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Exam-like questions.

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1 Exam-like questions

2 Write the machine code for the following assembly code L0:add $0, $1, $2 sub $3, $3, $1 lw $3, 12($0) beq $3, $0, L1 add $3, $3, $1 sw $3, 0($3) L1:beq $0, $0, L0 Opcode -- add: , sub: , lw: , sw: , beq: Funct -- add: , sub: Remember, labels are relative to PC+4 in a branch instruction

3 (a). Watch the ordering on questions like this

4 The sequence generated is 0,2,2,2,2,2,…

5 Problem (d).

6 Problem (d). Our datapath can do this, and we can fit it into an instruction. Putting this into a pseudo-instruction can be done in 2 instructions. (address calculation, then load)

7 Sample written #1 Design a circuit that has two inputs, clk and X, and produces one output O. X may change every clock cycle, and the change happens at the falling edge. The circuit samples the input at every rising edge of the clock. If the input is 1, consider as read a 1, else read a 0. O is 1 (for one clock cycle, from positive edge to positive edge) if the last three bits read are 110, with 0 as the most recent bit. Draw the state diagram. Close to an arc, show X=1 or X=0 to indicate whether the change of state happens when X=1 or when X=0. Draw the next-state table, and derive the functions for D1 and D0 from the table Simplify functions D1 and D0 Derive the output function O. Draw the circuit See HW6 part 2 for most of this (except drawing circuit)

8 Assume that How fast is Memory access: 200ps ALU and adders: 100 ps
What should the clock be set to, assuming the following timings: Assume that Memory access: 200ps ALU and adders: 100 ps Register file read: 50ps Register file write: 50ps (the clk-to-q delay) PC update: 10ps (the clk-to-q delay) The setup time of DFFs: 10ps Other parts do not have delay What is the critical path? How fast is An R-type instruction? A jmemi instruction?

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