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FSCS/TRACER Wheels v. Tracks 19 January 2000 LTC Jack Reiff DPM FSCS

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1 FSCS/TRACER Wheels v. Tracks 19 January 2000 LTC Jack Reiff DPM FSCS
DPA FSCS/TRACER Wheels v. Tracks 19 January 2000 LTC Jack Reiff DPM FSCS

2 Concept Development Fundamental Requirement
DPA Concept Development Impact of C-130 Constraint On Concept Development Fundamental Requirement Height, Width, and Length Define a Specific vehicle Size and Weight. The Challenge Is to Get As Much Mission Capability Into This Envelope. Other Significant Less Obvious Impacts Width Constrains Mobility (Ground Pressure) Weight Constrains Ballistic Protection

3 FSCS/TRACER User Requirements
C-130 Envelope L ” W - 107” (above rails) 100” (across tracks) H - 96” (above rails) 101.5” (minimum shoring on floor) C-130 Dimensional Constraints Have a Major Impact on Vehicle Design

4 Survivability (Non-Armor) - 1.08 tons
FSCS/TRACER User Requirements 30 20 Survivability (Non-Armor) tons 10 Weight (tons)

5 FSCS/TRACER User Requirements
30 20 Crew tons 10 Weight (tons)

6 Mission Equipment - 1.08 tons
FSCS/TRACER User Requirements 30 20 Mission Equipment tons 10 Weight (tons)

7 FSCS/TRACER User Requirements
30 Automotive -Tracked 9.02 tons (Wheeled 7.28 tons) 20 10 Weight (tons)

8 FSCS/TRACER User Requirements
30 20 Structure/Armor - Tracked 8.21 tons (Wheeled 8.98 tons) 10 Weight (tons)

9 FSCS/TRACER User Requirements
30 Add-on Armor - Tracked 5.47 tons (Wheeled 5.58 tons) 20 10 Weight (tons)

10 Total Weight at Armor Levels 0, 1 and 2
FSCS/TRACER User Requirements AOA Tracked Concept AOA Wheeled Concept 21.3 tons Level tons 24.8 tons Level tons 26.7 tons Level tons Total Weight at Armor Levels 0, 1 and 2

11 Weight/Volume Cost of User Requirements
DPA Weight/Volume Cost of User Requirements

12 DPA Concept Development Need to Balance Mobility, Logistics, and Mission Capability. Guidance Design: Six Concepts. Three Wheel and Three Track (One of Each for Each Approach.) Three Approaches 1. All Mission Equipment Requirements, Trade off 5% No Go. 2. 5% No Go, Trade off Mission Equipment. 3. Best Mix of Mission Equipment and % No Go. What Is the Acceptable Level of Ballistic Protection, Mission Equipment, vs Impact on Mobility & Logistics?

13 Wheeled and Tracked Options for Evaluation
DPA Wheeled and Tracked Options for Evaluation

14 Wheeled and Tracked Options for Evaluation
DPA Wheeled and Tracked Options for Evaluation

15 Minimal Tactical or Operational Difference on Dry Cross Country
DPA Tactical and Operational Difference Between 4 and 11% NRMM No Go (West Germany Dry) MTVL (4%) 14.6 Kilometers 21 Minutes 6.25 Gal Fuel LAV III (11%) 14.9 Kilometers 23 Minutes 6.5 Gal Fuel Surface Condition Low Average Monthly (Mar) Rainfall and surface is dry (i.e. It has not rained within the past six hours). Tactics Cross Country and Trails. Minimal Tactical or Operational Difference on Dry Cross Country

16 Significant Tactical and Operational Impact on Wet Terrain.
DPA Tactical and Operational Difference Between 6 and 23% NRMM No Go (West Germany Wet) MTVL (6%) 15.2 Kilometers 28 Minutes 5.6 Gal Fuel LAV III (23%) 30.4 Kilometers 42 Minutes 5.02 Gal Fuel Surface Condition High Average Monthly (Mar) Rainfall and surface is slippery (i.e. it has rained within the past 6 hours) Tactics Cross Country, Trails, and Paved Roads. Paved Roads required since LAV III was Unable to complete the mission using only trails and cross country. The LAV III could not get to 4A and 6A. Significant Tactical and Operational Impact on Wet Terrain.

17 Tactical and Operational Difference Between
DPA Tactical and Operational Difference Between MTVL and LAVIII Iran/Iraq Dry MTVL 37.7Kilometers 4:41 Hours 16.18 Gal Fuel LAV III 45.8Kilometers 3:38 Hours 20.94 Gal Fuel Surface Condition Low Average Monthly (Jan) Rainfall and surface is dry (i.e. it has not rained within the past 6 hours) Tactics Cross Country, Trails Minor Tactical and Operational Impact.

18 Tactical and Operational Difference Between
DPA Tactical and Operational Difference Between MTVL and LAVIII Iran/Iraq Wet MTVL 51.0Kilometers 7:45 Hours 18.4 Gal Fuel LAV III 43.7Kilometers 63:36 Hours 14.93 Gal Fuel Surface Condition High Average Monthly (Jan) Rainfall and surface is Slippery (i.e. it has rained within the past 6 hours) Tactics Cross Country, Trails, Roads Significant Tactical and Operational Impact

19 DPA Summary Survivability of Recon Soldiers Requires Ballistic Protection and Mobility in All Weather Conditions in the full range of combat. Strategic Mobility Is Equal. Tactical Mobility on Hard Dry Surfaces favors wheels. Mobility off road favors tracks. Survivability favors tracks. Fuel and RAM Slightly favor Wheels. CONCLUSION: To Date Both Govt and Contractor Studies Indicate that the Ground Scout Platform Requirement is Best Met by a Tracked Solution.

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