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The New SATs Tests 2016 Monday May 9th – Thursday May 12th The SATs have changed this year, to reflect the New National Curriculum The children will complete.

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Presentation on theme: "The New SATs Tests 2016 Monday May 9th – Thursday May 12th The SATs have changed this year, to reflect the New National Curriculum The children will complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New SATs Tests 2016 Monday May 9th – Thursday May 12th The SATs have changed this year, to reflect the New National Curriculum The children will complete tests in the following areas: Reading Comprehension (1 hour to read and answer questions about 3 texts) Punctuation and Grammar (45 minutes/50 marks) Spelling (20 spellings read out by a teacher) Arithmetic Paper (Paper 1) Reasoning Papers (Papers 2 & 3)

2 Reading Paper In KS2 English SATs your child will be assessed on a range of reading skills, such as the ability to interpret information and comment on writers' use of language, and they’ll have to demonstrate accurate punctuation and an extensive vocabulary in a piece of writing. The reading test will be a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Children will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test. Types of questions: Ranking/ordering, e.g. ‘Number the events below to show the order in which they happen in the story’ Labelling, e.g. ‘Label the text to show the title of the story’ Find and copy, e.g. ‘Find and copy one word that suggests what the weather is like in the story’ Short constructed response, e.g. ‘What does the bear eat?’ Open-ended response, e.g. ‘Look at the sentence that begins Once upon a time. How does the writer increase the tension throughout this paragraph? Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer.’




6 How to support your child with reading Read with your child: get your child to read aloud to you, and then ask them questions such as the examples given above. Read aloud to your child whilst your child follows the text: listening is an important part of reading; it will help your child learn the importance of punctuation and reading with expression. Access Reading Eggs online virtual library – available to all Year 6 children.

7 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test (SPAG) The grammar, punctuation and spelling test will consist of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes; and a spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes. The grammar and punctuation test will include two sub-types of questions: Selected response, e.g. ‘Identify the adjectives in the sentence below’ Constructed response, e.g. ‘Correct/complete/rewrite the sentence below,’ or, ‘The sentence below has an apostrophe missing. Explain why it needs an apostrophe.’





12 Spelling Test! Please write 1-20 on your whiteboard! 1)The children were …………….. to go on the ride next. 2) Out of …………………., the children walked along the left hand side of the corridor. 3) Miss Capper struggled with the ………………….. of some of the words in the spelling test! 1)guaranteed 2)convenience 3)pronunciation

13 How to support your child with grammar, spelling and punctuation Help your child learn the spellings that are sent home When reading with your child, discuss the use of inverted commas to mark speech, the use of parenthesis (brackets) to add additional information, the use of capital letters etc. Revision books. Unfortunately, the grammar paper relies on a child knowing the terminology e.g. subordinate clause, main clause, adjective, article, passive, active – and many more. We use these is daily teaching practice however, for additional support at home, there is a wealth of revision guides that could help your child become familiar and fluent with the terms they will come across: we recommend CGP SATs Buster revision booklets for Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation.

14 Writing There is not a Writing SATs paper, however Teacher Assessment Scores will be shared with parents A judgement is made on pieces of writing completed throughout the year plus the quality of written work across the children’s class books. The children have to be consistently achieving the Year 6 standard to be awarded it. The assessments are moderated by the LEA.

15 Maths Papers 2016 Previously the SATs score was out of a total of 100 New SATs 2016 are out of a total of 110 Paper 1 – Arithmetic, 40 marks (30 minutes) Paper 2 – Reasoning, 35 marks (40 minutes) Paper 3 – Reasoning, 35 marks (40 minutes)

16 Arithmetic Paper Written calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – formal written methods Finding fractions of amounts, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with fractions, finding lowest common denominator Using mixed numbers and improper fractions Finding percentages of numbers or amounts Place value eg multiplying a decimal by 100, written subtraction involving numbers with different numbers of places after the decimal point Addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimals Square/cube numbers Rapid recall of times tables up to 12 x 12

17 2.55

18 36,612

19 63

20 Reasoning Papers Ability to read and interpret a question and work out what needs to be done to give the correct answer Work methodically and swiftly Questions are likely to include: Use of a ruler and protractor to measure and construct angles and shapes accurately Ability to read and write Roman Numerals eg MCXV as 1115 Ability to read and calibrate scales and calculate differences, converting between metric units of measurement and some imperial unit conversions Ability to use ratio and proportion eg recipe questions Accurate identification and description of 2D and 3D shapes Ability to read and interpret charts, tables and graphs and find differences from line graphs Finding perimeter, area and volume of shapes and the ability to imagine and draw a shape in a different orientation Finding time differences, including 12 and 24 hour clock times, reading train timetables Use of co-ordinates in a 4-quadrant grid with negative numbers, use of simple algebra Solving money problems, finding change, finding the cost of one item, finding the difference in cost etc Immediate recognition of prime numbers, use of Venn diagrams, use of factors and multiples….the list goes on!

21 Sample Reasoning Questions A pack of paper has 150 sheets. 4 children each take 7 sheets. How many sheets of paper are left in the packet?



24 Please help your children to… Learn all the time tables up to 12 x 12 Learn all the division facts up to 12 x 12 Write them out – look, cover, write, check Play games online eg Practice times tables in the car – learn them all off by heart! Practice standard methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Learn different grammatical terminology Answer questions about reading books Make revision fun!

25 Marking the Papers The previous national curriculum levels are now obsolete, and instead children will be given the following: a raw score (number of raw marks awarded) a scaled score confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard Scaled Score Information - scores

26 Sample Materials assessments-2016-sample-materials We have a number of CGP revision resources available to order this evening for Maths and English. Please browse the copies available and complete an order form.

27 Good Revision Websites - fun games and activities for both Maths and Literacy - tests and games for all subjects – Games to practice SPAG and Maths skills - English boot camp! - SPAG Test

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