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PEIMS Leavers Federal and State Compliance 2016 – 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "PEIMS Leavers Federal and State Compliance 2016 – 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 PEIMS Leavers Federal and State Compliance 2016 – 2017

2 Agenda - PEIMS Leavers Training Objectives Introduction Lesson 1: PEIMS Leaver Coding – Pablo Martinez Lesson 2: Leaver Documentation – Veda Winfree Lesson 3: Preparing for a TEA Audit or FSC Review – Veda Winfree Resources 2

3 Participants will learn about PEIMS Leaver coding, including changes and updates from the Texas Education Agency. This training also includes information to help schools prepare for a TEA audit or Federal and State Compliance manual records review. Training Objectives 3

4 Introduction 4 Federal and State Compliance Leavers are students served by the district in grades 7-12 during the prior school year and who do not enroll in the district during the school-start window of the current year (from the first day of school through the last Friday in September). TEA requires HISD to submit leaver records for these students. HISD is not required to report leavers and movers who were in grades EE-6 during the prior school year, unless a student was reported for even 1 day in grades 7-12 then later reclassified to 6th grade. What are Leavers?

5 Introduction Movers are students enrolled in grades 7-12 during the prior year but who are not enrolled on your campus in the current year during the school start window, due to: Moved to another Texas PUBLIC School Moved to another HISD school (local code 88) Moved to another Texas Public School (local code 80) HISD Requires verification for code 80s Verification may include: Records requests (TREx), PID/PET (establishes local movers), Leaver Information form and other supporting documentation in leaver folder What are Movers?

6 Dropout (L98) Enrolled in grades 7-12 during the prior year Student who: 6 Does not return to a HISD school the following fall within the school start window; or Enrolls after the school start window; or TEA is not able to verify a reentry into another TX public school system; or Did not receive a GED certificate by August 31; or Is attending college for less than 9 credit hours per semester

7 Exclusions from the Dropout and Completion Rate Calculations House Bill (HB) 5, 83rd Legislative Session, defined certain exclusions that the agency must make when calculating dropout and completion rates for state accreditation and state performance ratings. The exclusions are: Students previously reported as dropouts, re-enrolls and dropout again. Students not eligible for state funding; Court-ordered GEDs, not earned; Incarcerated as adults in state jails or federal penitentiaries; and Students whose initial enrollment in U.S. schools was in grades 7-12 as unschooled refugees and asylees. 7Federal and State Compliance

8 The School Start Window begins on the first instructional day and ends the last Friday in September. A student must enroll and attend school during the school start window to avoid being counted as a leaver and possible dropout. School Start Window 8 NOTE Seniors who have completed course requirements but who have not graduated due to missing portions of the state exit-level assessment, MAY enroll during the school start window with ADA code of zero (0) if the student received a service through HISD. The date of enrollment should reflect the date the student received the service from a professional school staff member.

9 Qualified Services for Seniors with ADA Code “0” 9 Registering students for testing and providing test preparation materials Meeting with counselors/a dministrators to review testing dates Meeting with the registrar to review student’s transcripts Scheduling student for remediation classes less than 120 minutes per day

10 Other Terminology: 10 Person Identification Database (PID) search: A PID search is a tool to locate a student. It’s not proof that the student is attending a Texas Public school. In situations where no other documentation is available, a search of the PET/PID file may be used to determine if the student might be enrolled in another district or charter school in Texas. There should be a follow-up call to the district / charter indicated by the PET/PID search. Written documentation of the phone call would be the audit documentation. PID Enrollment Tracking (PET) process: Designed as an extension to PID. Offers an efficient way to dynamically track public school student enrollments and withdrawals. PEIMS, not PET, is the official data submission for determining a subsequent student enrollment in another Texas public or charter school. Districts will be sending PET files to TEA on a weekly basis, beginning the third week after school begins. Campuses must check and correct PET files weekly for the rest of the year.

