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Communication.  Language is one of the most important, complex symbols in our society. The language we learn and use both reflects and reinforces cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication.  Language is one of the most important, complex symbols in our society. The language we learn and use both reflects and reinforces cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication

2  Language is one of the most important, complex symbols in our society. The language we learn and use both reflects and reinforces cultural views and values, including those about gender

3  One way that language disregards women is through the use of: Male generic language- which is language that includes both women & women but refers only to men.  For example: language nouns: “businessman”, “mankind”, “mailman”. “he” Have you heard these terms before- referring to both males & females?  Research confirms that male generic language leads many people to assume that only males are included

4  Language defines males and females differently  Women are frequently defined by appearance or by relationships with others, whereas men are more typically defined by activities, accomplishments or positions.  For example: a dramatic example of focusing on women’s athlete’s appearance more than her skill- Sports Illustrated magazines

5  Language reflects social views of women as passive and men as active.  Our language reflects society’s views of women as defined by their relationships rather as independent agents  In Western culture, a woman who does not marry historically has been viewed as sympathy or pity- “ a spinster”, “old maids”

6  So, what’s in a name? If you are a heterosexual female- how important is it for you to keep to keep your name or take your partner’s name if you marry? If you are a heterosexual man, how much do you expect your partner to changer hers?

7  Language shapes awareness- for women involved in sexual harassment- terms such as “date rape "became well known in American society.  Language organizes perceptions of gender- in stereotyping men & women and encouraging the perception of gender.  Many people stereotype women as emotional & weak and men as rational & strong

8  Language reflects cultural values  Language allows self reflection

9  How do childhood games reflect adult communication styles? What games did you play as a child- did it affect your communication style?  Research gives an insight into the importance of child's play in communication  Boys games- Boys learn communication to accomplish goals, compete and gain status:  1.Communication is used to assert ideas  2. Use talk to achieve something  3.Use communication to attract and maintain other’s attention  4. Use communication to compete for the “talk stage”

10  Girls games- girls tend to play in pairs and in small groups.  1. Use communication to create and maintain relationships  2.Use communication to establish egalitarian relationships  3.Use communication to include others  4.Use communication to show sensitivity

11  Gendered Non- Verbal Communication:  How do men and women differ in the ability to interpret emotions?  Non-verbal communication involves all communication except for words- gestures, inflection, clothing, environmental factors

12  Functions of non-verbal communication: 1. To supplemental verbal communication 2. To regulate interaction 3. To establish the relationship level of meaning 4. Responsiveness 5. Liking 6. Power & control

13  Forms of non-verbal communication:  1. Artifacts- Reflect on your artifacts, involving clothing, accessories, and items near your computer, in your car- what extent are your artifacts consistent with the association of your sex?  2.Proximity  3.Haptics (touch)  4. Kinesics (facial & body motion)  5.Physical Appearance

14  Physical appearance- Look at the ads in magazines, in the media- what feminine and masculine ideals are reflected in them?  Does culture, race, age, ethnicity play a role into what is considered thin? Overweight? Attractive?

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