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Unit 6 Religion In the United States. Religion I. Religious Liberty Diversity of American religion Origin of religious liberty II. The Three Faiths Protestants.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Religion In the United States. Religion I. Religious Liberty Diversity of American religion Origin of religious liberty II. The Three Faiths Protestants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Religion In the United States

2 Religion I. Religious Liberty Diversity of American religion Origin of religious liberty II. The Three Faiths Protestants Catholics Jewish Cults III. American Character in Religion

3 Ⅰ Religious Liberty 1. Diversity of American religion More than 1000 churches, denominations, sects and cults in USA Diverse branches in Protestants in mainstream WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) culture Three faiths: Protestants, Catholics, Jews Growing faith: Islamic religion, Buddhism Electric church (religious TV program)


5 The Best Side of the Year by Sarah Connor

6 2. Origin of religious liberty ① John Locke ’ s Social contract ② Declaration of Independence ③ the 1st Amendment to the Constitution No national established religion (separation of the church and state) The government treat all religion alike Government gives favors to all churches (exempt their taxes) ④ in fact, Protestant church is in a privileged position in some states

7 Ⅱ The Three Faiths 1. Protestants (60%) (Subdivided into numerous groups) ① Baptist (浸礼派) Largest group in Protestants Believe in adult baptism by immersion in Holy Water Division of north and south Hold Liberal views toward minority Most of Blacks are Baptists

8 ② Methodists (卫理公会派) Second largest group in Protestants Reject Calvinist ’ s predestination; believe salvation could be attained by faith alone

9 ③ Some other sects Presbyterians (长老教派) (both elder and minister leading in court) Episcopalians ( 圣公会教派) Newer ones: Fundamentalist (原教旨主义) Latter Day Saints ( 后期圣徒 / 末日圣徒 ) Unification Church ( 统一教 )

10 2. Catholics ① The largest single religious group (more than 25% Americans) Most Catholics are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. Recognizing Pope as its head; having hierarchy of church (Pope, cardinal, bishop, priest, minor orders) Vatican in Rome Worship Virgin Mary

11 2. Catholics ② Violence and reconciliation Most believers are working people Discrimination against Catholics The turning point: John F. Kennedy (a Roman Catholic) was elected as President Many Catholics rose to position of leadership Many Catholics attend secular schools Non-Catholics choose to attend Catholic schools News: Pope Benedict visits 9/11 terrorist attack site 08-04/21/content_6631797.htm

12 He says … Oh God of love, compassion and healing, look on us people of many faiths and traditions who gather today at this site of incredible violence and pain. We ask in your goodness to give eternal light and peace to all who died here, to heroic first responders, along with a the innocent men and women who were victims of this tragedy simply because their work or service brought them here on September 11th, 2001.

13 3. Jewish ① Current situation Belief in one God who delivered the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt. Hebrew Bible Sabbath (from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday) 安息日 安息日(希伯来语: Shabbat )是犹太教每周一日休息日, 象征创世记六日创造后的第七日。它在星期五日落开始, 到星期六晚上结束。在这一天,绝对不能从事任何工作, 而要到教堂中去做礼拜,内容有诵读律法书,吟咏先知书 选段,唱诗。在安息日前一周内满 13 岁的犹太男童,要在 安息日上午行受诫礼,成为成年信徒。

14 Synagogue and rabbi Many became intellectual leaders 犹太会堂 Rabbi 拉比,犹太教师,犹太学者,犹太法师

15 ② Anti-Semitism Most believers in Judaism are German origin Nazi ’ s persecution of Jews Concentration Camp 反犹太主义

16 The moon and star is a symbol often used on flags or buildings of Islamic countries. Islam means peace, submission and obedience.

17 Crying Wall 哭墙是犹太教的遗迹,又称西墙。在耶路撒冷东 区老城的东部,长160英尺,由大石砌成。

18 4. Cults Religious group with a new belief system, rejects society; its members extremely devote to their leader. They give up “ humanness ” (no personal possession, sex, alcohol and break up with their families) Cults are appealing to the people in trouble or loneliness (young or old who can ’ t cope well with social life)

19 The Heaven ’ s Gate 39 members committed mass suicide Heaven's Gate is a destructive, doomsday cult centered in California. 21 women and 18 men voluntarily committed suicide in three groups on three successive days starting on 1997-MAR-23. Most were in their 40's; the rest covered an age range of 26 to 72.

20 Ⅲ American Character in Religion 1. Religious liberty 2. American religious beliefs continue to be strong with social progress Paradoxical: the most materialistic and highly industrial nation in the world is one of the most religious (94% believe in God, 40% attend a church weekly) 3. Financial independence of church

21 4. Emphasis on Group Solidarity more than rigidity of doctrine (place to make friends and find belongingness) 5. Political factor of religion Protestants tend to be Republican; Jews and Catholics to be Democratic Jews tend to be liberal; Protestants conservative; Catholic in the middle

22 God ’ s status  Coin: In God We Trust  National hymn: God Bless America  Oath-taking in courtroom, convention, inaugural address and all public occasions

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