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BULLYING Learning objective PSHE Pupils will consider the effects of bullying and how to manage situations.

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1 BULLYING Learning objective PSHE Pupils will consider the effects of bullying and how to manage situations.


3 AGREE OR DISAGREE Teachers often ignore bullying in their classrooms. Some people bully others because they don’t know it’s wrong. To stand and watch someone being bullied is as bad as doing it yourself. If you tell teachers about bullying it makes things worse. You’ve only got yourself to blame if you’re being bullied. It isn’t bullying if you don’t hit anyone.


5 I’m all alone and I don’t know why At break they sneer and laugh at me in secret huddles At lunch they call me names and throw my books Then they follow me home taunting and teasing until the tears stream down my face In my bedroom I lie secure At last beyond the reach of those who make my life a misery Half happy; half sad Now I’m safe until tomorrow when I must face the torture again I shall remember forever and never forget Monday; my money was taken. Tuesday; names called. Wednesday; my uniform torn. Thursday; my body pouring with blood. Friday; it’s ended. Saturday; freedom. The final diary pages of 13 year old Vijay Singh


7 Tell an adult you trust Tell yourself that you don’t deserve to be bullied Stay with groups of people – there is safety in numbers Try to ignore the bully Try not to show that you are upset Avoid being in places where bullying happens Try being assertive Walk quickly and confidently If in danger get away, do not fight to keep possessions Fighting back may make it worse




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