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CTA Cerenkov Telescope Array G. Lamanna (1), C. Vuerli (2) (1) CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, Annecy (FR) (2) INAF – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Trieste (IT)

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Presentation on theme: "CTA Cerenkov Telescope Array G. Lamanna (1), C. Vuerli (2) (1) CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, Annecy (FR) (2) INAF – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Trieste (IT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CTA Cerenkov Telescope Array G. Lamanna (1), C. Vuerli (2) (1) CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP, Annecy (FR) (2) INAF – Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Trieste (IT)

2 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20122 The array The CTA project is an initiative to build the next generation ground-based very high energy gamma-ray instrument. It will serve as an open observatory to a wide astrophysics community and will provide a deep insight into the non-thermal high- energy universe

3 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20123

4 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20124 The science Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources Supernova Remnants Pulsar Wind Nebulae Pulsar Physics Star-Formation Regions The Galactic Centre X-Ray Binaries & Microquasars Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Sources Active Galactic Nuclei Extragalactic Background Light Gamma-Ray Bursts Galaxy Clusters

5 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20125 The science Surveying the Sky with CTA Fundamental Physics Dark Matter Quantum Gravity Charged Cosmic Rays

6 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20126 Computing Requirements We need to process all events caught from the telescope arrays (showers) being able to discriminate, identify and further process only those triggered by GAMMA cosmic rays The CTA observatory is expected to produce a main data stream for permanent storage of the order of 1 to 10 GB/s for about 1000 hours of observation per year, thus producing a total data volume in the range 1 to 10 PB per year

7 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20127 Computing Requirements Large CPU time will be needed to process these data, with about 700 CPU days to calibrate and reconstruct 1 hour of raw data. The high data rate of CTA together with the large computing power requirements for Monte Carlo simulations impose dedicated computer resources

8 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20128 8 Data Management CTA will be operated as a conventional astronomical observatory A complex archive system has to be built and put in place –It shall be able to store all raw data caught from the CTA arrays as well as data produced by subsequent reconstruction/analysis processes –Synthetic data coming from MC simulations has to be preserved as well

9 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 20129 9 Data Management The data processing and data management systems will operate in close connection with smart interfaces between them The investigation of ALL DATA MANAGEMENT ISSUES (INCLUDING data archiving and data processing systems) are led by –Catherine Boisson (OBSPM) –Giovanni Lamanna (CNRS/IN2P3/LAPP)

10 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 201210EGI Community Forum 201210 DM Activities in progress Definition of the computing model to be proposed to CTA Consortium –Based on DCIs –Need of dedicated computing resources for CTA data processing –MC simulations produced in the last years already ported on DCIs (Grid based). This activity will continue in the next years (see CTACG)

11 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 201211EGI Community Forum 201211 CTA Science Gateway It is expected a quite high level of complexity for the CTA computing model –It is mandatory to hide such level of complexity to end users –This requires smart systems ensuring a comfortable working environment to end users –For this reason the CTA Consortium investigates the proposal for a coherent Science Gateway for CTA

12 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 201212EGI Community Forum 201212 Why do we need a SGW? Web-based entry point to CTA ARCHIVE, ANALYSIS TOOLS, computing, data and other (e.g. documentation, CMS) services Enables users to easily manage CTA workflows Provides access to the CTA helpdesk system Provide access to virtual resources –Market-place for CTA users

13 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 201213 Moving towards a SGW User Authentication A SGW accesses simultaneously resources of different nature and owned by different entities Resources are owned by different Institutions located in different countries Flexible, robust and granular SSO (Single- Sign-On) system is necessary

14 Tue 27 March 2012EGI Community Forum 201214 CTA Science Gateway A Science Gateway for CTA plus a reliable SSO mechanism are at the highest priority –This activity is just started –We are conducting a survey aiming at identifying the products and technologies currently in place that best suit the CTA needs In this context the support that EGI could provide to us is very important –Support during the architectural design phase? –Support also during the implementation phase?

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