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Leaving Certificate Biology Plus Chapter 1 The scientific method.

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1 Leaving Certificate Biology Plus Chapter 1 The scientific method

2 Science is the study of the physical, material and living world. Biology is the study of living things.

3 The scientific method is based on: Making observations Forming a hypothesis Carrying out experiments Recording the results Forming a conclusion Discarding, changing or accepting the hypothesis based on the conclusions.

4 A hypothesis is an educated guess based on observations. An experiment is a test for a hypothesis. Data is the information gathered in experiments. A theory is an explanation based on repeated hypotheses and experimentation.

5 A principle or law arises from a theory when it is seen always to be true under all conditions over a long period of time. The link between experiments and the scientific method.

6 Experiments are based on: Careful planning and design Safe procedures Establishing a control (or comparison) which differs in only one variable from the real experiment Fair procedures such as: o Large sample size o Random selection o Reporting experiments publicly so they can be replicated o Double blind testing.

7 A replicate is when an experiment is repeated. The value of the scientific method is limited by issues such as: Lack of basic knowledge Design of the experiment Difficulty in interpreting results Changes in nature Accidental discoveries. Ethics refers to whether issues are right or wrong.

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