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1. It is the right to vote. Women fought for the right to vote.

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Presentation on theme: "1. It is the right to vote. Women fought for the right to vote."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. It is the right to vote. Women fought for the right to vote.

2 2. First Anti-Trust Laws, First Native born Texan Governor, and founded the Texas Railroad Commission

3 3. The freedom of movement throughout the frontier of Texas

4 4. Barbed Wire fencing

5 5. To protect Texan settlers from Native American attacks

6 6. NA: Used the buffalo for clothing, weapons/tools and shelter. White Man: Killed for hides

7 7. By 1873-1874; They were forced onto the reservations

8 8. It allowed for further westward expansion into the Texas Frontier

9 9. Chisholm, Goodnight-Loving, Great Western, Sedalia

10 10. XIT, JA Ranch, Wallace Ranch, Camp Ranch, King, Shoe Bar

11 11. It brought about growth and expansion of many cities and industries in Texas. It allowed people to move more easily around the state

12 12. Harsh Winters, Drought, Overgrazing, the closing of the Open Range

13 13. The state was growing economically

14 14. Railroads, Horse and buggy still big, very few cars, improvement of roads begin

15 15. 1876; About 400

16 16. Growing public debt

17 17. A compass and a Key (Legend)

18 18. Jesse James, Sam Bass, Billy the Kid, John Wesley Hardin

19 19. One of the greatest and last of the Comanche chiefs

20 20. Police force that protected the Texas frontier

21 21. Took over the King Ranch after husband died

22 22. The most successful inventor of barbed wire

23 23. Created by Governor Hogg to stop unfair treatment by the railroads

24 24. Black soldiers who fought in the Indian Wars

25 25. Well known Kiowa chief

26 Former slave who later owned his own ranch

27 27. Buffalo camp attacked by Native Americans

28 28. American Army response against Native Americans for attacks on white settlers

29 29. Land set aside for Native American reservations

30 30. Brought about a major economic boost to the Texas frontier

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