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Transition Meeting 19 th September 2016 Welcome to Year Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Meeting 19 th September 2016 Welcome to Year Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Meeting 19 th September 2016 Welcome to Year Two

2 Year 2 The Rocking Raccoons The Teaching Team Miss Lawson, Mrs England, Mrs Clark and Mrs Vigar

3 Year Two is... collaborative, investigative, but most importantly, FUN!

4 A little about me: Honours level degree in English, Maths and Sociology University College of Dublin, Ireland Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) St. Patrick’s University of Dublin, Ireland PGCE Primary, with Languages Christchurch University, Canterbury Class Teacher St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

5 Year 2 Year 2 is a year where the children get the opportunity to grow as learners, be confident and to have fun as they prepare for their transition into KS2. Above all, we are looking for excellent learning behaviours and an enthusiastic approach to learning. Without these we won’t achieve the best for each child. It would be helpful if you support us in making the children more independent and responsible. This could be from raising expectations of their responsibilities at home or having to remember their own equipment for school. The changes in the new curriculum mean that our children need to be able to work in a different way and we want the children to have the best possible chance of success.

6 Assessment As Miss Sewell made you aware last year, that the children will be assessed using the phrases ‘Emerging’, ‘Expected’ and ‘Exceeding’. There are different steps within each of these headings. Every child will start at the same place on entering the year 2 curriculum. We will monitor their progress as they begin the journey within year 2. We would expect that a child leaving Year 2 as ‘Expected’ or above. Progress will be reported at each Parent Structured Conversation. The Year 2 Curriculum is available online should you wish to see the content that we will be covering. Just ask if you are unable to locate it.

7 National Curriculum Key changes for KS1: Literacy Greater emphasis on the technicalities of writing More focus on speaking and listening Grammar learning point in every lesson Learning and reciting poetry Joined up writing to achieve “expected” in Year 2 Specific spellings/spelling patterns to learn.

8 National Curriculum Key changes for KS1: Numeracy Adding two digit numbers Finding fractions of quantities and numbers Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes Make comparisons using = symbols Solve money problems using £/p Problem solving and reasoning an integral part of every lesson

9 2015/16 A new National Curriculum Key changes: Expectation that we move the class as a whole, ‘keeping up, not catching up.’ We will check and assess progress every lesson. Where children have not grasped the key concepts of the learning an additional session in the afternoon will be created to close this gap.

10 Self directed learning Write a two digit number Write the two digit number in words Order the numbers Explain the order I have chosen and why I made this choice Today, I am learning to read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words

11 Our Timetable Everyday: Guided Reading Phonics and Spelling Handwriting Literacy Numeracy Also: RE ICT Topic – Science, History, Geography, Art, D&T PE Music

12 Guided Reading Guided Reading every day. Children read at least twice a week with an adult. In addition they undertake tasks based on texts over the course of the week. Reading goes beyond reading the print, the ability to infer the author’s intent is a fundamental skill. Books can be changed daily. Additional reading: Class library School library Books from home Public library

13 Preferred Method of Communication Either: Message via meet and great (Mrs Owen) Note See after school An appointment via the office

14 Things that may come home Prayer Book Spelling Bee

15 PE etc. PE - No earrings please! Sun Hats, Winter Coats, Scarves, Gloves… We will work and play outside. Please ensure all clothing is named. Water Bottles every day please PE days: Wednesday and Thursday

16 Homework Set on Friday, due Wednesday of the following week. It will consist of: Literacy work - Spellings or phonic work Numeracy – Times tables or questions Reading Plus a topic based piece (set for the term). In addition: An opportunity for each child to record what they have done with you.

17 Year 2 Expectations Excellent attendance and punctuality! A willingness to learn! A good attitude to learning. An improvement in learning pace. Good organisation skills. A developing sense of honesty and maturity Showing respect and independence through friendships and by taking responsibility for their own actions. Respecting all adults and receiving respect in return. We would ask that the children have an appropriate amount of sleep for their age so that they are ready to work to their full capability in class! The children must have a water bottle everyday, please. We are all looking forward to a fun and successful year.

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