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Discussion points on Satellite Missions Bureau (SMB) Mar 19, 2008.

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1 Discussion points on Satellite Missions Bureau (SMB) Mar 19, 2008

2 White Paper – The Basics Target Audience: GGOS SC and Science Panel Purpose: Describe the mission and roles of the SMB Contents: – TBD…

3 Basic Questions What questions should the white paper answer? – 1: Why does GGOS need a Satellite Mission Bureau? – 2: What is the role of the GGOS Satellite Mission Bureau? Does this white paper attempt to answer “if” and define “how” satellite missions are a “component” of the Global Geodetic Observing System? – Option-1: No, this is already done within the GGOS2020 document. – Option-2: Yes, because more specific input is needed for SMB definition. Other questions may arise during discussions.

4 Why does GGOS need an SMB? To establish and help realize those GGOS goals and requirements which depend on Earth satellite missions. Could other GGOS organizational entities fill this role? – Yes, with respect to: Standards, conventions and data products mature services using mature satellite tools – No, with respect to: Multi-technique or multi-mission requirements Continuity and planning for future

5 What is the role of the SMB Bridge between geodetic user-community, GGOS and the space missions – “Keeper” of requirements for space-based measurements – Advocacy of satellite missions required for geodesy – Source of information and expertise on relevance of satellite missions for geodesy. Interface between GGOS and CEOS, in order to – Strengthen geodetic elements of CEOS missions – Improve prospects for space missions that meet requirements of GGOS Interface between GGOS and ICG, in order to – Advocate GNSS requirements for satellite missions

6 A Basic Question Does GGOS have a satellite mission component? – How specifically does GGOS define its satellite mission component? For example, is it “Radar Altimetry” or is it “Jason-1” ? – Why does this question need to be answered? The answer is not relevant for integration at data products level. The answer is relevant at the level of mission design and implementation. – Answer to this question helps define SMB role in the potential “Integration at Infrastructure Level” of satellite missions into GGOS – which helps in: Establishing compatibility between mission design and GGOS requirements; Integrating observing strategies across multiple platforms. – Has this question been already answered in GGOS2020 Document? Need to have “guiding principles” for satellite missions for geodesy.

7 The Output of the SMB The traceability from GGOS Functional/Operational requirements to satellite missions and measurement systems. Verification of contributions from satellite missions to the GGOS measurement requirements. Measurements and mission priorities – Shouldn’t this be a GGOS output? Plans for advocacy of satellite missions Library of mission-related information

8 More Questions (a) Which “Satellite Missions”? – Every mission that directly or indirectly fulfills the goals of the GGOS Which means pretty much every Earth observing mission. – Are some missions “more geodetic” than others? This distinction may be necessary for several reasons, including practical necessity and too much potential conflict between a mission’s prime science goal and its geodetic contributions. If the goal is to plug the SMB into entities responsible for planning future geodetic missions, what interfaces are necessary and/or sufficient? – CEOS, ICG are the two suggested so far. Are they sufficient?

9 More Questions (b) Depth of penetration by the SMB on satellite-based measurement requirements: – Limited to specifications in data product domain? – Also develop measurement requirements? – Add instrumentation preferences? (not a question) The analyses require more than just the SMB, so requires participation from other GGOS entities. As always, who pays for all this? – Well thought-out work plan is needed.

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