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What is the problem you are trying to solve? Select Target jobs to focus on Professional  Engineer  IT  Other Non-Traditional  Technician  Lineworker.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the problem you are trying to solve? Select Target jobs to focus on Professional  Engineer  IT  Other Non-Traditional  Technician  Lineworker."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the problem you are trying to solve? Select Target jobs to focus on Professional  Engineer  IT  Other Non-Traditional  Technician  Lineworker  Other Describe the Challenge There are  Enough  Not Enough  Don’t know girls and women in the talent pipeline for target jobs There are  Enough  Not Enough  Don’t know women applying for the target jobs There are  Enough  Not Enough  Don’t know women being hired in the target jobs There are  Enough  Not Enough  Don’t know Women being retained in the target jobs

2 Worksheet State the problem For example: There are women and girls in the talent pipeline for engineering jobs, but they are not applying for jobs at my company. Or, I don’t know if there are women and girls in the talent pipeline, or if they are applying for jobs, but they are not being hired.

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4 Identify the Target Demographic Select target demographic to focus on My need is current, so my focus is on  Girls and women who have graduated from the appropriate education pathway  Women who are exiting the Military or women Veterans  Transitioning Women My need is in 1-2 years, so my focus is on  Girls and women at the end of their education pathway  Women who are currently enlisted in the Military or women Veterans in an education pathway  Transitioning Women My need is in 3-5 years, so my focus is on  Girls and women currently in a postsecondary pathway  Girls in high school (for technician positions) My need is in 6-10 years, so my focus is on  Girls in high school (for professional positions)  Girls in middle school (for non-traditional positions)  I do not know what the demand is for the jobs I am focusing on

5 Worksheet Define the demographic you will work with For example: Because I am targeting engineering positions and my need is in 6-10 years, I will focus my efforts on girls in high school Or, Because I am targeting technician positions and my need is in 1-2 years, I will focus my efforts on women currently in the military, women veterans in an education pathway, or women transitioning from other careers or companies. Or, I need to better understand the demand and current pipeline for engineering positions in order to define a specific demographic.

6 Identify Internal Support and Resources Current Support and Resources Executive support for this initiative is  Strong – there are identified champions and an understanding of the needs and requirements  Okay – there are pockets of support  Weak – there is limited executive support  I don’t know The funding for this initiative is  Sufficient  Limited  Dependent on ___________  I don’t know My company has quality data on current benchmarks  The current number of women in the target jobs is known  The demand for the target positions is known  I don’t know My company has quality data on current benchmarks  The current number of women in the target jobs is known  The demand for the target positions is known  I don’t know

7 Worksheet List the internal support and resources available For example: Other Resources – Well established Women in Engineering employee resource group Or, Other Resources – Veteran focused web presence

8 Identify collaborations and partnerships Current Partners Education partners for this initiative are  Known – we have identified secondary and post secondary education partners and have established relationships  Known for secondary  Known for post secondary  Unknown  Not needed Community and other partnerships are  Known – we have identified partners and have established relationships  Unknown  Not needed Internal company partnerships are  Known – we have identified a cross functional team to support the initiative  Unknown  Not needed

9 Worksheet Collaborations and Partnerships Name the specific people or organizations that can help you implement this initiative

10 Describe the initiative scope Scope My initiative is:  Short term – less than 1 year to implementation  Long term – more than 1 year to implementation My initiative will:  Enhance or adapt an existing initiative  Expand an existing initiative  Create a new initiative The purpose of my initiative is:  Build Career Awareness  Build specific skills  Educate  Recruit  Retain The number of girls or women I need to reach is:  Less than 100  100 – 500  500 – 2500  More  I don’t know The work team size is:  1  2-4  5-10  More

11 Worksheet Statement of Scope In one sentence, write a statement of scope By when, who will action verb what For example: By June 2017, the Women and Girls Team will have communicated pathways for engineering careers in energy to 100 girls at the West High School. Or, By September 2017, the Women and Girls team will have conducted 3 sessions of WISE Pathways. Or, By September 2017, the Women and Girls team will have awarded 5 Girls in Energy Scholarships to High School Seniors entering programs of study in Energy Engineering at a partner university.

12 Build a team Who is on the team? How will you communicate? What are the roles and responsibilities of each team member?

13 Worksheet What I need to know Go back through the workbook to identify specific areas where you checked “I don’t know” or unknown and list the critical items.

14 Actions Create actions for before, during and after implementation Actions start with a verb For each action, assign a responsibility and due date

15 Preparation to enter education: Interest to Acceptance into program Education: Enrollment to Completion of credential with Labor Market Value Preparation to enter job market: Preparation to Selection Career in Energy Pathway to Energy Careers Energy and Education Partnerships

16 Create your elevator speech Should be less than two minutes Should be a mini business case – why are you doing this, – what are you doing, – what will it take, – what will you achieve, – what will happen if you don’t do anything?

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