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111 The GLOBE Study 170 social scientists, representing 62 countries, from all regions of the world Responses from 17,300 managers in 951 organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "111 The GLOBE Study 170 social scientists, representing 62 countries, from all regions of the world Responses from 17,300 managers in 951 organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 111 The GLOBE Study 170 social scientists, representing 62 countries, from all regions of the world Responses from 17,300 managers in 951 organisations Clear and common perceptions, but no single theory or model Considered robust and generalisable research, but leadership as perceived by others

2 222 Culture Defined “The learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols and traditions that are common to a group of people” A ‘way of life’ for a group of people (Northouse, 2007, p302)

3 333

4 444 The GLOBE Study Nine cultural dimensions: uncertainty avoidance; power distance; institutional collectivism; in-group collectivism; gender egalitarianism; assertiveness; future orientation; performance orientation; and humane orientation Six global leadership behaviours: Charismatic/value-based; team-oriented; participative; humane oriented; autonomous; and self-protective Trait-like consideration of situational context Helps understand preferences (own and others) and adapt leadership style accordingly

5 555 Universally Desirable Leader Attributes Positive Leader Attributes Trustworthy Foresight Positive Confidence Builder Intelligent Win-win problem solver Administrative skilled Excellent oriented Just Plans ahead Dynamic Motivational Decisive Communicative Coordinator Honest Encouraging Motive arouser Dependable Effective bargainer Informed Team builder Adapted from House, R. J. At al (2004) Culture, Leadership and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies Eds, Sage

6 666 Universally Undesirable Leader Attributes Negative Leader Attributes Loner Irritable Ruthless Asocial Nonexplicit Dictatorial Noncooperative Egocentric Adapted from House, R. J. At al (2004) Culture, Leadership and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies Eds, Sage

7 777 Anglo Culture Cluster and Desired Leadership Behaviours Adapted from House, R. J. At al (2004) Culture, Leadership and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies Eds, Sage Charismatic/Value-based Participative Humane -Oriented Team-Oriented Autonomous Self-Protective

8 888 Confucian Asian Culture Cluster and Desired Leadership Behaviours Adapted from House, R. J. At al (2004) Culture, Leadership and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies Eds, Sage Self-Protective Team-Oriented Humane -Oriented Charismatic/Value-based Autonomous Participative

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