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Capacity Building Strategies for Developing Local Partners: Governance, Management, Finance Track 1.0 Annual Conference August 6 th, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Building Strategies for Developing Local Partners: Governance, Management, Finance Track 1.0 Annual Conference August 6 th, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building Strategies for Developing Local Partners: Governance, Management, Finance Track 1.0 Annual Conference August 6 th, 2009

2 Critical Issues for Sustainability Key Principles  Recognize many of the existing successes – the process is underway  View the health sector/HIV support broadly – recognize strengths and roles of public sector, private, NGO/civil society  Acknowledge that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach  Drive process at country level with flexibility

3 Critical Issues for Sustainability, cont’d National Human Resources – assess overall status for training & staff retention, motivation, performance Central (Federal/National) level strengthening as stewards/prime recipient of some funds. Ability to get through Audits (A-133) Fiscal training of staff to comply with USG regulations LP ability to respond to RFAs Organizational/Cultural change with Transition Criteria IP’s are using to select LP Uniform manner to assess LP to identify gaps

4 Critical Issues for Sustainability Transparency in process at all levels Financing overall of LP  New management burdens with different sources of funds  Weaknesses in financial management systems Performance variance between private (FBO), public, parastatal (University) Procurement and forecasting (drugs from Gov’t vs IPs) Investment in Leadership & Management

5 Methods, Tools, Strategies, resources Involve local USG/CDC & Gov’t for buy-in by local players Start with incremental funding to LP to build fiscal capacity to manage USG funds Consider Accreditation process from local Gov’t for sites (to transition sites or patients to Gov’t) Standardize process of reporting data to Gov’t Training in “non-clinical” areas – finance, admin, management Build capacity for local (country) procurement

6 Promising practices & innovations High Quality of treatment service being provided in resource poor settings LPs planning to “transition” as well to Government Good experiences with district support embedded in local plans Good experiences in some countries with civil society USG strong history to embrace civil society and need to engage it to support health systems

7 Gaps & Critical Issues not addressed How to be good stewards of USG funds LP’s ability to apply for USG funds (how to write a RFA/FOA) USG regulations being appropriate for the field Un-realistic timeline for building local capacity? LP’s financial capability and reserve of funds? Pre-service training vs in-service training Options for Training Institutions to support LPs Tax exemptions for LPs that are NGOs

8 Overall recommendations Develop National comprehensive HR policies & strategies including staff retention, planning Invest in Training in Finance & Administration, Management and Leadership Involve Gov’t and civil society leaders early on in process for building capacity of LP Decentralize procurement process to field level No “one-size fits all” approach – need flexibility & realistic timeline


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