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Obesity The Growing Norm By Blaine Senior Salt Lake Community College PSY General Psychology / PSY Human Growth & Development Spring 2013.

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1 Obesity The Growing Norm By Blaine Senior Salt Lake Community College PSY- 1010 General Psychology / PSY- 1100 Human Growth & Development Spring 2013

2 Obesity The Growing Norm ● A third of American adults are overweight. ● Another third are obese. ● Combined, 68.8 percent of U. S. adults are either overweight or obese” (Chou, 2012).

3 The American Occupational Therapist Association ● The AOTA Journal strongly suggests that families in low-income areas are very likely to have obese children. ● Studies show that some reasons may be a lack of accessibility to safe parks, and financially affordable team sport activities. ● The journal also stresses the importance of nutritional foods, and proper healthy diet practices.

4 Daily Psychological Humiliation ● People with obesity face continual struggles in every facet of life. ● The humiliation of not fitting into airplane or public transport seats and spilling out and into someone else’s space. ● Diabetes and heart disease are quite common, as well as hypertension.

5 The American Psychological Association ● The APA tells us that obesity is frequently accompanied by depression. ● Studies show women are slightly vulnerable to the obesity-depression cycle then men. “ ● In one study, obesity in women was associated with a 37% increase in major depression. ● There is also a strong relationship between women with a high BMI and more frequent thoughts of suicide.

6 Body Mass Index ● BMI stands for body mass index. ● The way we tend to define obesity is an assessment of using a system called BMI. ● BMI is looked at as the weight in kilograms, then that number is divided by a square of height in meters.


8 The Prognosis and New Discoveries ● In 1994 a Rockefeller University researcher discovered a hormone called leptin ● The study found that a deficiency in leptin causes obesity. ● It was found that leptin was produced by fat cells which is essential in producing metabolic hormones. ● obesity in general starts with unhealthy diet and living practices. ● This involves the number of calories taken in, and how much exercise a person gets. ● The disease itself strongly affects a person’s metabolism as well as one’s immune system.

9 Conclusion We ask ourselves if there will ever be a cure for obesity. Until scientists and doctors advance in their research and they discover a better way to control the chemical imbalances in the body, diet and exercise remain to be the best medicine.

10 Works Cited Mind/Body Health: Obesity. (n.d.). American Psychological Association (APA). Retrieved April 21, 2013, from Chou, J. (2012, May 08). Pbs. Retrieved from Dillon, E. (2006). Obesity. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press. Flegal, K. M., & Ogden, C. L. (2012). Food research and action center. Retrieved from Nakaya, A. C. (2006). Obesity, opposing viewpoints. farmingtonhills: Greenhaven Pr. Pearsall, J. (2012). Music. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

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