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Reformation and Counter Reformation The skinny on this subject.

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1 Reformation and Counter Reformation The skinny on this subject

2 What was the Reformation? It was a rebellion/protest against the teachings of the Catholic Church in the 1500s. Many people left the Catholic Church, and new Christian denominations were formed.

3 How the Renaissance created the Reformation? Human potential (Humanism) and education were emphasized. Johannes Guttenberg invented the Printing Press. One very popular book that became much more widely read was the Bible.

4 Catholic Church Problems Leading to the Reformation Popes and other clergy were not necessarily pious figures. Many priests who delivered sermons were not that well educated and sometimes really didn’t know what they were preaching. The church was exploiting the poor and ignorant by the sale of relics and indulgences.

5 Martin Luther Ninety-Five Theses (1500s) –He believed faith alone was required for salvation, not faith and good deeds, as thought by the Catholic Church. –He believed the sale of indulgences (release from sin) was wrong. The Catholic Church had been selling release from sin! –Founded the Lutheran Church.

6 John Calvin While Luther was in what is now Germany, Calvin was in Switzerland. His brand of Protestantism is Calvinism. He generally agreed with Luther, except on the concept of predestination, which he championed. Predestination – Before you live your life, God has determined if you are destined for heaven or hell.

7 Henry VIII and the Reformation Henry VIII opened the door for Protestantism in England, because he was mad at the Pope. The Pope would not annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (because her family was oh so important). Henry broke England away from the Catholic Church, created the Anglican Church, and gave himself an annulment.

8 Henry’s Legacy As king, Henry’s son, Edward, supported Protestants, but he didn’t live long. Henry’s daughter Mary inherited the throne next, was Catholic, and persecuted Protestants (hence the name “Bloody Mary). The throne finally landed on their half sister, Elizabeth I, who ruled England for decades and strongly supported Protestants.

9 Counter Reformation A.K.A. Catholic Reformation The Catholic Church wanted to get its members back, so they employed several strategies to improve themselves, regain, members, and win new ones.

10 Council of Trent The council of Catholic Church leaders began meeting in 1545 and met for 18 years. They evaluated all of their policies, and decided they would not compromise with the Protestants. The only thing of consequence they decided to change was to stop selling indulgences.

11 Jesuits (Society of Jesus) It was founded by the Spanish nobleman Ignatius of Loyola. The Jesuits were missionaries who tried to convince people to return to the Catholic Church. They also accompanied explorers to the “New World,” converting many natives to Catholicism.

12 Inquisitions They were something pretty horrible. Catholic courts tried countless Protestants as heretics and executed many of them. These same courts of Inquisition tried accused Jews for Jewry and burned them at the stake.

13 Peace of Augsburg Within the Holy Roman Empire (what is now mostly Germany) there was so much fighting over religion that the Emperor agreed to the Peace of Augsburg (1555). Rulers within the Holy Roman Empire were then each able to choose what type of Christianity their subjects would practice.

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