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Computer Graphics Implementation II
Polygon Filling Antialiasing Clipping Scan-line Conversion Approaches
Area Filling Approaches Antialiasing Clipping
Polygon Filling Scan-line Conversion Area Filling
Vertex-edge representation Pixel set representation
Polygon Filling Vertex-edge representation Pixel set representation P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Scan-line Conversion P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Check pixel by pixel
How to judge a point inside or outside a polygon?
Shoot a radial from the point to intersect with the polygon edges; if there are odd number of intersection points, the point is inside the polygon; if even number, outside. Odd point: the intersection point is polygon’s vertex (special case).
Scan-line Conversion P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Improved (limit the pixel sets into the bounding box of the polygon for speeding up)
Scan-line polygon-fill algorithm
Scan-line Conversion Scan-line polygon-fill algorithm Taking full advantage of the coherence properties of pixels Three coherence properties Area coherence Scan-line coherence Edge coherence
Area Coherence The screen region between two scan-lines is partitioned into some trapezoids by the polygon. (1) Two types of trapezoid: the one inside the polygon and the one outside polygon. (2) The two types of trapezoids are arranged alternately.
Scan-line Coherence Suppose the intersection points of scan-line y=e and polygon edge ei (Pi-1Pi) is xei. Suppose the intersection points sequence arranged by the x-increase is xei1, xei2, xei3 … xein. According to area coherence, we can get: n is even number On the scan-line, only the segments (xeik, xeik+1), k=1,3,5,…n–1) are inside the polygon. Scan-line coherence is the reflection of area coherence on a scan-line.
Edge coherence is the reflection of area coherence on edges.
Suppose the intersection point sequence on y=e is xei1, xei2, …xein; point sequence on y=e-1 is xdi1, xdi2, … xdin. If edge er(Pr-1Pr) intersects with both y=e and y=e-1; the corresponding points xer and xdr have following relationship: xer = xdr + 1/mr Thus, we can calculate the intersection points on y=e from the points on y=e-1 Edge coherence is the reflection of area coherence on edges. Mr is the slope of edge er.
Polygon Filling Scan-line Conversion Area Filling
Area Filling Area Filling: To start from a given interior position (seed) and paint outward from this point until we encounter the specified boundary conditions. The “area” should be identified with its interior color or boundary color. Colorate all the interior pixels to a specified color Colorate all the boundary pixels to the boundary color We can display an unfilled polygon by rasterizing its edges into the frame buffer using Bresenham’s algorithm. Suppose that we have only two colors: a background color and a foreground, or drawing, color. We can use the foreground color to rasterize the edges. If we can find an initial point (x,y) inside the polygon-a seed point- then we can look at its neighbors recursively, coloring them with the foreground color if they are not edge points.
种子填充 4-connected Neighbourhood 8-connected Neighbourhood
Two kinds of connectivity 4-connected Neighbourhood 8-connected Neighbourhood When filling, it is done with one seed and extended to its neighbors. So there is problem about connectivity.
4-connected area and 8-connected area
4-connected area: Giving any two interior points A and B, we can travel from A to B by the 4-directions moving: right, left, up and down moving. To filling the 4-connected area, we only need to test its 4-direction neighbors 4-connected area 8-connected area
4-connected area and 8-connected area
The boundary of 8-connected area must be 4-connected The boundary of 4-connected area is 8-connected
Recursive Method for Filling a 4-connected Area
The area is identified by the boundary color void AreaFill4(int x, int y, int fillCol, int boundaryCol) { int currentCol = getPixel(x,y); if( (currentCol != boundaryCol)&& (currentCol != fillCol)) { setPixel(x, y, fillCol); AreaFill4(x, y+1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill4(x, y-1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill4(x-1, y, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill4(x+1, y, fillCol, boundaryCol); }
Recursive Method for Filling a 4-connected Area
The area is identified by the interior color. Called flood-fill algorithm void FloodFill4(int x, int y, int fillCol, int interiorCol) { int currentCol = getPixel(x,y); if( currentCol == interiorCol ) { setPixel(x, y, fillCol); FloodFill4(x, y+1, fillCol, interiorCol); FloodFill4(x, y-1, fillCol, interiorCol); FloodFill4(x-1, y, fillCol, interiorCol); FloodFill4(x+1, y, fillCol, interiorCol); }
Recursive Method for Filling a 4-connected Area
J C B K P Its filling order is up, down, left and then right.
Recursive Method for Filling a 4-connected Area
Left pixel to 3 is the last one to be filled.
