" uses > as a delimiter between records rather than end-of-line -B -y returns only the best match $agrep -B -y -d "\>" CYG FPexcerpt.fta -2 returns results with up to this many mismatches between query and record. Maximum allowed is 8. -l only lists filenames that contain a match -i case-insensitive search Agrep (Approximate grep)"> " uses > as a delimiter between records rather than end-of-line -B -y returns only the best match $agrep -B -y -d "\>" CYG FPexcerpt.fta -2 returns results with up to this many mismatches between query and record. Maximum allowed is 8. -l only lists filenames that contain a match -i case-insensitive search Agrep (Approximate grep)">
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Published byMervyn Carpenter Modified over 8 years ago
Useful shell commands head/tail, cut, sort, uniq Virginie Orgogozo March 2011
Prints out the lines containing the characters Options -c Shows only a count of the results -v Shows only the lines that do not match the pattern. Inverted search. -i ignore case -E Use regular expressions. Terms should be in quotes, use [] to indicate a character range, use [[:space:]] for \s, [[:digit:]] for \d. -n Show line number of the matches Grep
searches for a nearly exact match. Options -d "\>" uses > as a delimiter between records rather than end-of-line -B -y returns only the best match $agrep -B -y -d "\>" CYG FPexcerpt.fta -2 returns results with up to this many mismatches between query and record. Maximum allowed is 8. -l only lists filenames that contain a match -i case-insensitive search Agrep (Approximate grep)
How to write tab or enter characters in the shell? Press Ctrl+V first and then the special character. "Enter" is represented by "^M" How to search for negative numbers with grep ? $grep "\-122" ctd.txt Useful tips
Cut Head/tail Grep Sort Uniq
HEADER LUMINESCENT PROTEIN 05-MAR-04 1SL8 TITLE CALCIUM-LOADED APO-AEQUORIN FROM AEQUOREA VICTORIA COMPND MOL_ID: 1; COMPND 2 MOLECULE: AEQUORIN 1; COMPND 3 CHAIN: A; COMPND 4 ENGINEERED: YES (...) ATOM 1 N ASN A 11 1.700 5.666 56.904 1.00 37.99 N ATOM 2 CA ASN A 11 2.196 7.022 57.369 1.00 37.11 C ATOM 3 C ASN A 11 1.537 7.599 58.630 1.00 36.02 C ATOM 4 O ASN A 11 1.077 8.750 58.596 1.00 34.88 O ATOM 5 CB ASN A 11 2.078 8.057 56.231 1.00 37.18 C ATOM 6 CG ASN A 11 2.982 7.755 55.070 1.00 39.52 C (...) From structure_1sl8.pdb Obtain the number of amino acids ALA 42 (...) ALA 113 ALA 125 ALA 133 ALA 138 ALA 181 ALA 189 ALA 42 ALA 52 ALA 57 ALA 63 ALA 66 ALA 71 ALA 92 ARG 108 ARG 152 ARG 169 ARG 17 ARG 32 ARG 59 ARG 90 ARG 98 ASN 102 ASN 11 ASN 123 (...) Exercice 16 GLU 15 GLY 15 ASP 13 LYS 13 ILE 13 ALA 12 LEU 9 SER 8 VAL 8 ASN 8 ARG 7 TYR 7 THR 7 PHE 6 TRP 6 GLN 5 PRO 5 MET 5 HIS 3 CYS ASN 11 PRO 12 LYS 13 (...) 1 23
HEADER LUMINESCENT PROTEIN 05-MAR-04 1SL8 TITLE CALCIUM-LOADED APO-AEQUORIN FROM AEQUOREA VICTORIA COMPND MOL_ID: 1; COMPND 2 MOLECULE: AEQUORIN 1; COMPND 3 CHAIN: A; COMPND 4 ENGINEERED: YES (...) ATOM 1 N ASN A 11 1.700 5.666 56.904 1.00 37.99 N ATOM 2 CA ASN A 11 2.196 7.022 57.369 1.00 37.11 C ATOM 3 C ASN A 11 1.537 7.599 58.630 1.00 36.02 C ATOM 4 O ASN A 11 1.077 8.750 58.596 1.00 34.88 O ATOM 5 CB ASN A 11 2.078 8.057 56.231 1.00 37.18 C ATOM 6 CG ASN A 11 2.982 7.755 55.070 1.00 39.52 C (...) From structure_1sl8.pdb Obtain the number of amino acids ALA 42 (...) ALA 113 ALA 125 ALA 133 ALA 138 ALA 181 ALA 189 ALA 42 ALA 52 ALA 57 ALA 63 ALA 66 ALA 71 ALA 92 ARG 108 ARG 152 ARG 169 ARG 17 ARG 32 ARG 59 ARG 90 ARG 98 ASN 102 ASN 11 ASN 123 (...) Exercice 16 GLU 15 GLY 15 ASP 13 LYS 13 ILE 13 ALA 12 LEU 9 SER 8 VAL 8 ASN 8 ARG 7 TYR 7 THR 7 PHE 6 TRP 6 GLN 5 PRO 5 MET 5 HIS 3 CYS ASN 11 PRO 12 LYS 13 (...) 1 23 grep " ^ATOM " structure_1sl8.pdb |cut -c 18-21,24-26| sort -u| cut -c 1-3|uniq -c|sort -nr 123123
HEADER LUMINESCENT PROTEIN 05-MAR-04 1SL8 TITLE CALCIUM-LOADED APO-AEQUORIN FROM AEQUOREA VICTORIA COMPND MOL_ID: 1; COMPND 2 MOLECULE: AEQUORIN 1; COMPND 3 CHAIN: A; COMPND 4 ENGINEERED: YES (...) ATOM 1 N ASN A 11 1.700 5.666 56.904 1.00 37.99 N ATOM 2 CA ASN A 11 2.196 7.022 57.369 1.00 37.11 C ATOM 3 C ASN A 11 1.537 7.599 58.630 1.00 36.02 C ATOM 4 O ASN A 11 1.077 8.750 58.596 1.00 34.88 O ATOM 5 CB ASN A 11 2.078 8.057 56.231 1.00 37.18 C ATOM 6 CG ASN A 11 2.982 7.755 55.070 1.00 39.52 C (...) From structure_1sl8.pdb Obtain the number of amino acids ALA 113 ALA 125 ALA 133 ALA 138 ALA 181 ALA 189 ALA 42 ALA 52 ALA 57 ALA 63 ALA 66 ALA 71 ALA 92 ARG 108 ARG 152 ARG 169 ARG 17 ARG 32 ARG 59 ARG 90 ARG 98 ASN 102 ASN 11 ASN 123 (...) Exercice 16 GLU 15 GLY 15 ASP 13 LYS 13 ILE 13 ALA 12 LEU 9 SER 8 VAL 8 ASN 8 ARG 7 TYR 7 THR 7 PHE 6 TRP 6 GLN 5 PRO 5 MET 5 HIS 3 CYS ASN 11 PRO 12 LYS 13 (...) grep " ^ATOM " structure_1sl8.pdb |cut -c 18-21,24-26| sort -u| cut -c 1-3|uniq -c|sort -nr
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