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Spanish American War AKA “The Splendid Little War” 1898 Spain owns Cuba, 1895 the Cubans rebel USA favors Cubans because we can trade & invest in Cuba.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish American War AKA “The Splendid Little War” 1898 Spain owns Cuba, 1895 the Cubans rebel USA favors Cubans because we can trade & invest in Cuba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish American War AKA “The Splendid Little War” 1898 Spain owns Cuba, 1895 the Cubans rebel USA favors Cubans because we can trade & invest in Cuba Spanish General Weyler, The Butcher, tries to stop the rebellion Policy of Reconcentration – move the rural people to concentration camps, cut off food and supply, 200,000 die

2 Puck magazine published this cartoon depicting Cuba's difficult situation in the 1890s.

3 Causes for War DeLome Letter – Spanish Prime Minister DeLome called our president weak in a letter Yellow Journalism Sinking of the Maine – 260 American soldiers die when the battleship blows up in Havana Harbor, Blame Spain Battle Cry “Remember the Maine” Result – Americans want war USA gives ultimatum to Spain: 1. Stop fighting 2. Abolish concentration camps 3. Negotiate with Cuba Spain agrees but USA wants war anyway

4 January 25, 1898 -- The U.S.S. Maine enters Havana harbor, about three weeks before it was blown up.

5 "The ‘Maine’ Wreck – from the Bridge – Havana Harbor, Cuba (where 260 American Heroes died)." Stereoscopic view. New York: Underwood & Underwood, 1898.

6 The wreck of the U.S.S. Maine



9 Yellow Journalism US newspapers create sensational headlines Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst – New York newspaper publishers They competed for readers – created sensational stories to sell papers and people believed them Result – the power to convince us to go to war against the Spanish

10 A Female Insurgent Captured "Havana, Feb. 15 -- Seniorita Isabelle Rubio, an Amazon, was captured, after being wounded, in a skirmish between a detachment of Spanish troops and some insurgents. She joined the insurgents at the invitation of the late Antonio Maceo. She belongs to a prominent family." Cuban Babes Prey to Famine Thousands of Children of the Reconcentrados Perishing in Island Towns Sights that Sicken Strong Men

11 An imaginative drawing by famous artist Fredric Remington -- drawn for Hearst -- allegedly showing searches the Spanish conducted on American ships going to Cuba.

12 Yellow Journalism LSA- pg 70 Create a front page article using Yellow Journalism. Make a eye- catching headline, a sensational story (can be made up), and a convincing visual for your “news” story. This can be about the Spanish-American war or the current war in Iraq.

13 Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich Bush personally delivers checks to the wealthy; laughs at the poor

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