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About the Program ●Program Goals ●Community/public support.

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2 About the Program ●Program Goals ●Community/public support

3 Lead Student Workshop Details ●Basic equipment and electronics ●Balloon and payload ●Mentoring and collaboration

4 LSIs: Amy Jozwiak, Marilyn Madosh, Larry Madden ASIs: Alex Adamski, Rickie Dodge, Mia Haberl, Andrew Heubel Lincoln Peters, Ariel Sanapaw, Travis Spice, Ellie Vanriper Special Guest: David Dunlop

5 Technical Launch Day August 5th 2015

6 SUSTAINABILITY IS LIFE More than just lip service, sustainability is a lifestyle and a mindset...

7 Location of the Menominee Reservation

8 Menominee Reservation

9 College of Menominee Nation Goals Create A Tool to Support Sustainability Create A Tool To Support Sustainability

10 LSIs: Jesse Banick, Kate Lenz, Jeshanah Zolkowski ASIs: Zach Dorn, Leigh Hayes, Cassondra Parsons, Erika Petersen, Katie Stadler, William Talbot

11 UW Fox Valley -Goals Analyze the effectiveness of different plant species in improving environmental sustainability at landfill sites ●Carbon dioxide and methane levels ●Heavy metals in runoff

12 UW Fox Valley -Preliminary Data Carbon Dioxide Sensor Data from the Retired Landfill Carbon Dioxide Sensor Data from High Cliff State Park Key: MG-811 Carbon Dioxide Sensor Time, t (ks) Signal Voltage from Sensor, V (V)

13 UW Fox Valley -Next Steps ●Testing water samples ●Vegetation health ●Three more launches

14 LSIs: Jon Grotjahn,Travis Haugstad, Joel Nielsen ASIs: James Beier, Brian LePlante, Landon Rudy, Josh Wagner, Nicholas Watson, Lor Xiong

15 Western Technical College Goals Our goal is to safely and reliably fly an aerostat and payload package to test and discover the application and limitations of microwave power beaming technology.

16 ●6/21/2015, La Crosse, WI ●Aerostat successfully launched and landed ●Some flight data collected for EPS and MPB ● Experienced difficulty with reproducing signal from ground testing during flight WTC First Flight

17 Preliminary Data

18 WTC Next Steps and Takeaways ●Further organization and ground testing required ●Refine mission objectives ●Rebuild platform ●Gimbal system ●Proven concept through integration of systems

19 Many THANK YOU’S are needed to express our sincere feelings concerning the project: Dr. Crosby, Dr. Byrnes, Dan Hawk,Dave Dunlop, Christine Thompson, Lisa Crumble, faculty mentors, and industry mentors. Maec-Waewaenen Ketaenen

20 Questions or comments?

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