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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MEET THE TEACHER September YEAR 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome to the Year Group Welcome to the Year Group Expectations Expectations Behaviour Behaviour What will our children be learning? What will our children be learning? The Reading Record & Homework The Reading Record & Homework Learning & Targets Learning & Targets Trips & Educational Visits Trips & Educational Visits PE Kit PE Kit Assessment Assessment What should your child have every day? What should your child have every day? How you can help How you can help

3 Welcome to our Year Group The Year 1 Team are: The Year 1 Team are: Assistant head for EYFS and KS1 Assistant head for EYFS and KS1 – Mr Humble Class teachers Class teachers – Miss Hill – Mrs Livingstone – Miss Ferreira Teaching Assistants Teaching Assistants – Mrs Tallon – Miss Lesley

4 PPA Team Physical Education: Mr Gallagher Music: Miss Lynch French: Madame Larbi

5 Expectations We have high expectations of our children and we aim to prepare them so they can acquire a wide range of experiences and skills. This year, among other things, we will be working hard at raising expectations. As a staff, we believe that if we have high expectations of uniform, behaviour and general presentation that this will be reflected in the quality of work that children produce. We will also be working extremely hard on handwriting this term. All children will be doing handwriting every day. It is expected that everyone presents their best work at every opportunity and if not they may be asked to redo the piece of work in their own time. In the classroom we always try to encourage independent learning through the use of peer marking and self assessment. Children are encouraged to select their own learning equipment during lessons i.e word banks, 100 squares etc.

6 Behaviour We want every child to feel safe and secure at West Acton. The school has 6 simple rules called the Golden Rules. They are: We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen We are honest We work hard We look after property The school focuses on a positive reinforcement approach for all learners which is achieved using the following strategies: It’s Good to be Green card system Use of positive praise throughout lessons Award of house points for good work, attitude and behaviour Celebration of good work using certificates, stamps, stars, postcards home Positive comments and peer praise.

7 What will our children be learning? We plan a half termly cross curriculum. We plan a half termly cross curriculum. Each term children will learn a progression of skills. Each term children will learn a progression of skills. The topic for this term is All About Me. The topic for this term is All About Me. We cover the National Curriculum subjects (Maths, English, PSHE, ICT, Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Music, PE, RE,French) using links and themes where possible We cover the National Curriculum subjects (Maths, English, PSHE, ICT, Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Music, PE, RE,French) using links and themes where possible Visible Learning Visible Learning Shared Language for Learning Shared Language for Learning

8 Typical Year 1 Curriculum

9 Year 1 learning C hildren learn through “doing”. Activities at table – E.g: - written activity - white board work - speaking and listening activity - drama/role play - experiments/investigations - ‘hands on’ practical learning Some adult led, mostly independent.

10 Promote independence in Year 1 It is important for children to feel independent and settled in Year 1, so parents need to help them by dropping them of and leaving as soon as possible. Children will then gradually become more independent by: hanging up their jumpers and coats on their pegs on their own. Putting their homework in the homework box and reading books in the correct place. Looking after their PE kits, changing on their own and putting their clothes back into their bag – this can be practised at home. Remembering to go to the toilet in break times and lunch times. Children must ask to go to the toilet during lesson time. Getting resources when they need them to help them with their learning, for example number lines.

11 Expectations at the beginning of Year 1

12 Expectations at the end of Year 1

13 Expectations at the beginning of Year 1

14 Expectations at the end of Year 1

15 Learning & Targets Every child has: An English Book An English Book A Maths Book A Maths Book A Topic Book A Topic Book A Science Book A Science Book An RE and PSHE Book An RE and PSHE Book An Art Sketchbook An Art Sketchbook A Homework Book A Homework Book A Reading Record A Reading Record You can see these at Open evenings You can see these at Open evenings We mainly feedback to the children verbally but we also mark the work according to whether they have met the learning objective or are working towards it. We will give them a next step to work on when appropriate. We mainly feedback to the children verbally but we also mark the work according to whether they have met the learning objective or are working towards it. We will give them a next step to work on when appropriate.

16 Read Write Inc Read Write Inc is a synthetics phonics based programme used to teach the children the necessary phonics skills to be able to blend sounds for reading and segment words for spelling. Read Write Inc is a synthetics phonics based programme used to teach the children the necessary phonics skills to be able to blend sounds for reading and segment words for spelling. Children are initially set across the whole of year 1 based on assessment carried out at the beginning of the year. The children are set with children who are working at the same level as they are. Children are initially set across the whole of year 1 based on assessment carried out at the beginning of the year. The children are set with children who are working at the same level as they are. They will be taught RWI by a teacher in Year 1, not necessarily their class teacher. They will be taught RWI by a teacher in Year 1, not necessarily their class teacher. Assessments are carried out half termly and this assessment is used to set them for the next half term. Assessments are carried out half termly and this assessment is used to set them for the next half term. Your child’s RWI teacher will set their weekly spellings, not their class teacher. Your child’s RWI teacher will set their weekly spellings, not their class teacher.

