories Third World Nations  Industrialization  Tropical rain forest destruction 

10 Issues of Global Concern The Global Economy  Events in one region can affect economic markets a world away  many nations are linked economically  9/11

11 Issues of Global Concern Human Rights  1975  Helsinki Agreement – states the freedom of speech, religion, & the press are basic human rights Right to a fair trial, to earn a living, & to live in safety from attack Signed by 35 nations Pressure to change their ways 

12 Issues of Global Concern Technology & the Future  Use science & technology to solve global problems   Causes cultural change

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