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CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system.

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Presentation on theme: "CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system


3 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Who are we? The Cargo Community System Hungary Ltd. was established by three enthusiastic young man in 1993 primarily to set up the Cargo Community System of Hungary to provide direct electronic communications between the systems of air forwarders and the airlines. After two years of software specification and development, we started our service at our first partner successfully. From that time the number of our partners and their workstations is continuously rising up, thanks to our leading product, CCS Hungary Air Forwarder system and the provided additional services. Nowadays the CCS Hungary AWB is working on more than a hundred workstations all over the country. During these years the portfolio of our company has been extended. Today we offer for our Partners fully comprehensive IT solutions on every field of air cargo industry. Our portfolio consists of the whole range of IT services from distributing and supporting air cargo software for every member of air industry up to systems maintenance (7 days/24 hour) including even hardware and network equipment distribution etc. We are proud of the fact that despite this versatility we can satisfy the quality requirements of our customers. Judging by the feedback of our customers our major strength is the flexibility, extremely fast response times, and cost effective but efficient IT solutions. We select our colleagues with the highest prudence. The freedom of creativity and observance of quality standards is an everyday reality in their work. Company Mission Statement: We serve customers not as an anonym service provider, but we wish to develop a mutually fruitful personal and business relationship with them. We do our best in order to understand their IT issues and priorities, and find a solution for them as a result of collaboration.

4 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system What advantages does CCS offer for you? A ‘ready to use’ solution to speed up logistics movements. Customer can expect economic growth by faster and a more accurate forwarding of goods. Competitive advantage for the national forwarders, for the national airports and airlines. A tool to secure the air cargo market to avoid unwanted control by others. A tool to standardize the forwarder activities. The right way to achieve ‘paperless cargo’ according to the latest IATA recommendations (e.g.: IATA e-freight). A solid platform to introduce bar-coded identification. Know-how, intelligence that comes with the system both for all users. Easy to tailor make to perfectly meet Your national requirements. A possibility for authorities to interface and control.


6 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Most of the airport/airline systems on the market, makes users work, instead of doing that can be done automaticaly. Every „next” step in the procedure requires an entry. Repeatedly additional manual data entry is required. Agents/employees are free to do almost anything – just a post-action control option is secured.

7 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Imagine, that there is a system which was designed to replace human workforce wherever it is possible. Advantage over cost cutting? - quicker processes - no memory problems - always on duty - no information loss due to shift change - standard service, even dictating to people etc.

8 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system May I tell a story, which is not a fairy tail? In Hungary, due to economic problems first Celebi Ground Handling, than MALEV handling was forced by the management to reduce the number of employees. Both of them were using a version of BACH. They cut half of the handling staff and the physical warehouse handling staff was cut a bit... What do you think happened after that to the service?

9 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system NOTHING regarding the service! Managers were screaming, employees were under pressure... … for a few weeks … Then everything got back to normal, almost as before: Delivery times remained the same and number of complaints remained the same - why? Because they haven't fired BACH !

10 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Additional to its automatic working to replace manpower, BACH helps a lot for the users: - it is teaching how to do - it is warning for possible outcomes - it is warning for mistakes done, contradictions in data - it helps with data and forms even to make a better manual work...

11 Communication between systems (request for permission) CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Forwarders Cargo Handling agent in Sofia eCustoms Communication Center Airlines FWB/FHL FWB/FHL Ask for permission Permitted message Special messages

12 Introduction CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Before you start to use the system need to login with user name and password. System responses contain clear instructions for problem-solving. CCS Hungary Bach is controlling and training in the same time the handling staff.

13 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system BACH main menu The CCS Hungary BACH is designed to control export, import and transit air cargo shipments Optional Flight Schedule Manager and Freight Booking Modules Capable of multi-language working Warnings window for users and supervisors also showing failures and delays during the process giving exact, understandable information about the problem.

14 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Warnings Help for the users with information to solve problems, errors Help for the supervisors to control the process Real-time, creditable, valid information from the system To get the information you need: just a „click” to the warning line and the adequate window pop-up helps to handle the problem as soon as possible.

15 Reports, History, Basic-data CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

16 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Let's take a look at the import procedure...

17 BACH import communication between systems CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Cargo Handling Agent in Sofia Airlines Forwarder eCustoms FWB/FHL FFM Cargo Handling Agent somewhere abroad FWB/FHL Notification Answer for the notification FWB/FHL Delivery message Special messages

18 Import menu CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

19 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Aid for the warehouse people to do a better job: If no FFM is received the manifest data can be entered for through-check arriving freight.

20 Entered data can be modified and deleted as well. If all data is entered it can be printed out for helping warehouse location.

21 Warehouse people can see if any parts has already arrived of a shipment and where it is located in the warehouse, so they can locate the newly arrived part next to it. They can enter the real data into the boxes if there are any difference to the FFM.

