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By Stacy Nix 1.Definition 2.Who gets bullied 3.Profile of a bully 4.Signs of Bullying 5.Examples of Bullying 6.Impact 7.Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "By Stacy Nix 1.Definition 2.Who gets bullied 3.Profile of a bully 4.Signs of Bullying 5.Examples of Bullying 6.Impact 7.Solutions."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Stacy Nix

3 1.Definition 2.Who gets bullied 3.Profile of a bully 4.Signs of Bullying 5.Examples of Bullying 6.Impact 7.Solutions

4 1.Individual or group of individuals singles out a child and engages to do harm to that child in one form or the other. 2.Target Same Victim 3.Dominates his or her victim

5 1.Those who lack friends 2.Children who seem different from the other children 3. Students who have Trouble commnicating with others 4.Children with Disabilities and Special Needs 5.Those who lack Friends

6 1.Increase social status 2.Feel the need to over power others 3.Makes them feel better about themselves 4.Maybe suffering from hidden depression 5.Does not know how to engage with those who may be a little different 6.Has developed biases/stereotypes of those who are different

7 1.Avoids Being Called on 2.Tries to get out of Social Events 3.Sits by himself at lunchtime or play time 4.Grades start to drop 5.Changes in Attitude/Mood 6.Starts missing more school

8 1.Physical 2.Verbal 3.Covert 4.Cyber Bullying

9 1.Hitting 2.Kicking 3.Tripping 4.Pinching 5.Pushing 6.Spitting 7.Invoking a fight 8.Damaging property

10 1.Name calling 2.Insults 3.Teasing 4.Intimidations 5.Homophobic or racist remarks

11 1.Lying and spreading rumors 2.Negative facial or physical gestures 3.Playing jokes to humiliate someone 4.Unkindly mimicking 5.Encouraging others to socially exclude some one 6.Damaging someone's social reputation or social acceptance

12 1.Mobile phones 2.Social Networking 3.Websites 4.Emails

13 1.Anxiety and Depression 2.Low self-esteem 3.Physical Ailments 4.Poor Grades 5.Drop out of school 6.Additional Victimization 7.Suicide

14 1.Start Early 2.Educate students about Biases 3.Teach diversity and tolerance for others

15 1. Work Together a)Teachers b)Parents c)Councilors d)School Officials 2. Assess the extent of the Bully Problem a)Know the signs 3. Educate your Class on Bullying 4. Set some firm by fair rules with your class a)Include your class’s input

16 1.Confront students who engage in bullying in a firm and fair matter 2.Provide appropriate and consistent consequences for bullying 3.Along with consequences, develop a reward system for good behavior a)Younger student- Prizes b)Older students- Bounus Points

17 Esteem&id=5225000

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