11 Schools should continue to… through the FALL PEIMS resubmission date Federal and State Compliance Guidelines 11 Locate students, Request and receive information and documentation about leavers and movers (including dropouts), Change leaver codes if applicable (Use the Leaver Code Change Form)

12 A leaver record is generated to PEIMS only from the last HISD school the student attended. Generally, once a student attends another school, your campus is no longer accountable for him/her. –Special notes/exceptions: Attribution 12 When is a leaver record generated? Exception if new school is DAEP or JJAEP If he/she was your dropout at the end of the School Start Window, he is still your dropout. Review your Edit+ Campus of Accountability roster (Fall and Summer PEIMS)

13 Attribution 13 8 th grade students who finish the prior school year (SY) at the middle school, but are no-shows at the high school, are attributed to the middle school. Middle Schools should have a procedure at the end of the school year to identify students who will attend a different school or will move out of state, in order to obtain appropriate leaver status information before the start of the new year. Who is accountable for 8 th grade students who finish the prior school year at the middle school, but are no shows at the high school? 8 th grade students who were promoted during the previous year to 9 th grade while in a DAEP or JJAEP, are attributed to the high school. Who is accountable for 8 th grade students who were promoted during the previous year while in a DAEP or JJAEP?

14 Reports Available for Summer PEIMS Chancery Reports  H_Accountable Campus Audit  H_WD88  H_Withdrawn Student Demographics  H_Active Student Demographic Report TSDS PEIMS Reports Reports Available for Fall PEIMS Chancery Reports:  H Leave Management COA  H Leave Management Detail  8 th gr to 9 th gr Student Movement  H No Show Roster (Not to be used to research dropouts)  TSDS FALL PEIMS Reports PEIMS and Chancery Reports 14 Federal and State Compliance

15 15 Dropout Recovery 101: Who am I looking for?

16 Lesson 1: Leaver Coding In this lesson, you will learn about important timelines and campus responsibilities in the leaver coding process. 16 Federal and State Compliance

17 Important Timelines 17 School Start Window Last Friday in September Snapshot (no relation to leavers ) Last Friday in October Presumed Under- Reported Students list* (Students who were reported to PEIMS in the fall or summer of the previous year, but not reported anywhere during current year) The week before the winter break if TEA has it available. Fall Collection Resubmission January 19, 2017

18 Campus Roles and Responsibilities Schools are responsible for: 18 Submitting current, complete, and accurate leaver data. 1 Correcting all errors found during the Fall PEIMS submission on or before the due dates set by Federal and State Compliance. 2

19 APPENDIX D Leaver records are not submitted for students who enroll in other Texas public school districts or charters and students who obtain GED certificates at Texas examination sites by August 31. Students who move to other Texas public school districts are considered movers, not leavers. Documentation as described in Appendix D is not required for movers; districts may wish to develop local policy on documentation for movers. The Person Identification Database (PID) Enrollment Tracking (PET) may be used to establish tentative local documentation that students are movers. The final determination of whether students are movers will be made by TEA. 19

20 APPENDIX D Changing LEAVER-REASON-CODES Once a district meets the documentation standard that supports the leaver reason code used, the district is not required to obtain additional information on the student. Local policy will determine if an existing leaver reason code is updated for a student when additional information is received. The policy should be clearly stated in the district's published guidelines on leaver procedures. For example, if a district assigned LEAVER-REASON-CODE 60 student withdrew from/left school for home schooling for a student and later received a request for transcript information from a private school for the same student, the district may change the LEAVER-REASON-CODE to 81 enroll in a Texas private school but is not obligated to. 20

21 PEIMS Leaver reason codes L01 – Graduated from a high school in this district. L03 – Died. L16 – Returned to home country. L24 – Entered college early to pursue degree. L60 – Withdrew for home schooling. L66 – Removed by Child Protective Services. L78 – Expelled for criminal behavior under the provisions of TECa §37.007 and cannot return. L81 – Left for Texas private school. L82 – Left for public or private school out of state. L83 – Withdrawn by district because student was not entitled to enrollment in the district. L85 – Graduated outside TX before entering a TX public school, entered a TX public school, and left again. L86 – Completed GED outside TX. L87 – Enrolled in a authorized Texas Tech Univ. High School Diploma program or UT-Austin High School Diploma program. L88 – Ordered by a court to attend a GED program and has not earned a GED certificate. L89 – Incarcerated in a state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult and as a person certified to stand trial as an adult. L90 – Graduated from another state under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. L98 – Other. Leavers with this leaver reason code are counted as dropouts for state accountability purposes: code L98. Leavers with this leaver reason code are counted as dropouts for federal accountability purposes: codes L88, L89, and L98. 21 Federal and State Compliance

