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Tonagh Primary School Primary 3 Information Day September 2016.

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1 Tonagh Primary School Primary 3 Information Day September 2016

2 Tonagh Primary School... the future begins here Our Vision

3 Tonagh Primary School is a special place, full of learning, laughter and friendship, where children are happy, feel safe and are valued. In Tonagh Primary School we promote a love of learning inspired by quality teaching and developing individual strengths and talents. We are committed to Christian principles and promote a tolerance and respect for other faiths. Differences are acknowledged and celebrated. Everyone in our school community deserves to be cared for unconditionally and valued equally and uniquely. In Tonagh Primary School we believe that learning should be purposeful and challenging. We aim to equip pupils for lifelong learning. We want our children to have ownership of their learning and to be proud of their achievements. We believe that all members of our school community should work together and this will result in high standards, a respectful environment and successful learning. In summary, Tonagh Primary School is all about education, enjoyment, exploration and excellence. It is the place where your child’s future begins. Our Mission Statement

4  Mrs Curran  Miss Kennedy Class Teacher and Classroom Assistant

5 Curricular Areas

6  Phonics – Linguistic Phonics approach to teaching of spelling and reading  Reading – Guided reading, shared reading, independent reading  Writing  Nelson Handwriting Scheme –flicks (Pencil grip)  Joined writing is introduced in Primary 3  Talking & Listening Literacy

7  Class Library – children will bring a book home on Friday, read it together and return it to school the following week  School Library  Please take good care – possible cost incurred Library Books

8  Mental Maths- importance of quick recall of addition and subtraction facts  By the end of P3 children should be confident with the numbers within 100, be able to carry out simple calculations mentally, add and subtract within 100  Practise time and money at home  Practical Maths, Games, ICT, Trails etc Numeracy

9  My Amazing Body  Toys  Home Sweet Home  Food Glorious Food  Whatever the Weather  Safe and Sound World Around Us Topics

10  Twice weekly  Practical activities to support learning throughout the curriculum eg. ICT, World Around Us, Numeracy, Art  Indoor & outdoor activities Activity Based Learning

11  P.E. will be on Friday  P.E. Kit with name labels kept in school  All Jewellery must be removed, long hair should be tied back  No earrings allowed Physical Education

12  Reading - Easy reads sent home Monday - Thursday.  Written homework three times per week, given on a Monday, complete 1 homework each night and return book on Thursday for marking  Spellings  Phonics Practise  Spellings, phonics practise and reading will not be completed in Homework Club  Please check and sign homework Homework

13  Coat  Schoolbag  Reading Folder  Pencil Case Items Required

14  Importance of Permission Notes  Examples – Library, W5, Farm, Zoo, Tesco, Castle Espie Educational Visits

15  Our Expectations  Class Management Plan  Rewards and Consequences  School Rules  Playground Behaviour Behaviour

16  Punctuality School starts at 8.55am Children arriving after 9.15 am will be marked late School ends at 2:00pm If there is an early finish you will receive a newsletter from school.  Importance of full school day  Notes for absences  Holidays  Dinner Money - £2.50 – To be paid on Monday  Healthy break – 25p - To be paid on Monday  Only 1 or 2 items for break, water to drink  No toys are to be brought to school  After school clubs – Homework Club, Reading Club and ICT Club until 3.00pm Housekeeping

17 Please write notes in pink homework book or reading record booklet. If you need to speak to me, please phone to make an appointment. Parent Interviews – October and March Annual Report – June Regular newsletters sent home – check school bags regularly Text service/Phonecall Contact details – Please ensure these are kept up to date. Links With Home

18  Designated Teacher – Mrs Curran  Deputy Designated Teacher – Miss Mackin  Governor – Dr. Fisher  Changes in family circumstances Child Protection

19  School Phone 02892664491  Website – holidays, school events etc  Email – Contacting School

20 Thank you for coming Here’s to a great year!

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