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: Target Audience: Small Business: Size: 1-50 employees Roles: Business Decision Makers Business Owner Non-IT Office Manager, IT Manager Outsourced IT.

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Presentation on theme: ": Target Audience: Small Business: Size: 1-50 employees Roles: Business Decision Makers Business Owner Non-IT Office Manager, IT Manager Outsourced IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 : Target Audience: Small Business: Size: 1-50 employees Roles: Business Decision Makers Business Owner Non-IT Office Manager, IT Manager Outsourced IT IT Admin Conversation Guide: <Partner to fill in conversation starting questions appropriate for your solution and audience. Examples below focus on Office 365 features and benefits. Are you currently running any workloads on Azure? Do you spend a lot of time managing your infrastructure? Do you have security and/or compliance requirements? Are they keeping you from moving to a public cloud? Do you have a backup, disaster recovery, or storage solution? Are you running your own data center? Would you like to be able to focus on your core competencies instead? Do you want to get out of the business of supporting your own IT infrastructure? Built on Azure: Get a solution built on an open and flexible Microsoft cloud platform that provides 99.95% uptime, enterprise-grade security, and can get you up and running quickly and easily. Economics: Since is built on Azure, you can reduce IT expenditures by eliminating infrastructure purchase and maintenance costs. You’ll pay only for what you use and benefit from economies of scale. Security: The Azure infrastructure implements a number of technologies and processes to keep your data secure through encrypted communications, as well as threat management and mitigation practices. Protect your Data: Microsoft uses the highest grade protection for your data. With data centers around the world, you can choose to have your data reside in a designed geography and Microsoft won’t load balance your data into other geographies. Time to Market: Because your application is hosted in the cloud, you will not have to wait on IT to provision hardware, so you will be up and running much faster than traditional on-premises solutions.

2 : Objections: We are concerned about security, privacy, and compliance issues with moving critical functions to the public cloud. Answer: In most cases, the security, privacy, and compliance standards meet, and usually exceed, existing on-premises or data center IT environments. With the Microsoft Azure solution, you get the most advanced enterprise-class security capabilities available. Is Microsoft Azure built to work only with other Microsoft applications and tools? Answer: Microsoft Azure is designed to work with both Microsoft and non- Microsoft technologies. The service supports Representational State Transfer (REST), SOAP, and XML protocols and most development languages, including PHP and Ruby. The experience of working with Microsoft products and development tools is a smooth one. In addition, Microsoft will support development on other platforms and programming languages and will invest in a strong development ecosystem for its service platform. Why Partner: <Partner to fill in their differentiators (can be pulled from your messaging framework) Will the Azure data centers be up when they’re needed? Answer: Like every other cloud provider, Azure has had outages. For most organizations, the availability of Azure data centers will be at least as good as their own. Microsoft’s guaranteed uptime is 99.9%. Plus, you can take advantage of the cloud’s redundancy to be even more reliable than your existing data center or on-premises infrastructure. Answer: Discussion Checklist: Security and compliance requirements Backup, disaster recovery, and storage solutions Resources: Promo Offer:

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