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Class 3 Meet the Teacher 13th September Who’s who? Miss Diamond Mrs Witty - Mon - Weds Mrs Edwards - Tues - Friday Mrs Cobley - Mon am.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 3 Meet the Teacher 13th September Who’s who? Miss Diamond Mrs Witty - Mon - Weds Mrs Edwards - Tues - Friday Mrs Cobley - Mon am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 3 Meet the Teacher 13th September 2016

2 Who’s who? Miss Diamond Mrs Witty - Mon - Weds Mrs Edwards - Tues - Friday Mrs Cobley - Mon am

3 Class Expectations School values Class rules Seat sacks Items on desk Responsibilities

4 Pencilcases Children should have the following in school: ➔ 2 pencils ➔ 1 rubber ➔ 1 pencil sharpener ➔ 1 glue stick ➔ Selection of coloured pencils

5 Rewards and Sanctions Whole class rewards Group rewards - tables and guided reading Individual rewards Celebration assembly School behaviour policy Timer

6 Personalised Learning ➔ Assessment - daily, half termly and termly. ➔ Teaching is catered to individual needs. ➔ Interventions for children to fill gaps if needed. ➔ Differentiated tasks - mild, spicy and hot. ➔ Skills for life - growth mindset. ➔ Individual targets. ➔ Personalised marking to targets and needs. Each child will have their work marked in depth once a week to provide next step feedback.

7 Topics for this year: Autumn 1 and 2 - The Flintstones! Spring 1 - Fire, Ice and Water Spring 2 - Countryfile (Forest School) Summer 1 - Force of the Romans Summer 2 - Dahlicious

8 Trips and Visits We are hoping to give children a visit or learning experience every half term. We will be going to Chiltern Open Air Museum on 17th October for a Stone Age day, having a light dome experience in school in January, and taking part in the Roald Dahl festival in the Summer term. Other trips will be organised a little closer to the time and information will be given out well in advance. We will also be taking part in Forest School in the Spring term.

9 Dates for your Diary 27th September - Skills for Life Parent Workshop 7pm 17th October - COAM visit 1st November - E-Safety Parent Workshop 7pm 23rd/24th November - Parent Consultations 24th November - Flu Jabs 9th January - Light Dome Experience 20th January - Year 3 Enterprise Sale

10 English ➔ Text based learning ➔ SPaG ➔ Composition and editing ➔ Handwriting ➔ Reading ➔ Speaking and Listening

11 English - How you can help. ➔ Read regularly - anything and everything! ➔ Discuss the books you have read together. ➔ Practise spellings daily - spelling menu. ➔ Discuss the spelling rules taught and the meanings of spelling words. ➔ Support children with their understanding of SPaG (see handout). Key new concepts are conjunctions, prepositions, speech punctuation and prefixes. ➔ Encourage your child to punctuate their work accurately whenever they are writing.

12 Maths We are continuing with the Singapore maths approach this year. There is a focus on mastery of mathematical concepts and discussion to aid learning. Key year 3 objectives include: ➔ Place value of 3 digit numbers ➔ Recall 3, 4 and 8 times tables and related facts ➔ Estimating calculations ➔ Tell the time to the nearest minute and recall time facts e.g. days in a year ➔ Counting in tenths; finding equivalent fractions; ordering fractions ➔ Identify and name angles and lines

13 Times Tables and the 99 Club 99 Club is a little bit different this year - there is a focus on growth mindset and competing against themselves rather than knowing everyone else’s scores. Times tables are so important in the new curriculum, as are related facts. For example, if a child knows that 3 x 4 = 12, they should also know 12 ÷ 4, 12 ÷ 3, 30 x 4, 40 x 3 and so on. The focus in year 3 is on the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, as children need to know all of their tables by the end of year 4.

14 Maths - How you can help. ➔ Encourage your child to tell the time whenever possible. ➔ Practise times tables at home (3s, 4s and 8s). ➔ Let them pay for shopping - counting money, calculating change. ➔ Cooking - practise measures. ➔ Ask your child to explain their thinking when solving maths problems.

15 Other Subjects ➔ Science ➔ History/ Geography ➔ Art/ Design Technology ➔ RE ➔ French ➔ Music ➔ PSHE ➔ PE

16 Homework and Spellings Homework will be given out on a Friday and taken in on a Wednesday. The children will be given a 20 minute English task and 20 minute maths task. Along with this, they will also be given their spellings. Spelling tests will be on a Wednesday morning.

17 Homework and Spellings In year 3, children should still be reading to an adult every night at home. We would love it if you could write in their reading records three times a week to keep us informed. Children will read with an adult at least once a week in guided reading, and we will fill out their records during this time. Homework club will be running every Tuesday lunchtime. Children will also be set a learning log homework once every half term - more details to follow.

18 PE and Library Indoor - Monday Outdoor - Thursday Library - Monday

19 In your handout: ➔ Autumn 1 curriculum forecast ➔ Maths and English target sheets ➔ Ideas for help with reading at home ➔ List of the year 3 spelling/ reading words ➔ Y3 SPaG glossary

20 Any Questions?

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