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Sagatavoja: Liāna Brizga Angļu valodas metodiskais materiāls.

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Presentation on theme: "Sagatavoja: Liāna Brizga Angļu valodas metodiskais materiāls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sagatavoja: Liāna Brizga Angļu valodas metodiskais materiāls

2 Mērķis: Iepazīstināt mērķa auditoriju ar tipiskām kļūdām skolēnu rakstu darbos un vērst viņu uzmanību uz to, kā tās novērst. Uzdevumi: izpētīt tipiskās kļūdas skolēnu rakstu darbos; sagrupēt tās pa kategorijām – gramatiskās, teikuma uzbūves, vārdu krājuma, stila, pareizrakstības un uzskatāmi tās izlabot; atbilstoši kļūdu kategorijām izstrādāt ieteikumus, kā tās novērst.

3 WRITING Common mistakes’ analysis and useful tips for avoiding them

4 A good piece of writing should Answer the question clearly and logically; Contain complex and well structured sentences; Be divided into developed paragraphs and contain linking words; Contain a wide range of vocabulary; Show the knowledge of complex grammar structures and correct spelling.

5 Typical mistakes: agreement between the subject and predicate; wrong tense form; wrong word order; lack of subject; wrong word; misuse of determiners; wrong style misspelling.

6 Agreement between words Wrong: All students needs to think. Right: All students need to think. Wrong: There is the newest technologies. Right: There are the newest technologies. Wrong: One of the problems are … Right: One of the problems is … Wrong: I am an open and friendly people. Right: I am an open and friendly person.

7 Wrong tense form Wrong: Yesterday I seen your advert. Right: Yesterday I saw your advert. Wrong: They can talking. Right: They can talk. Wrong: You only sometimes could heard. Right: You only sometimes could hear. Wrong: Latvia hasn’t good universities. Right: Latvia does not have (has not got) good universities.

8 Wrong word order Wrong: This advertisement I saw... Right: I saw this advertisement … Wrong: For these things pay your parents. Right: Parents pay for these things. Wrong: In the world are many people. Right: There are many people in the world.

9 Lack of a subject Wrong: Better to study there where you want to live and work. Right: It is better to study where you live and work. Wrong: … because job don’t have. Right: … because people don’t have jobs.

10 Wrong word Wrong: They have to talk with others in the language what they know. Right: They have to talk with others in the language that (which) they know. Wrong: Latvian universities. Latvian politicians. Economical crisis. Abroad universities. High education. Right: Universities of Latvia. Politicians of Latvia. Economic crisis. Universities abroad. Higher education.

11 Misuse of determiners Wrong: A very good computer skills. English language. Some university. Another people. Much students. Much more opportunities. Right: Very good computer skills. The English language. A university./ Some universities. A lot of students/ Many students. Many more opportunities.

12 Wrong style Wrong: gonna; wanna; cause. It’s OK. Something like that. Right: going to; want to; because. It is good. Something similar.

13 Misspelling Wrong: becouse; nowdays; expirience; ofcourse; can not; countrys; costumer; programm; choise; abrod. Right: because; nowadays; experience; of course; cannot; countries; customer; program; choice; abroad.

14 Useful tips for improving your writing skills: Do not use exact translation from Latvian into English. The structure of English sentences requires the use of a subject. Rudenī mežā var atrast daudz sēņu. Wrong: In autumn in the wood can find many mushrooms. Right: In autumn you/ we/ people/ one can find many mushrooms in the wood.

15 There is/ There are Use this construction if you have to say about the location or position of something or someone. Wrong: In the world is much pollution. In Latvia are many people without jobs. Right: There is much pollution in the world. There are many people without jobs in Latvia.

16 It is/ It is not You can start sentences with: It is/ It is not … Wrong: Difficult is to be young. Nowadays not possible to find a good job. Right: It is difficult to be young. It is not possible to find a good job nowadays.

17 Use more synonyms: Do not write only ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Use also: excellent, wonderful, great, marvellous, brilliant, outstanding, awesome, terrific, fantastic, superb, magnificent, exceptional, first-class; poor, unpleasant, imperfect, miserable, terrible, unsatisfying, disgusting, depressing, useless, substandard.

18 I think … I believe, I suppose, I am convinced, I am sure In my opinion, In my view, To my mind

19 Paldies par uzmanību!

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