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3 CULTURE Language Religion Food Art Music Sports Literacy Rate Think Pair Share With your group discuss America culture.

4 UNITED KINGDOM - CULTURE Language: English Main Religion: Christianity (Protestant) Foods: Fish and Chips, Shepard’s Pie Sports: Rugby, Futbol, Cricket Music: Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, One Direction Arts: Shakespeare, J.K Rowling, C.S Lewis Holidays: Christmas, Guy Fawkes Day, Boxing Day

5 FRANCE- CULTURE Language: French Main Religion: Christianity (Catholic) Foods: Crêpes, Baguette, Éclair Sports: Futbol Arts: Opera, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Louvre Holidays: Bastille Day, Christmas, Easter

6 ITALY- CULTURE Language: Italian Main Religion: Christianity (Catholic) Vatican Foods: Pizza, Pasta, Spaghetti, Bruschetta, Bruschetta Sports: Futbol Music: Classical, Opera, Ballet, Andrea Bocelli Arts: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael Holidays: Liberation Day, All Saints Day/All Souls Day, Christmas, Easter

7 RUSSIAN- CULTURE Language: Russian Main Religion: Orthodox Christianity (religion was illegal in Communist Russia for many years) Foods: Borshch (Beef soup) Arts; Tolstoy- War and Peace and Dostoevsky- Crime and Punishment. Nesting Dolls Holidays: Cosmonaut Day, Victory Day

8 GERMAN- CULTURE Language: German Main Religion: Christianity (Catholic) Foods: Bratwurst Sports: Futbol Music: Bach & Beethoven Arts: Holidays: Oktoberfest Most roads have no speed limit!

9 LANGUAGES IN EUROPE There are several different types of languages in Europe. Germanic (Came from German Tribes)- English and German Slavic (Based on Cyrillic Alphabet instead of Roman)- Russian Romance Languages (Based on ancient Latin language)- French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Why are there so many different types of languages?\

10 GERMANIC LANGUAGE FAMILY Has the most native speakers Most live in northwest and central Europe English & German are part of this family About 20% of Europeans speak one of these two languages Most Europeans learn English as a 2 nd language in their schools

11 ROMANCE LANGUAGE FAMILY Includes French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Most live in the south and west of Europe These languages come from Latin, the language of the ancient Roman Empire Romance Languages

12 SLAVIC LANGUAGES Includes Russian Found in central and eastern Europe Written with a Cyrillic alphabet


14 COMPARING EUROPEAN LANGUAGES: Germanic, Romance, & Slavic Language Families Bonjour! Ciao! ¡Hola! Hallo! здравствуйте!

15 CAN YOU GUESS THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES? The following slides are either Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian, Spanish, or French.

16 Hallo! Ich bin froh dass Sie in meiner Gemeinschaftskunde- Klasse sind. Auf Wiedersehen!

17 Olá! Estou contente de que você esteja na minha classe de Estudos Social. Adeus!

18 ¡Hola! Me alegro de que usted esté en mi clase de Estudios Social. ¡Hasta la vista!

19 Здравствуйте! Я рад, что Вы находитесь в моем классе Общественных наук. До свидания!

20 Bonjour! Je suis heureux que vous soyez dans ma classe de Sciences humaines. Au revoir!

21 Ciao! Sono contento che tu sia nella mia classe Studi Sociali. Arrivederci!

22 LANGUAGE POSTERS Let’s see if you guessed correctly! 1. German 2. Portuguese 3. Spanish 4. Russian 5. French 6. Italian

23 WHAT DID THEY SAY? Hello! I'm glad that you're in my Social Studies class. Goodbye!

24 MAJOR RELIGIONS IN EUROPE The 3 monotheistic religions. Each religion believes in only 1 God! All 3 claim Abraham as a founding father. All 3 see Jerusalem, Israel as a sacred city. Judaism Christianity Islam

25 What is a religion? the belief in and worship of a power, especially a personal deity (God) What is monotheism (monotheistic)? Worship of one God What are the three major monotheistic religions? Judaism – oldest Christianity – Founded in the 1 st century Islam – Founded in the 7 th century

26 JudaismChristianityIslam FounderAbrahamJesusMuhammad Name of DeityYahwehGodAllah Followers calledJewsChristiansMuslims Sacred TextTorah (First 5 books of the Bible) BibleKoran (Qur'an) Place of WorshipSynagogueChurchMosque Important cityJerusalem Jerusalem & Mecca)


28 LITERACY RATE Literacy is the ability to read and write. High rates of literacy are found in developed or industrialized countries. Most of Europe has a high literacy rate. More industrialized countries are wealthier and can provide education, health care, and technology to its citizen’s. Countries with a high literacy rate usually have a high gross domestic product per capita. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of the goods and service produced in a country by a single individual. Russia is the exception. It has a high literacy rate but a low GDP. Russia’s government is developing ways to improve the economy.

29 Culture Collage Instructions Create a Culture Collage poster that explains the cultural characteristics of a country in Europe. Circle a country: United Kingdom Germany Italy Russia France

30 BRAIN BREAK! If possible, write your name using the Cyrillic alphabet.


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