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Why SensAge? University of York 24 th May 2014 Gordon Dryden NCBI1.

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1 Why SensAge? University of York 24 th May 2014 Gordon Dryden NCBI1

2 Why SensAge? The population of Europe is ageing By 2030 it is estimated that nearly one quarter of the population of Europe will be aged 65+ Sight loss is age related. By the age of 65 approximately 10% of the population will have significant sight loss. How many organisations here have a majority of older clients? Gordon Dryden NCBI2

3 Why SensAge? People tend to become increasingly hard of hearing with age Sight loss is closely associated with diabetes The incidence of Arthritis, osteoporosis and heart conditions increases with age All of these conditions tend to impact on mobility and social participation How many organisations are working with clients with multiple conditions? Gordon Dryden NCBI3

4 Why SensAge? A knowledge base gives us access to information about conditions about which we are unfamiliar The information includes good practice guidance that can underpin our training courses The information is in a single location, available without internet trawling Gordon Dryden NCBI4

5 Why SensAge? SensAge also provides a professional network Colleagues with specific areas of expertise are available via email or Skype to provide support and advice, acting as free consultants Conferencing by network members, by Skype or by periodic meetings can progress thinking about a range of shared issues How many organisations would benefit from accessing additional expertise? Gordon Dryden NCBI5

6 Why SensAge? NCBI has about 200 staff That isn’t enough for all specialisms Consultants cost from about €400 per day Financially, I think NCBI benefits enormously from networking with colleagues elsewhere. How many organisations here benefit financially from networking? Gordon Dryden NCBI6

7 Why SensAge? Is it worth continuing with SensAge after the project phase? Gordon Dryden NCBI7

8 Why SensAge? The work is not completed by the project phase. It is a work in progress. The knowledge base needs extending with new material. Its structure needs reviewing to make it intuitively accessible. Gordon Dryden NCBI8

9 Why SensAge? Maintaining and extending the knowledge base requires an organisation to take charge and carry out the work. The cost is estimated to be between 15- 20,000€ Royal Visio has offered to do the work but cannot support the whole cost. Gordon Dryden NCBI9

10 Why SensAge? Direct contact is felt to be valuable by some partners but meetings and conferences need organising. Facilitating a network needs a centre of some kind or it runs the risk of becoming ad hoc and dying out. Who takes responsibility and who bears the cost? Gordon Dryden NCBI10

11 Why SensAge? The development of SensAge has been funded by the European Union. They will fund development work but not a continuing service and at some point the member organisations need to take responsibility for the SensAge network. Gordon Dryden NCBI11

12 Why SensAge? The project members were asked about their interest in continuing with the project. All 12 partners wanted continuing involvement 5 from 12 organisations were interested in taking on a major responsibility 5 from 12 organisations suggested an amount for a membership fee How many organisations are willing to pay for membership of a continuing SensAge? Gordon Dryden NCBI12

13 Why SensAge? The initial plan was for a continuing membership to share the initial costs of establishing the knowledge base on a web site. The site was to be subscription based, the charge reducing as more members joined It was hoped that, once established, the site would attract advertising revenue from suppliers. How many members would be willing to pay for membership of a continuing SensAge site? Gordon Dryden NCBI13

14 Why SensAge? One option is a further project Developing training/guidance for non- specialist care workers in supporting sensory impaired older people. Who would lead such a project? Gordon Dryden NCBI14

15 Why SensAge? We have had difficulty in attracting organisations specialising in hearing impairment. Would it make sense for vision impairment organisations to continue under the umbrella of ENVITER? Gordon Dryden NCBI15

16 Why SensAge? The sustainability of SensAge beyond the project phase depends on the commitment of project members. Five members who have committed to paying a subscription will not be able to pay between 3,000€ and 5,000€. To make it viable requires at least 40 members to bring the cost down to one day of employing a consultant. Gordon Dryden NCBI16

17 Why SensAge? How many organisations here can commit to paying a subscription to be a member of a continuing SensAge? How many organisations feel that they can attract additional members to the network? Gordon Dryden NCBI17

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