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Factors to Consider. Risk Factors in the Child: Specific learning difficulties Communication difficulties Specific developmental delay Genetic influence.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors to Consider. Risk Factors in the Child: Specific learning difficulties Communication difficulties Specific developmental delay Genetic influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors to Consider

2 Risk Factors in the Child: Specific learning difficulties Communication difficulties Specific developmental delay Genetic influence Difficult temperament Physical illness especially if chronic and/or neurological Academic failure Low self esteem

3 Risk Factors in the Family Overt parental conflict Family breakdown Inconsistent or unclear discipline Hostile or rejecting relationships Failure to adapt to a child’s changing needs Physical, sexual or emotional abuse Parental psychiatric illness Parental criminality. alcoholism or personality disorder Death and loss-including loss of friendship

4 Risk Factors in the Community Socio-economic disadvantage Homelessness Disaster Discrimination Other significant life events

5 Resilience Factors in the Child: Secure early relationships Being female Higher intelligence Easy temperament when an infant Positive attitude, problem solving approach Good communication skills Planner, belief in control Humour Religious faith Capacity to reflect

6 Resilience Factors in the Family At least one good parent-child relationship Affection Clear firm and consistent discipline Support for education Supportive long-term relationship/ absence of severe discord

7 Resilience Factors in the Community Wider supportive network Good housing High standard of living High morale school with positive policies for behaviour, attitudes and anti-bullying School with strong academic and non-academic opportunities Range of positive sport/leisure activities

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