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Cultural Responsiveness in Afterschool Programs: People, Practices, Policies Out-of-School Time Professional Development Day For Iowa’s Afterschool Leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Responsiveness in Afterschool Programs: People, Practices, Policies Out-of-School Time Professional Development Day For Iowa’s Afterschool Leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Responsiveness in Afterschool Programs: People, Practices, Policies Out-of-School Time Professional Development Day For Iowa’s Afterschool Leaders September 22, 2016 Modern Woodmen Park 209 S. Gaines St, Davenport, IA Rhonda Calderon Iowa Afterschool Alliance

2 By participating in this session, you will be able to: Describe the concept of cultural responsiveness. Identify ways students can benefit from culturally responsive afterschool programs. Apply a continuum of cultural proficiency to practically examine your afterschool program. Identify at least one way you will model the way for cultural proficiency in your afterschool program.

3 Your name Your program Your role Cultural communities served by your program


5 Culture is (Merriam Webster) a set of learned behaviors, traditions, beliefs, and a way of life created by a group of people.

6 Elements of Culture Values and beliefs Communication patterns Social relationships Diet and food preparation Dress and other body decorations Religion, religious practices Family structure

7 “The goal of cultural proficiency inquiry is viewing change as an ‘inside-out’ process in which one becomes aware of unintended or unconscious decisions, actions, and attitudes that impede the learning of children and youth, and then systematically dismantle the barriers, replacing them with culturally proficient policies, practices, and behaviors.” ( Cross, Bazron, Dennis, & Isaacs, 1989)

8 LISTEN to understand TALK to connect PLAN to have a positive impact

9 Cultural Proficiency Continuum (National Center for Cultural Competence 2004) Cultural Destructiveness Cultural Incapacity Cultural Blindness Cultural Pre- competence Cultural Competence Cultural Proficiency

10 Cultural Destructiveness Attitudes, policies, structures, and practices within a system or organization that are destructive to a cultural group. Cultural Incapacity Lack of capacity of a system or organization to respond effectively to the needs, interests and preferences of culturally and linguistically diverse groups.

11 Cultural Proficiency Continuum (National Center for Cultural Competence 2004) Cultural Destructiveness Cultural Incapacity Cultural Blindness Cultural Pre- competence Cultural Competence Cultural Proficiency

12 Cultural Blindness An expressed philosophy of viewing and treating people the same. Cultural Pre-competence A level of awareness within systems or organizations of their strengths and areas for growth to respond effectively to culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

13 Cultural Proficiency Continuum (National Center for Cultural Competence 2004) Cultural Destructiveness Cultural Incapacity Cultural Blindness Cultural Pre- competence Cultural Competence Cultural Proficiency

14 Cultural Competence (Martin & Vaughn 2010) Four components: 1)awareness of one’s own culture 2)positive attitude towards cultural differences 3)knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews 4)cross-cultural skills The ability to respond in effective, affirming ways that acknowledge culture

15 Cultural Proficiency Systems and organizations hold culture in high esteem and use this as a foundation to guide all of their endeavors.

16 Cultural Responsiveness The ability to learn from and relate respectfully with people of your own culture as well as those from other cultures. National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCREST)

17 Cultural Proficiency Continuum National Center for Cultural Competence (2004)

18 Culturally Competent Afterschool Programs can... Bridge the learning gap Decrease discipline disproportionality Improve attendance Create trust & belonging Better serve the whole child Look for: Gay, Cross, Lindsey, Emdin

19 PEOPLE POLICIESPRACTICES Staff Administrators Community Partners Students Families Enrichment activities Curricula Pedagogy Communications Discipline Snacks & Meals Staffing strategies Cultural holidays Discipline & behavior Management Dress & hair codes Health & mental health care

20 Let’s talk! Rhonda Calderon (515) 237-0324 (515) 865-7185

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