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WELCOME TO SNHS :D Everything you need to know to be a good snhs member Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO SNHS :D Everything you need to know to be a good snhs member Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO SNHS 16-17 :D Everything you need to know to be a good snhs member Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

2 Our officers………………………... Presidents: Hassaan Asif & Amaan Marfatia Vice-President: Grace Kim Secretary: Prachi Khambhati Junior Officers: Anna Hu & Disha Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

3 Service Requirements Must have 30 service hours completed by late-April of second semester (Date TBA). Junior points are usually due AFTER the seniors. Tutoring points: minimum of 5, maximum of 15 3 of the points MUST be science teacher help Seniors get a cord upon completion. Juniors who complete their points only have to pay $5 membership dues during their senior year, and they can also apply to be one of the four senior officers next year. Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

4 Dues New members need to pay the $25 on MyPaymentsPlus (DO ASAP) Returning members need to pay $5 to Dr. Diaz  IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR $$$ IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME WHEN YOU TURN IT IN. IF NOT, HASSAAN WILL TAKE THE MONEY AND USE IT TO BUY FOOD. Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

5 Point Opportunities AI Tutoring--Staple copy to point sheet (The only thing you can “double-dip”). Personal Tutoring. Preferably science. CANNOT be paid. Ask your teachers. Help SCIENCE teachers (eg. clean/organize room, grade papers, etc…) Meetings: Fun things. Not just informational. (1 pt for each meeting, and more pts for donating items that we need) Food donations!! Join Robotics (3 points) + competitions (1 each) Join Science Olympiad (3 points) + competitions (1 each) STRATOS Club if you go to a competition (3 points) ECOS Club (3 points) + helping out (1 each) Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

6 Help Science Olympiad competitions (Brookwood Invitational in Jan) Help middle/elementary schools in Science Olympiad (TBA) Science Fair (5 points) Field Trip! Medshare Volunteering (5 points for each time); you can individually volunteer here too (make sure you tell us) Dance Marathon (3-4 points) Science Fair Judging T-Shirts (next slide) Smaller opportunities will come up as the year goes by. If you think you’re doing something else point-worthy, come tell us! We check things. Be prepared to show proof if we ask! Point Opportunities CONTINUED Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

7 T-SHIRTS!!! Submit designs by September 26th. 1 point per design. Max 3 points. Send us your designs via email ( Generally $12-$15 We will be selling last year’s shirts at the induction tonight ($10) First-come, first-served Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

8 Sign Up for Remind @1617snhs to 81010 Remember to check your email and text messages for point opportunities and important information! Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

9 Other Information Go onto the SNHS website and print out point sheet Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

10 COME TO INDUCTION TODAY Induction is REQUIRED for new members How to know if you are new or returning (some ppl are confused) Commons @ 6 pm A point for coming (that applies to everyone) Dress nice. No jeans/t-shirts. There will be food :) Buy a t-shirt! Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

11 See ya! Get your point sheet signed by one of the officers before you leave. Vote Amaan Marfatia for HoCo Court

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