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Report of the Historian Andreas Gohritz FESSH Council Meeting June 18, 2014, Paris.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of the Historian Andreas Gohritz FESSH Council Meeting June 18, 2014, Paris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of the Historian Andreas Gohritz FESSH Council Meeting June 18, 2014, Paris

2 History of Peripheral Nerve Surgery in Europe Instructional Course FESSH 2013 Chapter with Lee Dellon Chairman: L. Dahlin, Sweden

3 Adolf Stoffel (1880-1937) – Pioneer of Peripheral Nerve Fascicular Anatomy, Selective Neurotomy and Nerve Transfers Andreas Gohritz, A.Lee Dellon* EURAPS, FESSH, DAM 2013 – best paper award

4 Radial-to-Axillary Fascicular Nerve Transfer (before 1910)

5 6th International Course Tetraplegia Surgery 2014 Nottwil, April 24-26, 2014 50 participants, 18 countries 2 “Foerster fellowships” for colleagues from Wroclaw, Poland, St. Hedwig Hospital

6 Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) «De Humanis Corporis Fabrica, Libri septem» 1543

7 Historical Evolution and Pioneers and Protagonists of Tetraplegia Hand Surgery Andreas Gohritz

8 Bunnell‘s first C6-7 patient with intact wrist dorsiflexion

9 Yves Allieu, France 1986 Report of 52 reconstructions 28 deltoid to triceps transfers 7 complicated by stretching Founder of “French School“ Revol / Paris, Teissier, Coulet / Montpellier …) Injured Metamere (Lower Motoneuron Injury) Functional Classification – High/Mid/Low-Level

10 From First Description of Joint Innervation 1857 until Modern Surgical Joint Denervation 2 overview articles for surgical colleagues - Plast Chir (German Plastic Surgery Society Journal), 2013 - Chir Allgemeine (Surgical General Journal), 2012

11 Foot & Ankle Clinics, September 2013

12 Book on minimal-invasive therapy in fibromatoses (co-author)


14 History of enzymatic fasciotomy in Dupuytren‘s contracture 1907 Langemark Germany 1918 Quenu Thiosinamin 1926 Gold Fibrinolysin Pepsin 1958 Grenda Poland Hyaluronidase 1965 Bassot France 1971 Hueston Australia Hyaluronidase + Trypsin Hyaluronidase + Trypsin & Lidocain 2000 Badalamente USA Collagenase AUX1/2 Article project (ongoing)

15 Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (*1777 +1835) – historical chapter for FESSH book 2015 (due in August 2014) Andreas Gohritz Massimo Ceruso Matthias Rab, Austria

16 Plastic Surgery in German- speaking Countries between 1900 and 1930 Andreas Gohritz Austrian Plastic Surgery Society, Velden Septmber 2013 (Invitation by ÖGPÄRC, M. Rab)

17 Carl Nicoladoni (*1847 +1902), Austria Inventor of tendon transfer and toe-to- hand transfer Table cards for dinner with short bio and most important work of surgeon

18 New Techniques in Hand Surgery – Revisited Andreas Gohritz Belgian Hand Surgery Group March 2014, Eupen

19 11. Persistence, Phantasy and Friendship E. g. Albin Lambotte (1866-1935) Genius of osteosynthesis from Antwerp “The greatest crime of man is inactivity.“ (on the evening before his death)

20 12. Generosity and Hospitality E. g. Robert Danis (1888-1960) Pioneer of “primary“ bony healing by fracture compression Danis‘ book “Théorie et Pratique de l‘Osteosyn- thesis“ (1949) and intern- ship with him inspired Maurice Müller to found the AO group (1958)

21 Were our Ancestors always right ? Dogma: Epinephrin may lead to Finger Necrosis! Sterling Bunnell, Father of Hand Surgery Surgery of the Hand (1944) report on finger necrosis 21 anecdotal cases reported 1889 -1996, mostly multiple factors involved

22 11. commandment !!! Thou shalt NEVER EVER INJECT EPINEPHRIN into a finger !

23 Wide awake Hand Surgery Denkler K et al. A comprehensive review of epinephrine in the finger: To do or not to do. PRS 2001;108:114–124. Nodwell T et al. How long does it take phentolamine to reverse adrenaline- induced vasoconstriction in the finger and hand? A prospective randomized blinded study: The Dalhousie Project experimental phase. Can J Plast Surg. 2003;11: 187–190. Lalonde DH et al. A multicenter prospective study of 3110 consecutive cases of elective epinephrine use in the fingers and hand: The Dalhousie Project clinical phase. J Hand Surg 2005;30A:1061–1067. Thomson CJ, Lalonde DH, Denkler KA, Feicht AJ. A critical look at the evidence for and against elective epinephrine use in the finger. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;119:260–266.  22 articles until 2014

24 Zuelzer G (1915): Irritation of the Pudendal Nerve – a frequent bladder-catarrh imitating disease during war Rare in peace Typical (sitting in) “trench disease“ ? Rhomboid hyperalgia overlying pudendal nerve Author = Pioneer of Diabetes research (1906)

25 Historical Evolution of Nerve Transfers and Up-date on Use in Tetraplegia NORTH, Reykjavik, June 2014

26 History of Peripheral Nerve Surgery - October 2014

27 Thank you for your kind attention !

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