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Year 5/6 Objectives Meeting. Hawthorn Holly Hazel Who’s who? Hazel class Miss Smith Holly class Mrs Hale (Monday – Wednesday) Mrs Carson (Wednesday –

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5/6 Objectives Meeting. Hawthorn Holly Hazel Who’s who? Hazel class Miss Smith Holly class Mrs Hale (Monday – Wednesday) Mrs Carson (Wednesday –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5/6 Objectives Meeting

2 Hawthorn Holly Hazel Who’s who? Hazel class Miss Smith Holly class Mrs Hale (Monday – Wednesday) Mrs Carson (Wednesday – Friday) Hawthorn class Mrs Brunning

3 Social Skills & Independent learning Class Agreement Whole class rewards Group rewards Individual rewards Items on desks Responsibilities Hawthorn Holly Hazel

4 Personalised Learning Assessment – daily, half termly and termly. Teaching catered to children’s individual needs. Differentiated tasks and targets. Personalised marking whenever possible to extend children’s thinking. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

5 Morning Lessons The children have all been told which Literacy and Numeracy set they are in. Literacy is the first lesson of the day every day, followed by SPAG and Mental Maths. The children will then change into their Numeracy sets for the hour lesson before lunch. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

6 Hawthorn Holly Hazel Literacy Reading Writing – targets, judges, writing for purpose and audience. SPAG Speaking and Listening Spellings

7 Reading Children in Years 5/6 are expected to read at least 3 times a week to an adult. This should be recorded in Reading Records. Each class has a reading incentive chart to encourage the children to read regularly. Comprehension is just as important as fluency and we encourage you to ask your children questions about what they are reading. This can also have a positive impact on other subjects such as maths as word problems need to be interpreted. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

8 SPAG SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) lessons will take place in Literacy sets. Assessment week will now include a SPAG test to assess children’s understanding of the areas covered that term. Year 6 – SATs SPAG test Level 3 – 5 (there is also a Level 6 paper) Homework schedule will include a SPAG task. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

9 SPAG cont.... Spelling tests will also take place in sets. Like last year, children must be learning the meaning of their spellings as well as how to spell their word list. Children are expected to learn how to use their spellings in context and be able to put them into a sentence during the test. Retests will take place if children score less than 5. Discuss the spelling rule with your child to help them internalise it and apply it to other words aside from the 10 which they are being tested on. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

10 Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening has a much HIGHER profile in the new National Curriculum. We have planned to include more lessons which offer opportunities for recitation and debate. Children are now expected to learn poems off by heart. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

11 How can I help my child with Literacy? Read regularly Discuss the book using suggested questions (see handout) Practise spellings daily Discuss the spelling rule and meaning of the word Support children in their understanding of areas of SPAG such as nouns, adverbs etc. Encourage your child to use accurate punctuation in their writing and also a wide range. Hawthorn Holly Hazel

12 Hawthorn Holly Hazel Maths Targets Importance of mental maths Times tables & Multiplication Marathon Awesome Addition

13 Hawthorn Holly Hazel Maths Using & Applying – seeing the bigger picture! Vocabulary My Maths Calculation workshops

14 Homework LEARNING LOGS Hawthorn Holly Hazel Open ended tasks Puts children at the centre of their own learning An opportunity for parents to engage with their children and find out what they know Higher quality work Greater value is placed on the work by child, parent and teacher Sense of pride

15 LEARNING LOGS How does it work? Hawthorn Holly Hazel Children are set open ended tasks by the teacher. It can include any subject ( Literacy, Science, Topic etc.) The same task will be set across all 3 classes. Children can present their work how they wish – thus allowing for a more creative, personalised and independent approach to learning. There will always be a sharing session. This will encourage the children to reflect and value the work of others.

16 Topic task – Comparing localities

17 Science task – To investigate breads from around the world



20 Literacy task – Film review


22 Maths/Enterprise task – Start a business

23 LEARNING LOGS Timings Hawthorn Holly Hazel Learning Log tasks will be sent out on a Friday and will be handed in 11 days later on Tuesday. This ensures children have two weekends to complete the task should they be busy on one of them. Expected to spend one and a half to two hours on the task.

24 Homework Hawthorn Holly Hazel Children will still be set weekly: Maths homework Times Tables Spellings/SPAG task Reading Fortnightly Reading comprehension If homework is not handed in, the children will have one extra day to complete the task. If it still not completed, they will have to stay in at lunchtime and complete an appropriate task.

25 P.E Hawthorn Holly Hazel Hazel class Indoor – Outdoor - Holly class Indoor – Friday Outdoor - Tuesday Hawthorn class Indoor – Tuesday Outdoor - Friday

26 Behaviour Sanction Schedule followed across the school 1)Verbal Warning – Children reminded of positive behaviour expected. 2)Children are moved to another area of the room. 3)Final warning – Name is written on the board and children will miss 5 minutes of the next playtime. 4) Children sent to Deputy Head – House points are removed from their team. 5)Children sent to Head Teacher for a Time out. Hawthorn Holly Hazel


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