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Define problem & goal Research Imagine Possible solutions Choose a solution Create and test prototype Improve Click on a “slice” of the Engineering Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Define problem & goal Research Imagine Possible solutions Choose a solution Create and test prototype Improve Click on a “slice” of the Engineering Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Define problem & goal Research Imagine Possible solutions Choose a solution Create and test prototype Improve Click on a “slice” of the Engineering Design Process cycle to learn more about its parts

2 1. What is engineering? 2. List some example design challenges. 2 Pre-Lesson Quiz

3 1. What is engineering? Engineering is using science and mathematics to solve problems that improve the world around us. For instance, engineers design skateboards, traffic lights, power plants, airplanes, computers, phones, roller coasters, spacecraft, games, materials, skyscrapers, chemicals, medicines, replacement body parts, etc. 2. List some example design challenges. Possible answers are unlimited! Examples: designing more energy-efficient cars, bridges to get across rivers, alarm clocks to wake us up, and even software, trips and events! 3 Pre-Lesson Quiz Answers

4 In our modern world, challenges are everywhere! How can we waste less? How can we harness solar energy and other renewable energy more effectively? How can we design energy-efficient (green) houses? How can we build smarter and safer cars and trains... better roads and bridges? How do we design better biomedical devices to improve diagnosis and human health? How do we understand the functioning of our brains? These are big ideas that engineers and scientists work on to help improve the world we live in. Today we will learn more about engineering and the “design cycle” and then finish with a design challenge for you 4 What Is Engineering? And Design?

5 Engineering is using science and mathematics to solve problems to improve the world around us. In the process, engineers also apply their economic, social and practical knowledge. 5 What Is Engineering? Many different fields of engineering exist…  Watch this 5-minute “What Is Engineering?” video: /watch?v=bipTWWHya8A

6 Engineer A person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of a system or machine. Needs to be well versed in language arts, as well as math and science Engineering Fields MechanicalAerospace ElectricalNuclear ChemicalCivil BiomedicalComputer

7 7 Example Engineering Disciplines

8 8 More

9 9 Example Engineering Disciplines More

10 Let’s go through the different disciplines of engineering using a website for K-12 developed by the American Society for Engineering Education Click on a flashcard  for an engineering discipline you want to explore, and it provides you with details. The website also has many fascinating videos explaining engineering. The next three slides provide more details about the various disciplines.  10 What Are Engineering Disciplines?

11 Grand Challenges for Engineers These are the biggest challenges that face engineers of the future: 11

12 Innovation vs. Invention Invention A device or process originated after study and experiment Innovation A new improvement to an existing device or process Invention Innovations Invention Innovations Image taken from: Image taken from:

13 Design challenges are not limited to engineering, but can also be found in other fields. Artists, architects, interior designers, clothing designers, etc., are all “designing” products and solutions for us! So, they are also engaged in the design process! So, what is design? Design can be loosely stated as the art of creating something that does not exist. Such a creation can be in the mind, too. For instance, you can “design a story” by thinking about the story plot, the characters you want to use in the tale, how long you want it to be, and who you want to be reading it. Let’s first consider engineering design, and then you will perform a non-engineering design activity. 13 What Is Design?

14 A series of steps that engineers use to guide them as they solve problems. It is cyclical and can begin at any step, or move back and forth between steps. (1) (1)

15 Define problem and goal Consider: – What do you want to accomplish? – What are the requirements (criteria)? – Are there any limitations (constraints)? – Who is the customer? Identify and describe the issue/problem and the ultimate objective

16 Research Gather information and investigate existing technologies related to the problem Talk to individuals who share this problem and could benefit from possible solutions Image taken from:

17 Imagine possible solutions Brainstorm to generate ideas/solutions Be creative and build upon the ideas of others. Explore and compare many possible designs within your group. Be open-minded! Image taken from:

18 Choose a solution What materials and tools are needed? Consider environmental, cultural, time, and financial issues and constraints. Select the most feasible idea, draw a diagram of the idea and assign team tasks. Image taken from: Image taken from: $$$ Best

19 Create & test prototype Build a protoype – Protoype - an operating version of a solution. It is often made with different materials (cheaper and easier to work with) than the final version. They allow you to test your solution and supply feedback. Test the prototype Talk about what works, what doesn’t, and what could work better Push yourself and the group for creativity, imagination, and excellence in design.

20 Refine and Improve Share results and continue to seek how your team could make the solution better or improve your product Iterate your design to make the product the best it can be. – Iterate - to repeat an already completed task to incorporate new information Image taken from:

21 21  Remember, the concept of design is not limited to engineering and can be applied to other life problems.  Let’s consider an example non-engineering design problem by challenging you to design a picnic!  Examples of Engineering Design Source: Engineering is Elementary, Main SubjectDesign ChallengeMain Engineering Type electricitydesigning alarm circuitselectrical astronomydesigning parachutesaerospace solids & liquidsimproving a play dough processchemical insectsdesigning hand pollinatorsagricultural human bodydesigning knee bracesbiomedical landformsevaluating a landscapegeotechnical lightdesigning lighting systemsoptical energy & heatdesigning solar ovensrenewable energy waterdesigning water filtersenvironmental

22 design: Loosely stated, the art of creating something that does not exist. engineering: The use of science and mathematics to solve problems to improve the world around us. engineering design process: A series of steps used by engineering teams to guide them as they develop new solutions, products or systems. The process is cyclical and may begin at, and return to, any step. 22 Vocabulary

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