How to expand the algorithm for 4 –connected area to the algorithm for 8-connect area?
void AreaFill8(int x, int y, int fillCol, int boundaryCol) {
int currentCol = getPixel(x,y); if((currentCol != boundaryCol) && (currentCol != fillCol)) { setPixel(x, y, fillCol); AreaFill8(x, y+1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x, y-1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x-1, y, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x+1, y, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x+1, y+1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x+1, y-1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x-1, y+1, fillCol, boundaryCol); AreaFill8(x-1, y-1, fillCol, boundaryCol); } The recursive algorithm is not very good in time and space consuming. There are some other improved methods for Area Filling, such as the scan-line algorithm.
Comparison Between Scan-line Conversion (A) and Area Filling (B)
Basic idea: A changes the edge list representation into lattice representation. It uses the coherences of polygons. B does not change the representation of the area, but the color. It uses the connectivity of area. The requirements: For area filling, a seed point inside the area is needed. Boundary: For A, the number of the intersection points of each scan line with edges should be even. For B, the boundary of 4-connected area is closed 8-connected area and the boundary of 8-connected area is closed 4-connected area.
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics Antialiasing Methods
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics
What’s aliasing? The distortion of information due to low-frequency sampling ( undersampling ) is called aliasing
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics --- Jagged Boundaries
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 x y Rasterized line segments and edges of polygons often look jagged
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics --- Shape Distortion
Slim Primitives are lost
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics --- Sparking
The slim primitive sparks when it is moved
Aliasing Problems of Raster Graphics Antialiasing Methods
Adopting area-sampling instead of point-sampling
Antialiasing Methods Adopting area-sampling instead of point-sampling Supersampling
Using transitional color scales on the edges
Area-sampling Using transitional color scales on the edges
Using Transitional Color Scales on the Edges
For example, it paritally covers many pixel-sized boxes. It is our scan-conversion algorithm that forces us, for lines of slope less than 1, to choose exactly one pixel value for each value of x. if instead, we shade each box by the color scale with percentage of the ideal line that crosses it, we get the smoother-appearing image.
Exact area-sampling is time-consuming
Some approximate algorithms are always used Wu’s algorithm for drawing antialiasing lines Pitteway and Watkinson’s algorithm for drawing antialiasing polygons
Supersampling for Antialiasing
Hardware method: adopting high resolution raster display Software method: sampling objects at a high resolution and displaying the results at a lower resolution High resolution sampling: partition each pixel as several sub-pixels, such as the 3*3 partition. Then compute color for all the sub-pixels Low resolution display: compute the pixel’s color by adding up all its sub-pixels’ color with a weighting mask
Supersampling for Antialiasing
B H F D I G C A 4 2 1 Weight mask for the 3*3 partition 3*3 partition Pixel color = (ColA + 2*ColB + ColC + 2*ColD + 4*ColE + 2*ColF + ColG + 2*ColH + ColI ) / 16
Supersampling for Antialiasing
3 2 6 4 8 9 1 12 16 Weight mask for the 7*7 partition
Clipping 38
Line Clipping Clipping endpoints
xmin < x < xmax and ymin < y < ymax point inside Endpoint analysis for lines: if both endpoints in , do “trivial acceptance” if one endpoint inside, one outside, must clip if both endpoints out, don’t know Brute force clip: solve simultaneous equations using y = mx + b for line and four clip edges slope-intercept formula handles infinite lines only doesn’t handle vertical lines (Xmin , Ymin) (Xmax , Ymax) 39
Parametric Line Formulation For Clipping
Parametric form for line segment X = x0 + t(x1 – x0) < t < 1 Y = y0 + t(y1 – y0) P(t) = P0 + t(P1 – P0) “true,” i.e., interior intersection, if sedge and tline in [0,1] 40
Outcodes for Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping in 2D
Divide plane into 9 regions Compute the sign bit of 4 comparisons between a vertex and an edge ymax – y; y – ymin; xmax – x; x – xmin (>0 “0”; otherwise “1”) point lies inside only if all four sign bits are 0, otherwise exceeds edge 4 bit outcode records results of four bounds tests: “1” First bit: outside halfplane of top edge, above top edge Second bit: outside halfplane of bottom edge, below bottom edge Third bit: outside halfplane of right edge, to right of right edge Fourth bit: outside halfplane of left edge, to left of left edge o1=o2 =0, accept; AND(o1, o2) <>0 (in same side), discard. Clip Rectangle 41
