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Spanish Missions in Texas Texas. Vocabulary Warm Up For the next 5 minutes, independently draw a line to match the vocabulary word on your notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Missions in Texas Texas. Vocabulary Warm Up For the next 5 minutes, independently draw a line to match the vocabulary word on your notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Missions in Texas Texas

2 Vocabulary Warm Up For the next 5 minutes, independently draw a line to match the vocabulary word on your notes

3 Vocabulary Mission- Religious communities established by Spanish Catholics to convert Indians. Presidio- military outpost (fort). Friar- Member of a religious community of men living vows to maintain a life devoted to serving God. Priest- Ordained minister of a church (ex: a Catholic minister/ ‘Father’). Catholic- Only accepted religion for the Spanish during the exploration and colonization periods.

4 Mission Religious communities established by Spanish Catholics to convert the Indians.

5 religionSpanish colonizing Only accepted religion for the Spanish during the exploration and colonizing periods. Catholic

6 Priest- O OO Ordained minister of a church (ex: Catholic minister/ ‘Father’).

7 religious community life Friar- Member of a religious community of men living under vows to maintain a life devoted to God.

8 military base Presidio- military base (fort)

9 KWL Chart What do you know about the city of San Antonio?


11 Population 1,400,000 + Coastal Plains



14 “The best site in the world, with good & abundant irrigation water, rich lands for pasture, plentiful building stone, and excellent timber.”

15 San Antonio (est. 1718) June 13The city was named for St. Anthony, whose feast day is on June 13, when a Spanish expedition stopped in the area.

16 1718








24 Fort St. Louis La Salle explored the Mississippi River La Salle explored the Mississippi River First French settlement built in Texas 1685-1688 First French settlement built in Texas 1685-1688

25 Pineda maps Gulf Coast (Claims area) 1519 1685 1 st Spanish mission built in West Texas: Yselta French (La Salle) make claim to Texas 1682 1690 1 st Spanish Mission built in E. Texas: San Francisco de los Tejas

26 CAUSE French built Ft. St. Louis to establish France’s claim to T TT Texas EFFECT Catholic Spanish build missions to protect area from the French & bring Catholic religion & Spanish culture to the Indians


28 A few important Spanish Missions in Texas Ysleta (Corpus Christi de la Ysleta) San Francisco de los Tejas San Antonio de Valero La Bahia

29 Corpus Christi de la Isleta (Ysleta) 1 st Mission built in West Texas (1682); Built for the Tigua Indians near present day El Paso 1 st Mission built in West Texas (1682); Built for the Tigua Indians near present day El Paso

30 1 st Mission in East Texas; Built for Tejas Indians (1690) by Fray (Father) Damian Massanet and Alonso de Leon, a Spanish governor.1 st Mission in East Texas; Built for Tejas Indians (1690) by Fray (Father) Damian Massanet and Alonso de Leon, a Spanish governor. San Francisco de los Tejas

31 San Antonio de Valero Governor of TexasGovernor of Texas Founder of San Antonio 1718Founder of San Antonio in 1718 Helped build San Antonio de ValeroHelped build San Antonio de Valero

32 Presidio & mission near Goliad. Presidio & mission near Goliad. ( This becomes the site of the Goliad massacre where James Fannin & his troops are executed by Mexican forces.) ( This becomes the site of the Goliad massacre where James Fannin & his troops are executed by Mexican forces.) La Bahia

33 SPANISH INFLUENCE IN TX Architecture Architecture Art Art Food Food Language Language Music Music Vocabulary Vocabulary Place Names Place Names Celebrations/Activities Celebrations/Activities

34 SPANISH INFLUENCE IN TX Place Names Place Names Uvalde Matagorda Bay C o r p u s C h r i s t i LanguageLanguage lasso mosquito pancho San Jacinto Amarillo El Paso

35 SPANISH INFLUENCE Celebrations/Activities

36 Architecture Architecture SpanishTile TILE FLOORS WOODEN CEILING BEAMS


38 Why Spanish Missions Failed Many Indians were not interested in changing their ways….disease too Lack of money from Spain.


40 Antonio Margil de Jesus priestSpanish Franciscan priest East TexasFounded several missions in East Texas. -Nuestra Senora de los Dolores -San Miguel de los Adaes Franciscans- Friars; people who adhere to the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi. Also applies to members who adhere to the Roman Catholic Church.

41 Antonio Margil de Jesus Moved to San Antonio & founded San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo. Most successful missionary

42 Jose de Escandon Military commander for Spain. GovernorGovernor of Nuevo Santander.

43 Led Spain’s expansion efforts in South Texas. Founded over 20 towns & missions along the Rio Grande. Father of the Lower Rio Grande Valley”Known as the “Father of the Lower Rio Grande Valley” Jose de Escandon

44 Fray Damian Massanet Convinced the Viceroy of New Spain to colonize East Texas & try to convert the Caddoes to Catholicism. 1690 sent with Alonso De Leon, other priest & soldiers to build a mission.

45 San Francisco de los Tejas.Helped build San Francisco de los Tejas. Immediate results- many missions established Lasting result- all missions he established failed. San Francisco de los Tejas Fray Damian Massanet

46 Father Francisco Hidalgo Priest at the Mission San Francisco de los Tejas.Priest at the Mission San Francisco de los Tejas. San Francisco de los Tejas

47 Tried to work with French priest to provide religious services to the local natives when Spanish priests weren’t available. Caused the Spanish to be suspicious of possible French colonization. Francisco Hidalgo Father Francisco Hidalgo

48 More to come later…

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