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The Direction of SP services for Older People Tim Othen (SP Regional Co-ordinator) Ann Hughes (SP Lead Officer Cornwall)

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Presentation on theme: "The Direction of SP services for Older People Tim Othen (SP Regional Co-ordinator) Ann Hughes (SP Lead Officer Cornwall)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Direction of SP services for Older People Tim Othen (SP Regional Co-ordinator) Ann Hughes (SP Lead Officer Cornwall)

2 Supporting People in the South West  15 SW Authorities  Mix of Urban and Rural  Supporting People South West Regional Implementation Group (SWRIG)  Links to HC, RPF, GOSW, Foundations, NOMS, SITRA, NHF  More details on  (Click on “Regional SP” on left hand menu, then South West)

3 Challenges for the Sector  Ageing population 2004 - Over 65’s constituted 16% of population By 2031 this is projected to rise to 23% The proportion of people over 85 is expected to more than double in the same period  Limitation of housing options  Local Area Agreements  Budget restraints – more quality, less money

4 REDUCING BUDGETS  Since 2003/4 SW Total SP Grant reduced by an average of 7.2% (not taking inflation into account)  Including inflation (based on increase in Retail Price Index (RPI)) the average reduction is 19.9%  In both cases, the reduction is greater than National Average by just over 2%

5 Sheltered Housing  Some modernisation required  Peripatetic wardens  More outreach work  Open up communal space to wider community  Some decommissioning where re-modelling is not possible  Re-modelling to extra care  Clarification of Warden role  Sure start for later life service model

6 What does a warden do? Cook Cook Counsellor Counsellor Nurse Nurse Punch bag Punch bag Home help Home help Postman Postman Public servant Public servant Advocate Advocate Benefits expert Benefits expert Probation Officer Probation Officer Complaints service Complaints service Father Christmas Father Christmas Adopted son/daughter Adopted son/daughter Social Worker Social Worker Electrician Electrician Organiser Organiser Advisor Advisor Plumber Plumber Referee Referee Listener Listener Family Support Worker Family Support Worker Prop Prop Shopper Shopper Judge Judge Cleaner Cleaner Door keeper Door keeper

7 EXTRA CARE  Cross-agency integrated approach  Reduces number of unsuitable referrals to residential care  Allows independent living but with onsite support available  Development of virtual Extra Care

8 Part of a wider support network  Increase in Floating Support services  Reaching people in rural communities  More adaptations – Telecare, HIA, Community Alarms  More individualised support  A need to separate Housing Management and HRS costs

9 Focus on the Individual  More choice for the individual  Pooling of resources from different funding streams  Individual Budgets  Direct Payments – “Excellent” Authorities no longer require a DP Care package in place to access SP money in this way

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