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1 Concurrent Planning: Multiple Pathways to Permanence Version 2.0, 2010 Module C.

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1 1 Concurrent Planning: Multiple Pathways to Permanence Version 2.0, 2010 Module C

2 2 Introductions and Training Goals  Foster Care as a supportive service  Permanency as the goal  Collaboration leads to better services for children, youth and families

3 3 Concurrent Planning Values  Identify 3 values that seem most important  Should anything else be added?  What will be the hardest value to uphold?

4 4 Concurrent Planning Values  What are the three most important values?

5 5 Professional Goals and Roles  Define your role

6 6 Professional Goals and Roles  What is your role?  Consider the importance of: Understanding your role in working toward permanency Understanding your role in working toward permanency Collaboration Collaboration

7 7 Working Together  Full disclosure is the responsibility of the social worker, probation officer, or attorney  Other stakeholders support full disclosure Directions  Form mixed groups of 3  Choose Scenario for the group

8 8 Working Together Directions  Read the scenario  Engage in discussion with group members about the scenario  Role Play: 2 actors and one observer

9 9 Conflicts Directions  Work in small groups  Complete worksheet  Brainstorm why conflict may arise between different roles

10 10 Conflicts Directions  Reconvene in large group  Are there any specific areas where conflict arises?  What are the benefits of conflict?  What are some examples of conflict resolution techniques?

11 11 Conflicts  Why do conflict and an inability to problem solve occur between people of different roles when working for permanency for children and youth? Misunderstandings Misunderstandings Mistrust Mistrust Strained and Hostile Communication Strained and Hostile Communication Negative Stereotyping Negative Stereotyping Non-negotiability Non-negotiability

12 12 Conflicts Directions  Form groups of 6  Discuss roles and identify potential conflicts with group members  Role Play

13 13 Roles and Goals Directions  Work in groups of 3  Brainstorm: What can you do to help? What can you do to help? What is needed from your partners as you work on permanency with families? What is needed from your partners as you work on permanency with families?

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