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Goal 5 Gender Equality - Gender, Human Trafficking & Migration

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1 Goal 5 Gender Equality - Gender, Human Trafficking & Migration
Panel: Challenges & Opportunities for to achieve the Goal 5 & other SDGs UNDP Social Good Summit Spanish Court Hotel Kingston Dr Leith Dunn September

2 Overview Gender cross cutting in the 17 SDGs
Challenges to gender equality goals; Gender & Human trafficking in Jamaica Opportunities to promote equality & SDGs Gender mainstreaming- integrating gender in all development policies and programmes Gender analysis of data to identify gaps


4 Key messages Gender is a social concept, is learnt though socialisation; results in different roles, responsibilities, power & status ascribed to males & females; results in social, economic, political, environmental inequality. Gender is cross –cutting & impacts all 17 SDGs; Major risks to SDGs :Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, forced labour & domestic servitude

5 Key messages Use Gender mainstreaming – process & strategy to identify development needs & vulnerabilities of all sexes; involves use of data disaggregated by sex & other differences Use Gender analysis of data can guide allocation of resources to promote gender equality for sustainable development Use ICTs to increase awareness, reduce risks & enhance data collection

6 Challenges Goal 1: Poverty – higher rates among single female headed households; young women; rural folks; young unemployed males Goal Health 3: Females: Higher risks of HIV and AIDS; higher burden of care giving (negative impact on jobs, promotions; contributes to gender wage gap Goal 4: Quality Education: fewer females in STEM subjects, high tech ICT jobs & ICT businesses; fewer males in tertiary education (60% f/40% m);

7 Challenges Goal 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
Household workers: est. 50, , 000; 85% f; & Single heads of HH; Most self-employed; low-wages; limited education Few have formal contracts & social protection (NIS); Few unionised: 5,000 of 100,000 est in JHWU; Most vulnerable to occupational safety & health illnesses; Limited opportunities for economic development Opportunities: ratify & implement ILO C189 Decent work for Domestic Workers

8 Human trafficking is a particularly difficult problem to overcome as it is a hidden and difficult to reach population

9 Human Trafficking in Jamaica
Palermo Protocol - Form of modern day slavery; involves: Activity: movement; Means (deception, coercion, violence), Purpose (exploitation) Forms: commercial sexual exploitation; forced labour; domestic servitude; migrant workers vulnerable; child trafficking ; lack of ‘decent work’/exploitation Challenges : Causes: social, gender, economic, political, environmental inequalities Lack of awareness of TIP Limited coordination of relevant data Opportunities: NATFATIP; Research; Database; Communication strategy

10 Opportunities: INCREASE GENDER AWARENESS: Bureau of Gender Affairs; UWI IGDS teaching, policy research, outreach/policy advocacy; UN system; NGOs IMPROVE GENDER & GOVERNANCE: Coherence between CEDAW, National Policy for Gender Equality; PROMOTE GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN GOJ POLICES, PROGRAMMES; GENDER IN NATFATIP prevention, prosecution, protection; partnership programmes Expand scope & improve quality of TIP data collection (data disaggregated by sex in NATFATIP/UNDP Database; Promote ‘joined up government’ approach to TIP; use ICTs to build awareness of TIP risks;

11 Thank you!

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