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REFORMATION QUIZ. Question 1  Why were people unhappy with the Catholic Church in the 1500s?

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2 Question 1  Why were people unhappy with the Catholic Church in the 1500s?

3 Question 2 Explain ONE of the following terms:  Simony  Nepotism  Pluralism  Absenteeism

4 Question 3  Give ONE reason for the great religious change during the Reformation.

5 Question 4 What is a sale of indulgence? 1. Paying money for more than one job at a time 2. Paying money so your soul will go straight to heaven 3. Buying a job for your relative

6 Question 5

7 Question 6  Luther believed that only faith in God would allow a person to go to heaven and that doing good deeds and praying did not help you get into heaven. What is this belief called?

8 Question 7  Give ONE difference between Luther’s beliefs and the Catholic church.

9 Question 8 What happened at the Diet of Worms? 1. Luther was declared a genius and Germany became protestant 2. Luther was declared a heretic and an outlaw 3. Luther presented his ideas to the pope

10 Question 9 Explain ONE of the following terms:  Papal bull  Heretic  Excommunication  Transubstantiation

11 Question 10  Name ONE religious reformer that you have studies and give ONE of his beliefs.

12 Question 1  Who was given the title ‘Defender of the Faith’ by the pope?

13 Question 2  Why did religion in England change from Catholic to Protestant?

14 Question 3 Explain ONE of the following:  Act of Supremacy  Bloody Mary  Elizabeth Tudor  Anne Boleyn

15 Question 4 What was the Inquisition? 1. A special court to help people find partners 2. A special court to try people accused of disagreeing with the Catholic Church 3. A special court to try people accused of disagreeing with the Lutheran Church

16 Question 5 What religious order did Ignatius Loyola found?

17 Question 6 What was the counter reformation? 1. An attempt by the Protestant Religion to get more members 2. An attempt by the Pope to control his bishops 3. An attempt by the Catholic religion to change and stop the spread of Protestantism

18 Question 7  What is a San Benito?

19 Question 8 What was the Council of Trent? 1. A meeting of cardinals & bishops to reform the Catholic Church 2. A meeting of the pope and bishops to change the Catholic Church 3. A meeting of Protestant bishops to improve the protestant church.

20 Question 9  Give ONE decision of the Council of Trent

21 Question 10  Give ONE effect of the Reformation on Europe.

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