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Stuttgart – a multicultural city. Some facts 40 % of Stuttgart’s population have a migrant background (about 200,000 people ) which is the highest number.

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Presentation on theme: "Stuttgart – a multicultural city. Some facts 40 % of Stuttgart’s population have a migrant background (about 200,000 people ) which is the highest number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stuttgart – a multicultural city

2 Some facts 40 % of Stuttgart’s population have a migrant background (about 200,000 people ) which is the highest number of any big German city (before Frankfurt and Munich) they belong to 170 different nationalities

3 Some facts they are migrants and children of migrants who were born in Germany, asylum seekers, people with a German background who have immigrated from former Russian republics, etc. the majority of them have come from Turkey, Italy, Spain, Greece, former Yugoslavia and Portugal.

4 Some facts - the reason for such high percentage of foreign people is the fact that Stuttgart belongs to the most densely industrialized areas in Germany. Very often husbands came here because they had a job and their families followed. - about 22 % of all inhabitants do not have a German passport ( but the number is decreasing because more and more migrants are applying for the German nationality) - contrary to Berlin there is not municipal district where the majority of inhabitants come from one country alone

5 Stuttgart‘s integration policy To make sure that there is no racial and social discrimination and that the cultural diversity of the city is seen as an asset rather than a disadvantage the city council of Stuttgart has launched a strategy to integrate its foreign citizens as much as possible This strategy is called “ Stuttgart alliance for integration “ ( “Stuttgarter Bündnis für integration”).

6 How is this strategy put into practice ? There is a department for integration at Stuttgart town hall that deals with all aspects of integration. There is also a ministry of integration in Baden- Württemberg which is run by a minister of Turkish descent.

7 Different aspects of the integration process Municipal authorities advertise for colleagues with a migrant background There are programmes to help children with a migrant background go to secondary and vocational schools and get a qualified degree Integration courses help migrants learn the German language and get an insight into German way of life and support those who want to stay in Germany permanently

8 Jobs in public sector Qualified migrants are offered jobs in the public sector, making people in Stuttgart aware of the migrants’ assets like the command of two languages and intercultural competence In most of the municipal districts there are cultural centres where immigrant meet and have the possibility organize festivals which show their cultural background There are also intercultural festivities and dialogues between the different religions organized by the city of Stuttgart

9 Workshops There are workshops that deal with topics like Muslims and integration, female migrants, the situation of disabled and retired migrants, etc. and there a frequent meetings between representatives of the migrants and the town council to talk about different issues and to make them take an interest in the affairs of the local community.

10 Stuttgart as a multicultural city Generally the idea of the Stuttgart integration policy is to make migrants feel welcome and to make Germans aware of the fact that Stuttgart has become a multicultural city. It also wants to introduce a feeling of having the same common interests and to prove that Stuttgart has become a model for a place where people from so many different nations can live peacefully together and have the same chances.

11 It‘s good that you are here

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