22 L01 – Graduated Met all graduation requirements –Mid-Year (last school year) –End of Last School Year –Summer 22 For Local Coding, use graduation codes found on Chancery. For Chancery Coding, use HISD approved graduation dates. Enter Codes BEFORE the PEIMS Resubmission, or the student record may generate a DROPOUT. Coding Folder is not required for a graduate. Note: Registrars are to keep graduate documentation in accordance with HISD guidelines. Copy (not original) of Transcript showing: Sufficient credits, successful completion of State assessment (indicate testing dates), graduation seal, school official signature, and date of completion. Documentation

23 L03 – Died Died while enrolled in school or during the summer break after completing prior school year 23 Statement from Parent or Guardian, or Copy of Death Certificate or obituary, or Program from the funeral or memorial service, or Written documentation of an oral statement by a parent or guardian stating that the student has died, and Exit Information/Leaver Code Assignment form, signed and dated by designated school administrator Documentation

24 L16 – Return to Home Country Student who is leaving the United States (with or without family members and returning to their home country) Foreign exchange student returning to home country Citizenship not relevant 24 Signed Document, dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, or student’s host family, and designated school administrator(i.e. withdrawal form) Specify the destination (city and country) Documentation of oral statement by adult neighbor or other adult (landlord, employer, family member, etc); Signed and dated by a school administrator Documentation

25 L24 – College, Pursue Degree Student enrolled full time in college (at least 9 semester credit hours per semester) towards an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree or enrolled in a dual credit program at TX Academy of Math and Science at the University of North Texas, The Texas Academy of Leadership in Humanities at Lamar University, The Texas Academy of Math and Science at UT at Brownsville, or Texas Academy of international Studies at Texas A & M International University 25 Proof from college of enrollment (transcript, paid receipt, NOT a schedule) A verification letter signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, and designated school administrator Specify the name of the college/university Specify the start date of classes Specify student is enrolled full-time in an academic program Documentation

26 L60 – Home Schooling Schools should not suggest, encourage, or solicit home school enrollment. Parent/Guardian indicates that student will be home schooled at time of withdrawal or when contacted by district. 26 Home School Questionnaire or written statement, signed and dated by parent/guardian, and school administrator Specify the start date of classes Should be multilingual form Note – If documentation indicates that home schooling will be through a company or school, the proper leaver code should be “81” or “82”. Documentation

27 L66 – Removed by Child Protective Services Applicable only for CPS Not applicable for private agencies 27 Due Process documentation/HISD CPS L66 Form Written statement, signed and dated by CPS officer, and designated school administrator (same for oral statement) Specify the CPS officer’s name and contact information Documentation

28 L78 – Expelled, Cannot Return 28 Federal and State Compliance HISD expels to JJAEP with withdrawal code 88 NOT USED IN HISD.

29 L81 – Enroll in TX Private School Student has withdrawn from school and parent/guardian or qualified student indicated at time of withdrawal that the student would be enrolling in a  private school in Texas  Texas Job Corps Diploma Program (Gary Job Corps in San Marcos – ONLY) 29 Need Proof of actual enrollment or Written statement, signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, and designated school administrator Specify the name of school Specify the destination (city) Documentation of oral statement from representative at school in which student is enrolled Records Request from parents/guardians or new school Use comment section in Chancery to specify name of private school the student is attending. Documentation

30 L82 – Enroll in School Outside TX Student withdrawn from school and parent/guardian or qualified student indicated at time of withdrawal that the student would be enrolling in a public or private school outside of Texas 30 Need Proof of actual enrollment or Written statement, signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, or student’s host family, and designated school administrator Specify the destination (city and state) “Attend” school in another state, not “Moved” to another state Documentation of oral statement from representative at school in which student is enrolled Records Request from parents/guardians or new school Documentation

31 L83 - Not a Resident in HISD at Time of Enrollment, Falsified Enrollment, No Proof of Identification, or No Immunization Record 31 Due process documentation supporting the withdrawal (example) Notice to parent to clarify/correct enrollment information with proof of delivery Exit Information/Leaver Code Assignment Form signed and dated by designated school administrator Note: Change ADA code to “4” (ineligible full day) Documentation Used in RARE situations in which enrollment information was falsified or there was a misunderstanding about which school district the student’s residence was located in at the time of enrollment. Proof of identification was not provided Immunization records were not provided within 30 days (excl. boosters). Not to be used to code possible dropouts when students move or cease to attend school. Attendance related issues should be referred to the Attendance Committee.

