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Castle Bromwich Junior School Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Evening 17 th September pm pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Castle Bromwich Junior School Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Evening 17 th September pm pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Castle Bromwich Junior School Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Evening 17 th September 2015 5.30pm - 6.00pm

2 Meet the teams Year 3 Miss Pittaway Mrs Lavender Mrs Talibudeen Miss Saleem Year 4 Miss Blomeley Miss Varnam Miss Shakes Mrs Chaplain and Mrs Lewis Plus Teaching Assistants in each class during the morning lessons.

3 Learning in Lower School Year 3 Map skills and a Local study of Birmingham Stone Age China Greece Year 4 Egyptians Invasion- Romans Anglo-Saxons

4 English in Lower School - English and Guided Reading lessons based around books - Children have the opportunity to learn skills and apply these skills in extended pieces of writing - Daily opportunities to read for enjoyment - Weekly GAPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) lessons - Reading and writing also part of all other topics

5 Maths in LowerSchool - Daily Maths lessons - Children have the opportunity to learn skills and apply these skills to problems - Regular opportunities to practise times tables (Times Star Awards) - Mathletics certificates awarded for use at home - Maths also part of all other topics when relevant

6 How do we assess in Maths and English? - Children are judged as low, secure or high against expectations for their year group - National expectation = Secure - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Other Performance Indicators (OPIs)- see target sheet - Secure = Regular independent use of all KPIs and majority of OPIs - High = Regular independent application of all KPIs and all OPIs over a period of time

7 How do we assess in Maths and English? contd. - Children work on targets for approximately 2 weeks intensively - Spelling assessed through day-to-day writing - Homework may be used to reinforce these targets or to recap previous work - Evidence collected from all lessons (including across the curriculum)

8 Home – School Communication How do we communicate with families? - Dojo messages- have you signed up? - Dojo communicates behaviour- 98% expectation - Text messages - Letters - Phone calls home - Conversations on the playground - Postcards and ‘notes’ home - Comments in Reading Records

9 Home – School Communication How can families communicate with school? - Dojo messages - Speak to us on the playground (teachers will be out at the end of each day) - Notes with your child - Email (see final slide) - Leave a message with the office - Reply slips on letters - Leave a message with Year 3 Teacher/TA who is on the door in the morning.

10 Children need to be ‘Preparing for Year 6’ during Year 4 - We aim to make the children ready for the Year 5/6 transition so this is as smooth as possible when the children reach the Upper year groups. - There are some aspects of Upper school which Year 3&4 children can find difficult when moving up - We intend for children to be ready and prepared for Upper School - We need your support in helping us to develop these areas

11 Our Year Group Expectations - Correct equipment for lessons (pen, pencil, ruler, rubber) - Timely arrival for lessons/school - Correct school uniform at all times - Correct PE and Games kit in school all week - Weekly homework completed - Mathletics used regularly (1000 points+) - Knowledge of all times table facts - Daily home reading (10 minutes) and regular recording in reading records - Reading record and reading book brought to school every day

12 Spellings - Ensure that relevant spellings are directly taught within the spelling lesson. - Ask the students to take their own personal spelling mistake words home as a homework and come up with a way of remembering them that works - this will be different for each student and is often word dependent. - The students test one another but teachers not taking in a score. - Teacher randomly selects a few students to present one of their words and how they chose to remember the correct spelling, zoning in on the part that they wrote incorrectly.

13 What does LEARN mean? L – Look and Listen  Noticing  Making links  Imitating / adopt or adapt ideas E – Engage with the environment  Collaboration  Interdependence / Partner support / exchange ideas  Focus A – Ask and Think  Questioning  Planning  Reasoning R - Reflect  Revising  Evaluate  Summarise N – Never give up  Persevering  Responsibility Other expectations: -Children are ready to LEARN- see poster. -Excellent behaviour at all times. -Correct uniform worn at all times including no trainers in school.

14 Email addresses: Year 3 staff: Year 4 staff:

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