17 Homework & Spellings In Year 1 children will have a writing task based on the learning from Literacy or Topic, a Maths task (often on Mathletics) based on the week’s learning and spellings from their RWI group. In Year 1 children will have a writing task based on the learning from Literacy or Topic, a Maths task (often on Mathletics) based on the week’s learning and spellings from their RWI group. This will be given out on Thursday to be returned on Monday. This will be given out on Thursday to be returned on Monday. Reading books will be given out twice a week on Tuesday and Friday. Reading books will be given out twice a week on Tuesday and Friday. The school also provide a half termly extension project for children who want to further continue their learning at home. The school also provide a half termly extension project for children who want to further continue their learning at home. Make sure your bookbag and Reading Record is in every day so that the Reading Record can be checked. Make sure your bookbag and Reading Record is in every day so that the Reading Record can be checked.

18 The Reading Record Your child has a Reading Record log (red book) to develop their passion for reading and literacy skills Your child has a Reading Record log (red book) to develop their passion for reading and literacy skills They are expected to do reading daily – reading with your child daily will make a huge difference They are expected to do reading daily – reading with your child daily will make a huge difference Please comment and sign daily and complete one activity per week so we can monitor your child’s progress in reading. Please comment and sign daily and complete one activity per week so we can monitor your child’s progress in reading. There will be a Parent RWI workshop for supporting parents in how reading schemes work. There will be a Parent RWI workshop for supporting parents in how reading schemes work.

19 Our Homework Timetable ReadingHomework Mondays Reading & fill in Reading Record book HOMEWORK returned to school Tuesdays Reading & fill in Reading Record book. 2 new books given out. Wednesdays Reading & fill in Reading Record book Thursdays Reading & fill in Reading Record book HOMEWORK given out. Fridays Reading & fill in Reading Record book. 2 new books given out. RWI Spellings given out. Library books returned and changed. Fortnightly.

20 Educational Visits We will be planning trips relating to our topic in the next year. We will be planning trips relating to our topic in the next year. We need your support on school trips as we need enough adults to always have a 1:6 ratio. We need your support on school trips as we need enough adults to always have a 1:6 ratio. Please make sure permission slips are returned by the required date so we can book school lunches (if your child is entitled to a free school meal) and organise the appropriate supervision. Please make sure permission slips are returned by the required date so we can book school lunches (if your child is entitled to a free school meal) and organise the appropriate supervision.

21 Uniform School UniformPE Uniform Grey Trousers or ShortsSchool House T-Shirt (Red, Blue, Green or Yellow) Grey Skirt or Pinafore (Girls)Black Shorts or Tracksuits Green Checked Dress (Girls)White/Black Plimsolls for indoor PE Yellow Polo ShirtTrainers for outdoor PE West Acton Fleece or JumperSun Safety (Optional) Black School Shoes (high heels are not permitted)Green Baseball Cap or Floppy Hats Grey/White/Black Tights or Socks Black/White or Green Headscarf Please remember that every item should be named.

22 PE Kit As with BOROUGH POLICY, no jewellery is allowed to be worn to ensure the safety of the children. Long hair should also be tied back out of eyes. As with BOROUGH POLICY, no jewellery is allowed to be worn to ensure the safety of the children. Long hair should also be tied back out of eyes. Children need PE kit (black shorts and house coloured T-shirts) for their PE days on Thursday. Children need PE kit (black shorts and house coloured T-shirts) for their PE days on Thursday. PE Kits are to be brought in on Thursday morning and taken home to be washed Thursday afternoon. PE Kits are to be brought in on Thursday morning and taken home to be washed Thursday afternoon.

23 What should your child have EVERY day? Book bag Reading Record book & reading book Water bottle

24 School/Home Communication If you have any concerns please let your child’s class teacher or Mr Humble (Assistant Head of EYFS and KS1) know straight away so they can respond sooner rather than later. You can see them at the end of each day or ask the office to make an appointment for a longer meeting. If you have a quick message in the morning for the class teacher please speak to them before the school day starts or write a note. The class teachers and teaching assistants start teaching at 9am and unfortunately cannot stop a lesson to have a discussion with a parent.

25 Home time We require written confirmation of who is able to collect your child from school. We require written confirmation of who is able to collect your child from school. If your child is to be collected from anyone who you have not given written consent to, please inform the class teacher in the morning or leave a message with the office. If your child is to be collected from anyone who you have not given written consent to, please inform the class teacher in the morning or leave a message with the office. Please note KS1 children can only be collected by siblings in secondary school or adults. Older siblings in West Acton cannot collect the children. Please note KS1 children can only be collected by siblings in secondary school or adults. Older siblings in West Acton cannot collect the children. If we do not have parental consent we cannot release the children. If we do not have parental consent we cannot release the children.

26 Join in our learning If you have just an hour or two free a week, we could really use your help in: If you have just an hour or two free a week, we could really use your help in: Listening to children read Listening to children read Playing number games with the children Playing number games with the children

27 How else can I help my child’s learning? Give lots of real life experiences – museum trips (many are free), visits to London, shopping and dealing with money, library trips… Give lots of real life experiences – museum trips (many are free), visits to London, shopping and dealing with money, library trips… Develop areas they find challenging through play activities rather than workbooks and extra work…discovery is an exciting learning tool. Develop areas they find challenging through play activities rather than workbooks and extra work…discovery is an exciting learning tool. Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school – can they teach you something new. Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school – can they teach you something new.

28 ANY QUESTIONS? Thank you for coming – together we can make a difference.

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