22 Freight arrival to the warehouse from an inbound flight

23 Next step is to enter the shipments one by one. Entered data can be modified and deleted as well if needed.

24 Shipment multi location is possible when different pieces of one shipment are located at several locations in the warehouse

25 If a shipment arrives without MAWB labels, it is possible to locate the shipment and the system generates a so-called found awb number with FND prefix. Later on when the real MAWB number is found out, the FND number can be changed to the real MAWB number

26 When every shipment is entered into the system that have arrived on the flight, the warehouse location can be finalized. If needed the entered data can be modified later on, until flight is finalized.

27 If a shipment arrives in a damaged condition, an IATA standard Cargo Damage Report can be filled out. First the arriving flight and damaged number of pieces must be entered.

28 Then you can select the inner and outer packaging and the type of damage.

29 Finally the overall state of the shipment can be indicated.

30 Cargo damage report printed from the BACH system CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

31 When entering the air waybill data, first the flight data should be entered with which document has arrived. Enter here the ATA and the time when the documents have arrived into the office from the flight. It is a good quality measurement point to enhance document handling speed – it must be entered only once per flight.

32 In the routing field the arriving flight data is automatically filled out. All fields written with black ink are obligatory, the green fields are optional. Five different special handling codes can be entered for one shipment. You can restric delivery using the checkbox found on this tab.

33 The consignee can be selected only from the database, since automatic consignee notification and automatic revenue accounting is based on the data entered here. To one consignee you can link one agent and one payee (financee). If the issuing agent’s name and the stock owner entered into the database are different, the system gives a warning about it.

34 If any obligatory field is not filled out, the system gives a warning and it will not let store data until everything is filled out that is necessary.

35 On the Terminal charges tab all automatically calculated charges can be seen. Here new charges can be entered too or existing charges can be overriden. It is important that if a charge is overridden the original amount can be seen as well. The financee (payee) can be changed here too.

36 If every shipment’s warehouse location is done and all MAWB data is entered into the system, the flight can be finalized. This is the most important step in the import process and it is a very important invention of BACH system. If a flight is finalized all processes (customs reporting, SITA messaging (FSU, FAD), consignee notifications) are automatic until the consignee shows up to pick up the freight.

37 The supervisor finalizing the flight must check carefully if all entered data is correct. On this screen the system compares MAWB, located and FFM data and if there are differences it is shown with numeric values, different colours and codes.

38 Automatic and manual customs reporting is controlled under this menu.

39 Automatic consignee notifications by fax and SITA message can be controlled here. Phone (manual) notification data can be also entered in this window.

40 If the shipment is in the notifications list and we change the consignee, the system warns that the notification process starts all over. Normally the system notifies each consignee three times automatically, with different notification text.

41 The shipments that are already finalized on their imbound flight can be splitted into house air waybills. First the MAWB number should be entered.

42 Then the HAWB data can be entered one by one. The system lets you split only such amount that has arrived into the warehouse. The only exception is, if you enter a SLAC number. In that case the number of pieces that is indicated at the SLAC field must be splitted.

43 First enter the HAWB number.

44 Then all HAWB data should be entered. Here is also true that the black fields are obligatory and the green fields are optional.

45 If not all MAWB amount is distributed into HAWBs, the system shows in red the available number of pieces and weight that can be distributed into HAWBs.

46 When all HAWB data is entered for the shipment, the HAWB packages should be loceted in the warehouse.

47 All HAWB numbers are shown in the list. Select the part you want to locate...

48 … and select the warehouse location for the HAWB.

49 This is how it looks when the HAWB is located.

50 With the help of the Document handover menu a consignee’s all air waybills can be handed over at once. When it is done, a AWB status FSU message is sent to the set addresses for each shipment.

51 The consignee’s every document is listed and one by one they can be selected with the help of a checkbox if it should be handed over or not.

52 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling System Delivery to door. You can make a list of all shipments that are ready for house delivery.

53 If the truck is loaded for house delivery, you can select the shipments that will be delivered to door in deed. This is important because it might happen that there is not enough space on the truck for every shipment.

54 When making the house delivery a list is printed with the truck’s plate number and all shipments that is loaded into it.

55 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling System Delivery procedure Document Delivery Freight delivery HAWB splitting HAWB location Transfer to forwarder, warehouse Trucking to door Individual Group

56 Also a detailed transfer list is printed which the consignee can sign and stamp when receiving the shipments

57 More shipments can be handed over to forwarders or other handling agents at once by using the ‘Transfer list to forwarders/handling agents’ menu.

58 The shipments to be handed over should be selected one by one. It is possible not to hand over each and every shipment to the agents.

59 The shipments can be handed over to the consignee after customs clearance. It is also possible to make a part delivery, if the consignee cannot take all parts of the shipment. In that case the number of pieces and the weight to be delivered should be entered.

