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Performance Reporting Catherine Swaile, Service Development Manager- Performance and Information.

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1 Performance Reporting Catherine Swaile, Service Development Manager- Performance and Information

2 Performance Targets National Indicators for Local Authorities and Local Authority Partnerships –188 Indicators within the National Indicator set –Of these 188 Indicators 40 have been chosen to form the Local Area Agreement –JCT contribute to a number of these both directly and indirectly

3 LAA Targets JCPB directly contributes to: NI 7: Environment for a thriving third sector NI 40: Number of drug users recorded as being in effective treatment NI 125: Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation/ intermediate care NI 135: Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s service, or advice and information

4 Commissioning for Quality & Innovation 0.5% of Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation NHS Trust budget attached to quality measures chosen in conjunction with service users and carers Indicators relate to four outcomes for service users and carers

5 OutcomeLay IndicatorTechnical DefinitionPrimary Data Source Service Users are supported to have as much control as possible of their care planning 1. Rate of service users who feel their care plan reflects their choices 1. % of service users responding who agree their care plan reflects their choices Having Your Say (HYS) questionnaire 2. Rate of service users who felt supported to fully participate in the care planning process 2. % of service users responding who say they felt supported to fully participate in the care planning process HYS questionnaire 3. Rate of service users who felt the right people were involved in review meetings 3. % of service users responding who felt the right people were involved at their latest review meeting HYS questionnaire Carers being valued and fully involved as partners in care 4. Rate of carers feeling valued as partners in the care planning process 4. % of carers responding who say they feel valued as partners in the care planning process Carer section of HYS questionnaire 5. Number of carers receiving a copy of the Service User’s care plan (with the Service User’s consent) 5. % of carers responding who received a copy of the person they care for’s care plan (with their consent) Carer section of HYS 6. Rate of carers feeling they have participated fully in review meetings 6. % of carers responding feeling they have participated fully in latest review meeting Carer section of HYS questionnaire

6 OutcomeLay IndicatorTechnical DefinitionPrimary Data Source Service users having the most positive experience possible of inpatient care that supports their recovery and helps them to move on 7. Rate of service users leaving the acute inpatient setting in better health 7. % of acute inpatients with lower HoNOS scores on discharge than on admission HONOS 8. Level of service user satisfaction with inpatient experience 8.1.% of service users responding (all inpatient settings)who felt they were treated with dignity and respect 8.2. % of services users responding (all inpatient settings)who felt there were enough meaningful activities for them to do HYS questionnaire 9.The quality level of the inpatient environment 9.1 Year on year improvement in overall PEAT scores (average of scores for environment food and privacy and dignity) 9.2 Rating given to inpatient environment by service users PEAT scores (annual) HYS questionnaire 10. Rate of service users who felt informed and involved in decision making 10. % of services users responding who felt informed and involved in decision making HYS questionnaire

7 OutcomeLay IndicatorTechnical DefinitionPrimary Data Source Carers feeling respected, supported, actively involved and well informed both personally and in the care and recovery of the cared for person 11. Rate of Carers feeling they have been treated with dignity & respect 11. % of carers responding who felt they have been treated with dignity and respect Carer section of HYS survey 12. Rate of Carers involved in care planning 12. % of registered carers attending last Service User care review meeting Data from Carenotes 13. Quality level of information and support packs 13.1.% of carers responding who had received carers’ pack 13.2.% of carers responding who were satisfied by the support and information available in the packs Carer section of HYS People having an informed choice and timely access to a range of effective psychological therapies that promote recovery and meet their individual needs 14. Range of psychological therapies available 14. % of service users who wanted psychological therapy who received what they wanted HYS questionnaire 15. Waiting times for psychological therapies 15.Waiting times from referral to treatment by steps in both primary and secondary care For primary care –IAPT data For secondary care – HYS questionnaire 16. Service user satisfaction level16.% of people receiving psychological therapy who found it helpful For primary care – IAPT data For secondary care - HYS questionnaire 17. Rate of people who experience improved wellbeing 17.% of people for whom IAPT scores or CORE scores are completed who show improved mental health at end of treatment For primary care – IAPT data. For secondary care – CORE data.

8 Drug & Alcohol Targets MeasureReported toTarget 2009/10 Numbers of Heroin and Crack users in Effective Treatment NTA & HCC / PCT & ACS1669 Drug Intervention Programme numbers commencing treatment Government office/HCCN/A Alcohol Detox waiting timesNDTMS/PCT & ACSSix Weeks Drug Rehabilitation Requirement Commencements Probation service / HCC/PCT180

9 WAMH Targets IndicatorTarget 09/10Position at end of Q2End of Year Projection Early Intervention in Psychosis- New Cases 150 New cases a year 450 Caseload 99 new cases 443 caseload 198 new cases Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment 1636 new episodes of HT1018 episodes of Home Treatment 2036 episodes of Home Treatment 7 Day Follow up100% of all admissions (DH expectation) 97.95%97% Assertive Outreach330 unique Service Users342 unique Service Users 342 unique SU

10 MHSOP Targets Indicator Description Reported to / on behalf of Target for year Assessment Waiting TimesCQC/ ACS 84% asessed within 4 weeks % Receiving provision of all services in a care package within 4 weeks of completion of assessment. (PAF D56)CQC/ ACS95% Equipment Delivered to Service Users within 7 days.CQC / ACS90% Direct Payments to Mental Health Service UsersCQCACS37

11 Learning Disability Targets Number of people with Individual Budgets Annual Target: 1008 Number of people who meet DH campus definition who have moved to community settings Annual Target: 13 Number of new housing and support places developed Annual Target: 40

12 Proposed JCPB Reporting Framework All targets, workstreams, projects and service development and will be related to an outcome Each outcome will be reported on quarterly to JCPB highlighting areas for escalation More detailed project reports will go to SCGs and JCG for scrutiny

13 Quarterly SCG Reporting Format

14 Quarterly JCPB Reporting Format

15 Sample Outcomes OutcomesSource Improved quality of life CQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say & Towards the Best Together Making a positive contributionCQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say Increased choice and controlCQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say Freedom from discrimination and harassmentCQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say Economic wellbeingCQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say Maintaining personal dignity and respectCQC (Formerly CSCI) & Our Health, Our Care, Our Say Prevention and early interventionNew Horizons, Towards the Best Together High quality healthcarePCT Strategic Plan Keeping Hertfordshire healthyPCT Strategic Plan Enhancing the patient experiencePCT Strategic Plan, Towards the Best Together Keeping people safe Recovery Providing integrated servicesTowards the Best Together World Class Commissioning & effective use of resources Reducing health inequalitiesTowards the Best Together

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