32 L85 – Graduated outside TX; Returned-Left Again Student who graduated from another state or country before entering Texas Public schools. 32 Federal and State Compliance Transcript: Showing sufficient credits Date, and school official signature and/or Diploma with a graduation seal Documentation

33 L86 - GED outside Texas Student who earned GED certificates:  Outside Texas  Online from organization outside Texas, while living in Texas  Completion date for GEDs outside of Texas is not mentioned in Appendix D 33 Federal and State Compliance Copy of GED certificate or other written document provided by the testing company showing completion of the GED Must include date of GED completion, location, address and contact information of company. Documentation

34 L87 – Enroll in University High School Program Student withdrawn from school and parent/guardian or qualified student indicated at time of withdrawal that the student has enrolled in the State board of Education authorized –Texas Tech University ISD HS Diploma Program or –UT at Austin HS Diploma Program 34 Federal and State Compliance Transcript or Records Request from one of these programs A letter from the High School Diploma Program stating the student is enrolled Documentation

35 L88 - Court ordered GED –not earned Student was ordered by a court to attend a GED program and has not earned a GED certificate 35 Copy of court order Must include name of student, date of order, name of judge and county the judge presides The orders should state that, under Article 45, 054, Code of Criminal Procedure, the court is ordering the student to attend a high school equivalency or GED program or to take a high school equivalency or GED exam. Documentation

36 L89 - Incarcerated in State Jail or Federal Penitentiary as an Adult Student is incarcerated in a state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult or as a person certified to stand trial as an adult. 36 Oral or Written Notification from a law enforcement agency Office of Prosecuting attorney, jail or penitentiary Statement must be signed and dated by an authorized representative. Documentation

37 L90 - Graduated in Another State – Military Graduated from another state under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. –Per TEC 162.002, student lives in the household of an active-duty military serviceperson, transferred into Texas public schools at the beginning of or during his or her senior year, did not meet requirements to graduate from Texas public schools, did meet requirements to graduate from a school in the sending state, and, under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, graduated from a school or district in the sending state. 37 Transcript showing sufficient credits, date, and school official signature, or Diploma with a graduation seal. Documentation

38 80 – Enroll in Other TX Public School (HISD Local code) Student withdrawn from school and parent/guardian or qualified student indicated at time of withdrawal that the student would be enrolling in another public school in Texas 38 Document signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, and designated school administrator Specify the new school or district by name Specify the destination (city) Documentation of oral statement (same as above) Records Request from parents/guardians or new school TREx Request / Records Request from new school PET/PID Search is recommended as a tool only even if you have a records request. If PET indicates enrollment was deleted, contact school to verify enrollment. Documentation

39 88 – Enroll in Other HISD School (HISD Local Code) Student withdrawn from school and parent/guardian or qualified student indicated at time of withdrawal that the student would be enrolling in another HISD school 39 Document, signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, and school district administrator Specify the new school or district by name Specify the new school by name Documentation of oral statement (same as above) Records Request from parents/guardians or new school 10-day Follow-up Required PID/PET search and copy of Chancery Enrollment page may be used as tools only to indicate new school TREx Request / Records Request from new school Documentation

40 L98 – Other (Dropouts) Leavers that do not have a qualified Leaver Code. This includes: Students who have withdrawn to earn GED. Emphasize to student that he/she is expected to earn GED by August 31. –NOTE: TEA will filter all 98s through the GED certificate database. Students with certificates dated before 8/31 will not be counted as a dropout, will remain members of the cohort and do not count as completers. Students who are withdrawn after a period of time because they quit attending school and their reason for leaving is not known. Students who have withdrawn from/left school for reasons not listed in other leaver codes. 40 Exit Information/ Leaver Code Assignment Form or Document signed and dated by parent/guardian, or qualified student, and designated school administrator Documentation of oral statement Efforts to locate student (within 10 days): Dropout Recovery Form Charge parent and/or student under the Compulsory Attendance law: Initiated by your school; Referred to new school district Documentation