60 If the consignee must pay in cash, and no invoice number is entered, the system gives a warning. That way it can be avoided that a consignee takes a shipment without paying first, if he is not allowed to pay by bank transfer.

61 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system And the export procedure...

62 Cargo Handling Agent in Sofia Forwarders eCustoms CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Airlines BACH export communication between systems via CCS Hungary FFM FFM FWB/FHL FWB/FHL Special messages FBL FWB Cargo Handling Agent abroad FWB/FHL Special messages FFM

63 Export menu CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

64 The first step of the export process is to store the shipment into the warehouse. There is an opportunity for a scale interface, that means that the weight is not needed to be entered manually, it is transfered into the system automatically from the scale.

65 After entering MAWB number, number of pieces, weight and destination, the warehouse location should be selected. There is an automatic location for export shipments (EXP). If the shipment is located to a different place it can be modified here, or later on in Re-location menu.

66 Warehouse entry receipt printed from BACH system CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

67 The window for entering MAWB data looks similar to the one on import side. A manifest remark can also be entered here, and it will be printed on the cargo manifest. All fields are fille out automatically if an FWB message is arrived.

68 In case of an export document the issuing agent can only be selected from the database. This way the revenue accounting can be done precisely, since the payee (financee) of an export shipment is the issuing agent.

69 If any obligatory field is not entered, the data cannot be saved, the system indicates which data is missing.

70 The terminal charges of the export document looks similar to the import shipment’s terminal charges tab. Here new charges can be entered, or existing ones can be overridden. The financee (payee) of the shipment can be changed here too.

71 If the payee (financee) of the shipment must pay in cash, the system gives a warning to the user.

72 House air waybills for export shipments can be entered too.

73 The process is the same when splitting an import shipment.

74 After entering all obligatory (black) fileds the data can be saved. If HAWB data is entered for a shipment and the option is set for the handled carrier, at export flight finalization the HAWB data is sent in an IATA standard FHL message too.

75 Splitting export shipments without entering HAWB data is also possible. This is for such a case when the shipment cannot be transported on the same flight or different parts of if are loaded into different ULDs.

76 To split the shipment click on the SPLIT button...

77 …the number of pieces and the weight of the new (splitted) part should be entered.

78 The SPLIT button should be clicked here too.

79 The already splitted parts can be splitted into more parts too.

80 If you don’t need splitted parts of the shipment, you can re-combine them and load them at once, or split them again.

81 To load ULDs onto the flight and load shipments into these ULDs, use the ‘Loading ULD’ menu. First the flight number and date should be entered.

82 Then the identifier of the ULD should be entered.

83 If your flight is not in the schedule enter an ad-hoc flight in the system. First you get a warning message. If you choose yes, you have to give the ad-hoc flight data. CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

84 The type of the ULD, its serial number and its owner should be entered into the fields. These data are important, because the ULD inventory is based on it and the inventory report and standard messages for each handled carrier.

85 On the left side the flight’s shipments are listed. There the needed shipment to be loaded into the ULD can be selected.

86 To pre-manifest or manifest flight first the flight number and date should be entered.

87 If an FBL message is received for the flight, its data can be seen on the lower left side. In brackets the number of pieces and weight from the FBL is seen, to help flight supervisors if only part of the shipment should be loaded into the flight.

88 To load the shipments onto the flight the buttons in the middle should be used.

89 The ULD assigned to the flight can be also loaded this way.

90 If other shipments should be loaded than what was in the FBL message, or no FBL was received, the shipments to be loaded can be selected from the lying list.

91 An ULD can also be selected from the ULD lying list.

92 If flight data is saved and there are differences to the FBL data received, the system gives a warning, but lets the user continue.

93 Manifest printed from BACH CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system

94 The end of the export process is the export flight finalization. It is a very important step of this process. At flight finalization all IATA standard messages are generated and sent to the set SITA addresses (eg. FFM, FWB, FHL, FSU)‏

95 An export shipment can be handed over to another handling agent. To do that, it should be indicated in the shipment’s document data, that it should be transferred. Then the ‘Transfer list of export shipments’ menu should be used and the handling agent should be selected. Afterwards the shipment(s) to be transfered should be selected.

96 Transit shipments can also be handed over to another handling agent. The process is similar when transferring export shipments. In case a transit shipment is transferred a Transit manifest is printed out.

97 If an import shipment is delivered or an export shipment is finalized on the flight the shipment gets into the CRA finalization list.

98 There revenue accounting department can check all automatically and/or manually entered charges. Here they can override existing charges or enter new ones or even change the shipment’s financee (payee).

99 If all necessary data is entered the shipment can be finalized. After CRA finalization the shipment cannot be changed any more, only new remarks can be entered for them. At CRA finalization the financial data is transferred into the invoicing system by an interface.

100 CCS CARGO PRESENTATION Best Airport Cargo Handling system Thank you for your attention!

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