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Rushmere Hall Primary School Meet the Teacher Class: Teacher:

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Presentation on theme: "Rushmere Hall Primary School Meet the Teacher Class: Teacher:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rushmere Hall Primary School Meet the Teacher Class: Teacher:

2 Content Class Specific Information Meet the teacher Timetable Homework P.E. Year Group Expectation Curriculum for this term Trips planned Concerns / Issues / Phase Leader Photo permission reminder School Information Website Clubs Attitude to learning / growth mindset

3 Homework Spellings home each week for children to practise. Children are also expected to write each spelling in a sentence to improve vocabulary understanding. Weekly reading expectation 5x per week School are currently looking into new homework options, but until then… SPAG activity / maths task / topic activity

4 P.E.

5 Autumn Term YR 5 Earth Matters Topic Outcome Pupils will create an art installation made from waste Career Visitor Coastguard Felixstowe Docks Worker Educational Visitor Coastal Conservation worker, Physics teacher Planned Trip Coastal Trip Stormbreaker, Highwayman Printmaking / 3D Moving Toys Earth Matters We are game developers, We are cryptographers Solar System We are all stars! Be friendly – be wise! Christianity Material World, Lets Get Moving Place value, Addition & Subtraction, Statistics, X ÷ Swimming, Dance, Tag Rugby, Gymanastics Topic Linked Non Topic Linked

6 Year Group Expectations

7 End of Year 5 Expectations Maths This booklet includes the end of year 5 expectations for children in our school based on the new National Curriculum. These are the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to be graded as working at ‘National Expectation.’ All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued. If you have any queries regarding the content of this booklet or want support in knowing how best to help your child please talk to your child’s teacher. Spoken Language

8 Reading Writing

9 Trips Planned this term Please note: - Across the course of the school year, the school intends to increase the amount of trips for the children. Whilst the school will try to ensure that some of these trips will be free, some inevitably will require a parent contribution. The school is able to subsidise some of these trips, however, without your support we may have to reduce these down. Children will be given opportunities to carry out fundraising activities in order to bring the overall cost of trips down. All trips planned link directly to your child's learning. Trip linked to our Geography topic on Rivers and coasts Short residential in Summer Term - TBC

10 Year 5 and 6 Log books


12 Phase Leader Mrs Cara Steward

13 Website

14 Clubs ‘School-run clubs’ brochure will be published online along with an online booking facility. External club providers will send out their letters separately.

15 Attitude to learning FAQs Why might there be a difference between the teacher’s and my child’s grading? [e.g Teacher grade higher than pupils grade] – This occurs generally with children who lack confidence. The child is unable to identify how good they are or the skills they have. Or pupil doesn’t fully understand the phrases included in the report [e.g Teachers grade lower than pupils grade] – This occurs generally with children who are overly confident. They may feel they are working hard when in fact their teacher may be aware that they can do so much better! Or pupil doesn’t fully understand the phrases included in the report. I don’t agree with the teachers grading! My child is a good learner at home! - This judgment is based on what the teachers see in school. If your child does show good learning skills at home, then it may be worth reminding your child that they need to show this in school. What score should my child be at? - As a school we are aiming for at least stage 6. This is the first time we have done this and so we have a number of children in the 3,4 and 5 section. Over time we hope to see this improve as we work with the children and help them to understand the importance of being a good learner. Children will also start to understand what is meant by each of the levels more and in turn be able to make a more accurate judgment of their own learning. Attitude to learning

16 Why? -To highlight to children that it will be their Attitude to Learning that will enable them to be successful in life, regardless of where they are academically. -A chance for those children who often struggle to receive recognition for commitment and dedication towards their learning. -A kick up the backside for those who may be coasting… they’ll soon be catching you! Attitude to learning


18 Volunteers Sign up to what you can offer… Signing up doesn’t mean we will take up your services! DBS check will be needed We will try to cater for all offers… however, there are some occasions / lessons where too many adults may be a hindrance. Key areas of need – Parent Readers, Art lesson support, resourcing, improving learning areas in the school.

19 Volunteers Sign up to what you can offer… DBS check will be needed MonTueWedThuFri AM PM Class: __________________ Leave name Contact number

20 Getting a chance to speak to Teachers After school is best. Messages can be given to any adults who are on duty in the morning. Notes can be passed to the class teacher, or written in the home school logs. Pupils must alert teachers to the fact that a comment has been written in the school (as they are not checked on a daily basis).

21 Child Protection Report all child protection concerns to an appropriate adult. However small the information may be, we may already have other information about the child.

22 Any questions?

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