41 Changing Leaver Codes 41 Use L98 or Local Codes 80,88 Code 88: Locations within HISD the district, such as JJAEP, 101912320 Code 80: Locations outside of HISD boundaries, such as the Harris County Juvenile Justice Charter School, 101811xxx For students incarcerated in municipal or county jail/detention centers Replace the “No Show” with appropriate PEIMS leaver code. There is no need to change the date in Chancery. Do not add another line. From “No Show” to location now known

42 Presumed Underreported Student List Description This report provides a listing of students who attended or were enrolled in grades 7-12 during the prior school year and assists districts with identifying students for whom a 203 School Leaver record might need to be submitted in the Fall submission. A student listed in the report can be flagged as a Summertime Mover, a Presumed Returned Student, Presumed Leaver, School Year Mover, Prior Texas Graduate, or Texas-GED Recipient. If at least one of these indicators is listed, the student is not presumed under-reported at the point in time the district generates the report. If a student is presumed under-reported (as indicated by an asterisk to the left of the Student ID), none of the indicators is listed at the point in time the district generates the report. The report is grouped by campus and by grade within campus. 42

43 Leaver Documentation Veda Winfree – Sr. Compliance Analyst 43

44 Lesson 2: Leaver Documentation In this lesson, participants will learn about the timelines for establishing leaver reasons and obtaining documentation. 44 Federal and State Compliance

45 Leaver Review Preparation Guide & FAQ 45 1.General information about for FSC reviews and visits 2.Answers to commonly asked documentation questions 3.Important resources 4.Contact information Inside the guide!

46 Timelines for Establishing Leaver Reasons and Obtaining Documentation 46 Students who leave during the school year Leaver reasons apply at the time of withdrawal and documentation should be obtained at that time. Students who fail to return in the fall Leaver reasons apply on the first day of school or its approximation during the school start window. Documentation to support the leaver code can be obtained at any time up until the resubmission date. Withdrawal Documentation shall be considered incomplete without a date, signature(s) and destination. Once a district meets the documentation standard that supports the leaver reason code used, the district is not required to obtain additional information on the student. Specific Leaver Reason codes have their own documentation requirements (Please see Appendix D)

47 Documentation 1.Must be received no later than PEIMS resubmission. 2.Must support assigned leaver code. 3.Detailed information regarding leaver documentation found in Appendix D. 4.Assessed at time received by professional staff conducting the investigation – signed and dated prior to resubmission, if received prior to resubmission. 5.Documentation is incomplete without administrative signatures, dates, leaver code assignments or other appropriate information that is required. 47

48 Documentation 1.Non-Graduates - Leaver Folder for each student who leaves your school Label with full name, ID, and Grade Level (Run Chancery labels) Location agrees with Records Management Plan Available upon request 2.Graduates - Do not prepare leaver folders for FSC reviews or state leaver audits, unless specifically requested by student name. 3.Authentic Documentation in folder - required for all leaver codes Leaver folder for students coded “L98” are to include a completed Dropout Recovery Form and Exit Information / Leaver Code Assignment form. Empty folders are not acceptable. 48

49 Signatures on Documentation All documentation must be signed and dated by a campus administrator. Withdrawal documentation should also be signed by a parent or guardian; responsible adult, or qualified student. Written documentation of oral statements made in person or telephone by the parent/guardian/qualified student is acceptable documentation in some situations if it is dated and signed by a district administrator. Original signatures are not required on withdrawal forms received by fax or e-mail. Requirements 49

50 Exit Information/Leaver Code Assignment Form 50 Exit Information [Top] Is a tool to lead you in the right direction for gaining proper documentation – is NOT definitive proof of enrollment. Leaver Code Assignment [Bottom] Must be signed and dated by a designated school administrator. Required for all leaver codes, except Graduates. Exit Information [Top] Is a tool to lead you in the right direction for gaining proper documentation – is NOT definitive proof of enrollment. Leaver Code Assignment [Bottom] Must be signed and dated by a designated school administrator. Required for all leaver codes, except Graduates.

