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TRIG: Truckee River Info Gateway Dave Waetjen Graduate Student in Geography Information Center for the Environement (ICE) University of California, Davis.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIG: Truckee River Info Gateway Dave Waetjen Graduate Student in Geography Information Center for the Environement (ICE) University of California, Davis."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIG: Truckee River Info Gateway Dave Waetjen Graduate Student in Geography Information Center for the Environement (ICE) University of California, Davis

2 Website Audience Researchers and scientists Local water resource agency personnel Environmental Educators Water Quality specialist Fishers, environment enthusiasts Those interested on news, information, images, and other resources on the Truckee River watershed

3 Goals Create a user friendly website to access resources and data on the Truckee River. Centralize useful content on the Truckee River across organizations and agencies. Create a community of researchers, educators, and specialists whose work relates to the Truckee River Watershed and to setup an environment where collaboration can occur. Provide easy access to data relating to the Truckee River Watershed so that knowledge and discovery can strengthen and advance.

4 Dublin Core Metadata Elements 1. dc:title : name given to the resource 2. dc:creator : entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource 3. dc:subject : topic of the resource's content (controlled vocabulary) 4. dc:description : An account of the content of the resource. 5. dc:publisher : entity responsible for making the resource available 6. dc:contributor : entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource 7. dc:date : date of an event in the lifecycle of the resource 8. dc:type : nature or genre of the content of the resource 9. dc:format : physical or digital manifestation of the resource. 10. dc:identifier : unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context 11. dc:source : reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived 12. dc:language : language of the intellectual content of the resource 13. dc:relation : reference to a related resource 14. dc:coverage : extent or scope of the content of the resource 15. dc:rights : Information about rights held in and over the resource Data about data

5 Image Repository Add images, demonstrating science and work Education and outreach (picture worth 1000 words) Collect graphics for publications and presentations Creative Commons License Dublin Core metadata collected

6 Publications Truckee River Bibliography Digital Library Open Archive Initiative (OAI) and other standards Export into XML, Endnote Tagged, BibTex Attach publications/abstracts

7 Online Resource Online Documents and Reports organized by categories (Water Quality, Data Documents, Regulatory, Biota, Hydrology, and Modeling). GIS Layers and Maps Modelling tools Links Library (websites holding other related resources) RSS Feeds for all resource types

8 Semantic Online Data Access

9 What is SODA? Semantic Online Data Access It is a tool (computer program written in PHP) that makes data accessible over the Web. It is a web based program that helps catalog and document datasets. It is a web application that builds a “generic query interface” based on the type of data uploaded, providing “simplistic” access capability. It is a communications program that expresses its metadata as an RDF Dublin Core record and publishes it to a globally accessible directory.

10 SODA as a “Black Box” Response (html) SODA Source SODA Actual Request PHP Module

11 SODA Components Metadata Registry Catalog of Sources Manages Primitives Parameter, Units, ”Meaning Modifier” Central Hub Multiple instances can share sources (data) Data Storage (events) Catalog of Stations, templates, queries, and change logs. Can reside on a different server (distributed). SODA ActualSODA Source

12 SODA Web Architecture SODA Source SODA Actual SODA Source

13 SODA Features Catalog and manage datasets in a web-based environment Distributed DB Architecture Encoding Data Source into an RDF Metadata record Provenance achieved through a change log table Fairly robust security model if needed. SODA does not discriminate between users, its relies on the tools of the CMS and Database. Web-based generic query interface to access data Upload and download delimited datasets Database abstraction (RDBMS support) Multi-language support (en, jp) Uses RDBMS to store data, like a data warehouse Code to be released under an Open Source license. Easy to add automated data upload component

14 Open Standards and Open Source Using Open Source Software: Linux, PHP, Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Drupal, OpenOffice, SODA Text under a Creative Commons License Note: Data cannot be copyright. Data are considered facts. Open Standards: XML, RDF, OWL, GML, SQL, HTTP, OAIPMH, etc...

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