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6 Key Nutrients. Carbohydrates  45-65% of diet  Simple : sugar from nature or “refined” by adding sugar into food like candy, cake and soda  Empty.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Key Nutrients. Carbohydrates  45-65% of diet  Simple : sugar from nature or “refined” by adding sugar into food like candy, cake and soda  Empty."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Key Nutrients

2 Carbohydrates  45-65% of diet  Simple : sugar from nature or “refined” by adding sugar into food like candy, cake and soda  Empty calories – calories that don’t add nutrients to body. Sugar, Fat, and Salt.  Glucose : single-unit sugar, what your body uses for energy  Sucrose: double sugar (table sugar) from sugar beets or sugar cane  Fructose: found in fruit and honey  Lactose: found in milk products

3 Simple Carbohydrates  America’s Sweet Tooth:  {pounds of sugar eaten per person per year}  1800.......................10  1895.......................63  1915.......................95  1935.....................115  1955.....................119  1976.....................125  1990.....................140  2002.....................158 for most people who want to lose weight, if they just limited their sugar intake, they would lose all the weight they needed to lose...

4 Simple Carbohydrates A 20 ounce Sunkist orange pop has 325 calories and 88 grams of sugar Sobe Nirvana has 300 calories and 72 grams of sugar A Venti Caramel Frappuccino has 500 calories and 68 grams of sugar Say you’re supposed to eat 1700-2000 calories per day, these drinks are about ¼ of your total calories!!

5 Carbohydrates  Complex : made of many good sugars  Found in : plants – vegetables, potatoes, legumes, beans, peas, grains, rice, corn, wheat

6 Carbohydrates  Fiber : complex carb, provides little energy, and cannot be digested  Keeps intestines healthy, prevents constipation, and can prevent colon and heart diseases  vegetables, oatmeal, apples, beans, fruit, grains, wheat bran, corn, and brown rice  25 grams a day

7 Does anyone know how many calories they should eat?  We will figure it next, but you  need to know your height and how much you weigh…Students get height and weight.  Please take shoes off when getting height and weight to be more accurate.

8 CALORIES YOU SHOULD EAT PER DAY 6 : 1. Estimated BMR:current wt______ x 10 (boys x 11) = Box 1 2. Activity Level: x _______ (choose.3,.5, or.7) = Box 2 3. Take Box 1_______ + Box 2_______ = ___________ (multiply by 0.1) = Box 3 0. 3 (light activity) 0.5 (moderately active) 0.7 (very active/sports)

9 4. Take Box 1 _______ + Box 2 _______ + Box 3 _______ 5.= TOTAL CALORIES PER DAY TO MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT 6. OPTIONAL: to lose wt.- 500 PER DAY TO LOSE 1 LB. PER WEEK, (or 1,000 for 2 lb.) to gain wt. + 500 to gain 1 lb. PER WEEK total girls - don't have your total greater than 2800 boys - don't have your total greater than 3800

10 Height and Weight Chart

11 Fats  25-35 % of diet  adds texture, aroma and flavor to food.  Fat is an essential nutrient but when eaten too much it becomes a secondary problem.  Too many fats can increase your risk of weight gain, heart disease, and cancer.  Fats belong to the chemical compound called lipids.  They are fatty and oily and do not dissolve in water

12 Fats 1. Saturated (animal)  Solid at room temperature and come from animal product like milk and meat.  Empty Calories  Cholesterol – lipids that circulate in your blood (our bodies make this and we get it from diet)  LDL – bad cholesterol  HDL – good cholesterol

13 Fats 2. Unsaturated (plant).  Liquid at room temperature and come from plants: olive/canola/peanut/corn/ soybean oil 3. TRANS FAT -> Fat + hydrogen “very bad”  Vegetable oils are processed into margarine and shortening  “Partially hydrogenated oil”

14 Proteins  10-30% of diet  Helps build and repair body cells.  Protein is made up of amino acids - there are 9 essential amino acids the MUST come from diet  Complete: Animal products have all 9 essential amino acids – meat, eggs, fish, dairy  Incomplete: Plant products only have some essential amino acids – beans, grains, vegetables  Combine plant foods to make a complete protein: beans and rice, PB&J sandwich

15 Vitamins - Minerals-Water  Vitamins - do not provide energy, but are needed by the body  A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin, C  Minerals - needed in small amounts to maintain good health  Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Fluoride, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc  Sodium (salt)- only 500 mg or ¼ tsp a day is all that is needed. DO NOT exceed 2,400 mg or 1 ¼ tsp a day  Can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure  Water - 60% of body is water and is necessary for daily functions  8 glasses a day. Or until urine is a light yellow color  Everything we eat is made up of the 6 nutrients!

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