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+ Girls’ Rights in Education. + Learning Intention To understand the inequalities that girls face in education.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Girls’ Rights in Education. + Learning Intention To understand the inequalities that girls face in education."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Girls’ Rights in Education

2 + Learning Intention To understand the inequalities that girls face in education.

3 + Success Criteria You will:  Understand that not everyone around the world gets a good, if any, education – particularly girls.  Know some of the reasons that prevent girls from getting an education.  In groups, study a country and create a mini- documentary on the challenges that the girls within this country face, focusing on education.

4 + Preparation Homework Socrative – register / download app C2K email – clear space Twitter – Tweet and follow each other Sky Drive – verify email / explore Complete survey -

5 + Previous Learning Apartheid in South Africa The difference between a want and a need United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child

6 + Socrative Quiz Room number: 830324

7 + The Facts Sources:

8 + Why is education important? Education empowers girls by introducing new ways of thinking about traditions and issues, and challenges traditionally held gender roles. Education helps a girl to respect herself and to be respected by others. Education drastically reduces child marriage. On average, a girl with 7 years of education will marry 4 years later and have 2.2 fewer children. A girl who completes basic education is three times less likely to contract HIV.

9 + Importance Continued… Knowledge and skills learned at school will be passed onto her parents and the community. Education is essential for a strong economy. One extra year of school boosts a girl’s future wages by 10-20%. Children born to educated mothers are two times more likely to survive past the age of 5. Education fosters critical thinking skills, which are essential for effective leaders and democracy. More women are needed to solve global problems! Source:

10 + Malala Yousafzai  Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan on 12 th July 1997.  She wrote a diary for the BBC about going to school in fear of the Taliban.  When the Taliban found out, they tried to kill Malala by shooting her.  Malala who has now recovered, lives and attends school in the UK.  Malala has never given up her campaign to ensure girls have the right to go to school. Malala’s Blog:

11 + Why do you think girls are not at school?

12 + Why are girls not at school? Dangerous for them to travel to school. Child marriages. Gender discrimination. Violence against girls in school. Money. Child labour. Early death meaning that older children have to act as head of the family.

13 + Case Study - Pakistan

14 + How is this going to change? Human Rights Laws Non-Governmental Organisations In 2000 the USA and 163 other countries signed the UN Millennium Development Goals Declaration (MDGs). This aims to end global poverty by 2015. It also states that every child will complete primary education and gender inequality in education will stop.

15 + The Task Your task is to create a mini-documentary in your group, lasting no longer than two minutes. You need to focus on the education of girls (or lack of) within the country your group has been allocated. Include images, screen shots of news articles, and you can also narrate the documentary with the information that you have found. You might like to include information about the ways that you think the situation could improve.

16 + The Plan Today - Research your allocated country individually and upload useful links and information to your groups “Sky Drive: Word Document”. (Homework: Continue this at home and Tweet some useful links) Next Lesson: You will narrow down your research and plan your mini-documentary. (Homework: Familiarise yourself with Windows Movie Maker – tutorials are available on Fronter) Final Lesson: Create your mini-documentary.

17 + Groups – Country to Study Group A – Pakistan Group B – Afghanistan Group C – Tanzania Group D – UK/Ireland (Travelling Community) Group E – Bangladesh Group F - Iran

18 + Any Questions?

19 + Useful Links

20 + Recap Do / Have you?  Understand that not everyone around the world gets a good, if any, education – particularly girls.  Know some of the reasons that prevent girls from getting an education.  In groups, study a country and create a mini- documentary on the challenges that the girls within this country face, focusing on education.

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