51 51 Leaver Code Change Form Use this form when there is a leaver code change. Do not use to form to indicate a change from “Left” or “No Show” to a leaver code. “Left” and “No Show” ARE NOT leaver codes. Use this form when there is a leaver code change. Do not use to form to indicate a change from “Left” or “No Show” to a leaver code. “Left” and “No Show” ARE NOT leaver codes.

52 52 Leaver Code 66 CPS Form CPS Caseworkers or campus PEIMS professionals can complete, sign and date this form for L66 CPS withdrawals. Note: This form is required if the school DOES NOT receive official CPS documentation (example, Form 2085). CPS Caseworkers or campus PEIMS professionals can complete, sign and date this form for L66 CPS withdrawals. Note: This form is required if the school DOES NOT receive official CPS documentation (example, Form 2085). Updated for 2015-2016

53 53 Home School Questionnaire Parent/ guardian can complete, sign and date this form for student(s) enrolled in home school (L60). All sections must be completed. Students (adult or non adult) cannot complete this form. This form is only required if the school DOES NOT receive a written statement from the student’s parent/guardian. Parent/ guardian can complete, sign and date this form for student(s) enrolled in home school (L60). All sections must be completed. Students (adult or non adult) cannot complete this form. This form is only required if the school DOES NOT receive a written statement from the student’s parent/guardian.

54 54 Oral Statement Form Use to document student whereabouts per requirements in TEA Appendix D. This form is typically used as supporting documentation for L16. Use to document student whereabouts per requirements in TEA Appendix D. This form is typically used as supporting documentation for L16.

55 Lesson 3: Preparing for a TEA Audit or FSC Review In this lesson, you will learn how to prepare student leaver folders for a Texas Education Agency (TEA) audit or FSC review. 55

56 1.Campus PEIMS Program Contacts 2.TEA Appendix D 3.School’s Leaver Roster 4.Other documentation that may be requested during audit: Dropout Recovery and Intervention Planning Team records Principals’ Guide to Leaver Coding, Dropout Recovery, and Dropout Prevention Information regarding court referrals for dropouts Primary Documentation that may be Requested During an Audit 56

57 Audit/Review of student leaver folders 57 PEIMS Edit+ Leaver Roster (previous school year) Chancery Leave Management Reports Edit+ Presumed Under-Reported Students roster (available in December) List of students to be audited likely will come from: Appropriate documentation to support assigned leaver code: Exit Information/Leaver Code Assignment Form Authentic Documentation matching Appendix D criteria Dropout Recovery form in each dropout (code “98”) folder Original documents and signatures (ink only), except where faxes/e-mails are appropriate Leaver folder for every student: who withdrew last year and was a no-show this year or did not enroll within the school start window Maintained by the Campus PEIMS Contact professional Requirements:

58 Falsification of Leaver Records 58 Falsification of student leaver records is a FELONY offense in Texas. Intentionally and knowingly falsifying leaver records may lead to disciplinary action and up to prosecution ALL signatures on campus leaver documentation must be ORIGINAL. The parent, guardian, or qualified student signature must match the original signature on file. Administrative signatures and dates on forms must be original. Campus staff must document ACTUAL STATEMENTS from parents/ guardians or qualified students. Statements should not be paraphrased or reworded to change the intent or meaning.

59 TEA, Federal and State Compliance, Resources 59 Federal and State Compliance Several resources are available to help schools accurately code student leavers and maintain appropriate documentation:

60 60 Contact Information Data / Attendance Team Pablo Martinez - Senior Compliance Analyst - 713-556-6760 Senior Student Information Representative Mildred Evans713-556 - Rosemary Fuentes713-556 - Toni King713-556 - Patricia Marshall713-556 - Cynthia Morales713-556 - Elizabeth Salazar713-556 - Lisa Shannon713-556 - Angela Tillmon713-556 - Jennica Vasquez713-556 - Tamika Whitmire713-556 -

61 Contact Information Compliance Monitoring Team Senior Compliance Analysts Veda Winfree, Cathleen Freeman, Latonya Smith, Natasha Hogan, 61

62 62 Federal and State Compliance Questions?

63 Thank you 2015-2016 Federal and State Compliance PEIMS Leavers

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