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Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Sanghera, Mrs Graham, Mrs Rigby & Mrs Roberts.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Sanghera, Mrs Graham, Mrs Rigby & Mrs Roberts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2 Mrs Sanghera, Mrs Graham, Mrs Rigby & Mrs Roberts

2 Agenda Rules and Expectations Standards Homework P.E. Literacy Numeracy SATs Barnaby Bear

3 Rules and Expectations We follow the school golden rules and behaviour policy If children do not follow the rules, we use the following system: Children are given 3 verbal warnings to stop the unwanted behaviour Then children are moved down on the rainbow chart Children move their name and lose 2 minutes of their golden time. There are further sanctions should the unwanted behaviour continues

4 Standards & Expectations Jewellery Uniform Nail varnish Shoes Hair accessories

5 Parents evenings This is your first one! The next one will be in January 2015 Open invitation to talk to your teacher

6 Open House Policy If you have any concerns about your child… Please ask your teacher for an appointment Don’t leave any concerns until January parents meeting

7 Reports There will be a yearly report which informs you in a written way about your child’s progress. You will receive this early in the summer term.

8 Topic work – Big Questions Enquiry learning Cross curricular learning Are there any footprints from the past? Further Big Questions will have other curricular focuses.

9 Homework Literacy is usually a writing activity, linked to the class work Literacy out on a Friday – in on a Friday – out again following Friday Numeracy – Passports Literacy homework will change next term… Spellings

10 Homework Jigsaw

11 Spellings Children have been assessed Given out termly Tested on a Friday Games to play Look, Cover, Write, Check

12 P.E. Saturn have P.E. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Neptune have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays Pluto have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays We do outdoor PE (Games) and indoor PE (Gymnastics/Dance) Please can the children have their PE kit in every day. Jogging bottoms/jumper for the colder months!

13 Reading Guided Reading carousel of activities Independent Reading Regular practise Book Talk Changing books: Any day Reading diaries: In school every day please

14 How can I help my child with reading? If your child is stuck on a word, encourage them to use a variety of strategies (picture cues, phonics, context) Ask your child questions about the story to check their comprehension of the story Encourage their skills of inference and prediction by asking questions like ‘What do you think will happen next?’ and questions that go ‘beyond the literal’ Ask them to talk about the language used in the text –Is that a good describing word? What other words could you use there? Ask your child to share their opinion of the text – What did you like/not like about this book? Encourage them to use expression in their reading when they see ! and ?

15 Writing – What are we looking for? Level 1 – spell simple words and use phonics to spell words not known, beginning to use full stops and capital letters, can usually form letters correctly, work can be decoded by an adult without child present Level 2 – can use any connective to join two simple sentences, beginning to make writing more interesting, can use basic punctuation correctly, can link ideas to create flow Level 3 – can adapt chosen form to the audience, produce work which is organised, imaginative and clear, experimenting with different punctuation, uses a wide range of connectives to clarify relationships between points and ideas, using paragraphs to separate ideas

16 Handwriting

17 What are we aiming for in numeracy? Count on and back in ones from any given number up to 100 (Know the number that comes before the multiple of ten e.g. 59 is one less than 60) Know ten more and ten less than any given number up to 100 (e.g. ten more than 26) Recall doubles of all numbers to a total of 30 (15+15) and the corresponding halves (e.g. 15 + 15 = 30 so half of 30 = 15) Know pairs of numbers that add up to 20 and solve problems using these number facts. Be able to partition two digit numbers in different ways (e.g. 26 = 20 + 6 or 10 + 16) Count in steps of 2,3, 4, 5 and 10 (forwards and backwards) Recognise the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number Compare numbers to 100 using ≤ and ≥ Read/ write 2-digit numbers in numerals and words

18 How can I help my child in numeracy? Passports Calculation policy on school website Useful websites – see year 2 page Everyday maths – time, money, measuring

19 SATs All throughout May and early June. Maths, Science, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Speaking and Listening Teacher Assessment Tests Results

20 Barnaby Bear Geography Holiday dates Postcard Items for Scrapbook

21 At Haydonleigh Primary School, all children are taught how to stay safe and act sensibly whilst on line. We mostly deliver this through our E-Safety curriculum. This covers 8 different areas: I am talented. Together we are amazing. E-safety at Haydonleigh In addition, in February every year, we take part in the National Internet Safety Day. We also ask that all children sign our Acceptable Use Policy.

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