Outcodes for Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping in 3D
Very similar to 2D Divide volume into 27 regions (Picture a Rubik’s cube) 6-bit outcode records results of 6 bounds tests First bit: outside back plane, behind back plane Second bit: outside front plane, in front of front plane Third bit: outside top plane, above top plane Fourth bit: outside bottom plane, below bottom plane Fifth bit: outside right plane, to right of right plane Sixth bit: outside left plane, to left of left plane Top plane (above) (below) Bottom plane (above) (below) Front plane (in front) (behind) Back plane (in front) (behind) Left plane (to left of) (to right of) Right plane (to left of) (to right of) 42
Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm
If we can neither trivially reject/accept, divide and conquer subdivide line into two segments; then T/A or T/R one or both segments: use a clip edge to cut line use outcodes to choose edge that is crossed Edges where the two outcodes differ at that particular bit are crossed pick an order for checking edges top – bottom – right – left compute the intersection point the clip edge fixes either x or y can substitute into the line equation iterate for the newly shortened line “extra” clips may happen (e.g., E-I at H) Clip rectangle D C B A E F G H I 1010 0100 43
Pseudocode for the Cohen- Sutherland Algorithm
y = y0 + slope*(x - x0) and x = x0 + (1/slope)*(y - y0) ComputeOutCode(x0, y0, outcode0) ComputeOutCode(x1, y1, outcode1) repeat check for trivial reject or trivial accept pick the point that is outside the clip rectangle if TOP then x = x0 + (x1 – x0) * (ymax – y0)/(y1 – y0); y = ymax; else if BOTTOM then x = x0 + (x1 – x0) * (ymin – y0)/(y1 – y0); y = ymin; else if RIGHT then y = y0 + (y1 – y0) * (xmax – x0)/(x1 – x0); x = xmax; else if LEFT then y = y0 + (y1 – y0) * (xmin – x0)/(x1 – x0); x = xmin; if (x0, y0 is the outer point) then x0 = x; y0 = y; ComputeOutCode(x0, y0, outcode0) else x1 = x; y1 = y; ComputeOutCode(x1, y1, outcode1) until done 44
Cyrus-Beck/Liang-Barsky Parametric Line Clipping-1
Use parametric line formulation P(t) = P0 + (P1 – P0)t Determine where the line intersects the infinite line formed by each edge by solving for t 4 times. Decide which of these intersections actually occur on the rectangle For any point PEi on edge Ei Ni is the normal vector to the edge Ei 45
C-B/L-B Param. Line Clipping-2
Now solve for the value of t at the intersection of P0 P1 with the edge Ei: Ni • [P(t) – PEi] = 0 First, substitute for P(t): Ni • [P0 + (P1 – P0)t – PEi] = 0 Next, group terms and distribute dot product: Ni • [P0 – PEi] + Ni • [P1 – P0]t = 0 Let D be the vector from P0 to P1 = (P1 – P0), and solve for t: Note that this gives a valid value of t only if the denominator of the expression is nonzero. For this to be true, it must be the case that: Ni 0 (that is, the normal should not be 0; this could occur only as a mistake) D 0 (that is, P1 P0) Ni • D 0 (edge Ei and line D are not parallel; if they are, no intersection). The algorithm checks these conditions. Denominator should not be 0. 46
C-B/L-B Param. Line Clipping-3
Eliminate t’s outside [0,1] on the line (does not to be processed) Which remaining t’s produce interior intersections? Can’t just take the innermost t values! (decide PE and PL) Move from P0 to P1; for a given edge, just before crossing: if Ni • D < Potentially Entering (PE), if Ni • D > Potentially Leaving (PL) Pick inner PE, PL pair: tE for PPE with max t, tL for PPL with min t, and tE > 0, tL < 1. If tL < tE, no intersection (Line 2) 47
Pseudocode for Cyrus-Beck/ Liang-Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm
Pre-calculate Ni and select PEi for each edge; for each line segment to be clipped if P1 = P0 then line is degenerate so clip as a point; else begin tE = 0; tL = 1; for each candidate intersection with a clip edge if Ni • D 0 then {Ignore edges parallel to line} calculate t; {of line and clip edge intersection} use sign of Ni • D to categorize as PE or PL; if PE then tE = max(tE,t); if PL then tL = min(tL,t); end if tE > tL then return nil return P(tE) and P(tL) as true clip intersections 48
Calculations for Parametric Line Clipping Algorithm
D = P1 – P0 = (x1 – x0, y1 – y0) Leave PEi as an arbitrary point on the clip edge; it’s a free variable and drops out Calculations for Parametric Line Clipping Algorithm (x0-x,y0- ymax) (x, ymax) (0,1) top: y = ymax (x0-x,y0- ymin) (x, ymin) (0,-1) bottom: y = ymin (x0- xmax,y0-y) (xmax,y) (1,0) right: x = xmax (x0- xmin,y0-y) (xmin, y) (-1,0) left: x = xmin P0-PEi PEi Normal Ni Clip Edgei 49
Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping
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